Aberrant 2.0 Starships

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Vessels Overview

Remember that most military vessels take only 1 HL of damage, no matter how many post-soak levels are rolled, from attacks without sufficient area of effect (with an area less than their Massive rating, and take half post-soak damage from weapons with areas less than double their Massive rating), and are large enough so that they cannot attempt to evade most attacks (any attack with an AV rating equal to or less than than their Gargantuan rating)

All ship-to-ship weapons (smart missiles, light/medium/heavy naval lasers/coilguns/etc) are assumed to have a blast radius sufficient to do serious damage to ships and ignore the Massive qualifier.

Player Vessels

The Heart for a Bullet

Pirate craft of unknown base manufacture. Heavily modified?

Abilities: Handling + 1, VS 5 (5 G maximum acceleration), Gargantuan (1)
Crew: Up to 10.
Cargo: Up to 50t.
Components: Hull, Drive, 2 x Laser Turrets, 2 x PD Turrets, 1 x Plasma Cannon, 2 x Sensor Arrays. Stealth Systems?.

Special Features: Stealth Systems?, Maintenance Robots, Atmospheric Capable (safe speed 2000 (1600), max speed 4000 (3200)).


  • Hull: Massive (10), Health Levels -0 x 20/-1 x 20/-2 x 20/-3 x 10/-4 x 10/-5 x 10/Disabled, Armor 18. Hull damage applies penalties to all actions.
  • Drive: Massive (5), Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 10/-3 x 10/-4 x 10/Disabled, Armor 18. Each -1 penalty to drive reduces VS and Handling by 1.


  • Laser Turret (2): Health Levels -0 x 12/-1 x 12/-2 x 12/-4 x 12/Disabled, Armor 20. Turret damage reduces the effectiveness of the weapon housed in the turret.
Medium Laser: Accuracy + 2, Damage 25L [20], Rate 1/2, Range 30,000, Magazine (inf), AP(5), AV(3) in anti-ship mode
Accuracy +4, Damage 20L [10], AP (3), AA in anti-fighter/aberrant mode
  • PD Turret (2): Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Destroyed, Armor 15. Turret damage reduces the effectiveness of the weapon housed in the turret. The Peregrine's PD lasers are AI-controlled, with a total defensive pool of 14d.
PD Laser (Accuracy + 3, Damage 15L, Rate 60, Range 1,000, Magazine (inf), AA, AP(1))
  • Plasma Cannon: Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Disabled, Armor 15. Plasma Cannon damage reduces the effectiveness of the spinal-mount plasma cannon.
Plasma Cannon: Accuracy + 2, Damage 35L [30], Rate 1/3, Range 40,000, Magazine (inf), AP(8), AV(6)


  • Sensors (2): Advanced Sensors (+3 to awareness and attack rolls), Health Levels -0 x 2/-1 x 6/-2 x 6/-3 x 2/Destroyed (-6), Armor 8. Sensor damage applies penalties to weapons fire and detection. Use the least damaged sensor array to calculate penalties.

Civilian Vessels

L-B Venture B-9 IFT

The Venture Intrasystem Freight Transport is a large bulk hauler, with the capability to carry massive amounts of machinery and resources throughout a system. Dwarfing most military ships with at 400 meters long and with a 200,000 ton empty mass, and housing cavernous cargo holds, these vessels are the lifeblood of various things such as Helium-3 mining and, with a retrofit of Tesser systems, interstellar colonization (and potentially trade). Recent insurgency actions and the cost of hyperfusion-equipped warships (and escort duty) have resulted in the B-9 variant, with light energy weapons turrets mounted.

Abilities: Handling -2, VS 1 (0.5 G maximum acceleration fully loaded), Gargantuan (10)
Crew: 30.
Components: Hull, Drive, Sensors, 10 x Docking Collars, 2 x PD turrets, 4 x Laser Turrets.

Special Features: Cargo Bay (up to 600,000 tons of cargo), Docking Collars (up to 10 shuttles/mining ships/etc docked externally)


  • Hull: Massive (25), Health Levels -0 x 50/-1 x 50/-2 x 50/-3 x 50/-4 x 50/-5 x 50/Disabled, Armor 10. Hull damage applies penalties to all actions.
  • Drive: Massive (10), Health Levels -0 x 20/-1 x 20/-2 x 20/-3 x 20/-4 x 20/Disabled, Armor 18. Each -1 penalty to drive reduces Handling by 1 and acceleration by 0.1 G.
  • Docking Collar (10): Massive (5), Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 10/Disabled, Armor 5. Each -1 penalty adds +1 difficulty for any ship attempting to dock with that collar.


  • Laser Turret (2): Health Levels -0 x 12/-1 x 12/-2 x 12/-4 x 12/Disabled, Armor 20. Turret damage reduces the effectiveness of the weapon housed in the turret.
Medium Laser: Accuracy + 2, Damage 25L [20], Rate 1/2, Range 30,000, Magazine (inf), AP(5), AV(3) in anti-ship mode
Accuracy +4, Damage 20L [10], AP (3), AA in anti-fighter/aberrant mode
  • PD Turret (4): Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Destroyed, Armor 15. Turret damage reduces the effectiveness of the weapon housed in the turret. The Peregrine's PD lasers are AI-controlled, with a total defensive pool of 14d.
PD Laser (Accuracy + 3, Damage 15L, Rate 60, Range 1,000, Magazine (inf), AA, AP(1))


  • Sensors (3): Health Levels -0 x 2/-1 x 6/-2 x 6/-4 x 6/Destroyed (-5), Armor 5. Sensor damage applies penalties to weapons fire and detection. Use the least damaged sensor array to calculate penalties.

Military Vessels

Banji Peregrine (Recon Vessel)

The Banji Peregrine is an advanced reconnaissance vessel with cutting edge passive stealth and sensors technology for discreet observation of locales. With a "mere" 500 ton mass these vessels are lightweight and quite nimble for their size. Civilian variants lack the stealth technology of the military version, and remove the missile launcher for additional cargo space.

Abilities: Handling + 1, VS 5 (5 G maximum acceleration), Gargantuan (1)
Crew: 5 + 4 Passengers (typically a Marine VBSS team).
Components: Hull, Drive, 2 x Laser Turrets, 2 x PD Turrets, 1 x Missile Launcher, 2 x Sensor Arrays. Stealth Systems (+3 to detection, +3 difficulty to attack warship via missile weapons).

Special Features: Stealth Systems (+3 to detection, +3 difficulty to attack warship via missile weapons), Atmospheric Capable (safe speed 2000 (1600), max speed 4000 (3200)).


  • Hull: Massive (10), Health Levels -0 x 20/-1 x 20/-2 x 20/-3 x 10/-4 x 10/-5 x 10/Disabled, Armor 18. Hull damage applies penalties to all actions.
  • Drive: Massive (5), Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 10/-3 x 10/-4 x 10/Disabled, Armor 18. Each -1 penalty to drive reduces VS and Handling by 1.


  • Laser Turret (2): Health Levels -0 x 12/-1 x 12/-2 x 12/-4 x 12/Disabled, Armor 20. Turret damage reduces the effectiveness of the weapon housed in the turret.
Medium Laser: Accuracy + 2, Damage 25L [20], Rate 1/2, Range 30,000, Magazine (inf), AP(5), AV(3) in anti-ship mode
Accuracy +4, Damage 20L [10], AP (3), AA in anti-fighter/aberrant mode
  • PD Turret (2): Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Destroyed, Armor 15. Turret damage reduces the effectiveness of the weapon housed in the turret. The Peregrine's PD lasers are AI-controlled, with a total defensive pool of 14d.
PD Laser (Accuracy + 3, Damage 15L, Rate 60, Range 1,000, Magazine (inf), AA, AP(1))
  • Missile Launcher: Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Disabled, Armor 15. Missile launcher damage reduces the effectiveness of the smart missiles and their tracking.
Smart Missile: (Accuracy +3, Dmg 45L [35], Range 60,000, Rate 1/5, Magazine 6, Guided, AP(10), AV(10), Exp(5))


  • Sensors: Advanced Sensors (+5 to awareness and attack rolls), Health Levels -0 x 2/-1 x 6/-2 x 6/-4 x 6/Destroyed (-8), Armor 5. Sensor damage applies penalties to weapons fire and detection. Use the least damaged sensor array to calculate penalties.

Banji Kestrel (Frigate)

The 280 meter long Banji Kestrel is the workhorse frigate of most nations. Massing 60,000 tons, the Kestrel has excellent protection, heavy firepower, and surprisingly good acceleration. The Kestrel's crew of 100 is adequate for monitoring all systems, and it can carry a platoon of marines for boarding/counterboarding ops.

Abilities: Handling -1, VS 4 (4 G maximum acceleration), Gargantuan (6).
Crew: 100 + 40 Marines
Components: Hull, Drive 3 x Sensor Arrays, 1 x Drive System, 2 x Coilgun Turrets, 5 x Laser Turrets, 4 x Point Defense Turrets, 3 x Missile Launchers


  • Hull: Massive (20), Health Levels -0 x 40/-1 x 40/-2 x 25/-3 x 25/-4 x 25/-5 x 25/Disabled, Armor 18. Hull damage applies penalties to all actions.
  • Drive: Massive (10), Health Levels -0 x 20/-1 x 20/-2 x 20/-3 x 30/Disabled, Armor 15. Each -1 penalty to drive reduces VS and Handling by 1.


  • Coilgun Turret (3): Massive (5), Health Levels -0 x 20/-1 x 20/-2 x 20/-4 x 10/Disabled, Armor 25. Damage to this component reduces the effectiveness of the weapons mounted on it.
Superheavy Coilguns (2): Accuracy + 1, Dmg 40L [25], Range 15,000, Rate 1/2, Magazine 50, AP(10), AV(8), Exp(5))
  • Laser Turret (3): Massive (5), Health Levels -0 x 25/-1 x 25/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Disabled, Armor 25. Damage to this component reduces the effectiveness of the weapons mounted on it.
Heavy Lasers (2): Accuracy + 2, Damage 30L [25], Rate 1/3, Range 40,000, Magazine (inf), AP(8), AV(6), Exp(2) in anti-ship mode
  • PD Turret (4): Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 10/-4 x 5/Destroyed, Armor 15. Turret damage reduces the effectiveness of the weapon housed in the turret. The Scarab's PD lasers are AI-controlled, with a total defensive pool of 9d + weapon accuracy.
PD Laser (Accuracy +3, Damage 12L, Rate 60, Range 1,000, Magazine (inf), AA, AP(1))
  • Missile Launcher (3): Massive (5), Health Levels -0 x 20/-1 x 10/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Disabled, Armor 18. Missile launcher damage reduces the effectiveness of the smart missiles and their tracking.
Smart Missile: (Accuracy +3, Dmg 45L [35], Range 60,000, Rate 1/5, Magazine 10, Guided, AP(10), AV(10), Exp(5))
Fusion Warhead: Dmg 50A [50] + 50L [100] (halve lethal damage in vacuum), Exp(15/[5 in vacuum]), Magazine 2


  • Sensors (4): Advanced Sensors (+3 to awareness and attack rolls), Health Levels -0 x 14/-2 x 6/-3 x 2/Destroyed (-8), Armor 5. Sensor damage applies penalties to weapons fire and detection. Use the least damaged sensor array to calculate penalties.

Orgotek Scarab (Frigate)

A miniscule vessel compared to most hardtech frigates, the Scarab is still atmosphere-capable even with its 80 meter length, and is still quite capable of holding its own against larger vessels with its advantages in maneuverability and size. Psions may format to the Scarab's weapons or controls-formatting adds +2 to the accuracy of weapons, or +2 to the Scarab's maneuverability. Formatting to one aspect of the Scarab is Tolerance 5.

Abilities: Handling +0, VS 5 (5 G acceleration), Gargantuan (2)
Crew: 6 (commander, helmsman, 4 gunners) + 12 passengers (typically a marine team)
Hangar Space: Two fighters (typically 2 Locusts)
Components: Hull, Drive, Forward Weapons Bay, 2 x Coilgun Turrets, 4 x PD Turrets, 3 x Anti-Aberrant Turrets, 2 x Missile Launchers, 4 x Sensor Arrays
Mass: 10,000 tons

Special Features: ECM (+1 difficulty to attack), Atmospheric Capable (safe speed 1500 (1200), max speed 3000 (2400)).


  • Hull: Massive (10), Health Levels -0 x 25/-1 x 25/-2 x 25/-3 x 25/-4 x 25/-5 x 25/Disabled, Armor 18. Hull damage applies penalties to all actions.
  • Drive: Massive (5), Health Levels -0 x 12/-1 x 12/-2 x 12/-3 x 12/-4 x 12/Disabled, Armor 15. Each -1 penalty to drive reduces VS and Handling by 1.
  • Hangar Pods (2): Massive (5), Health Levels -0 x 30/Disabled, Armor 10. Disabling a Hangar Pod prevents the use of it for launching and recovering fighters.


  • Forward Weapons Bay (2): Health Levels -0 x 25/-1 x 25/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Disabled, Armor 25. Damage to this component reduces the effectiveness of the weapons mounted on it.
Heavy Lasers (3): Accuracy + 2, Damage 30L [25], Rate 1/3, Range 40,000, Magazine (inf), AP(8), AV(6), Exp(2) in anti-ship mode
  • Coilgun Turret (2): Health Levels -0 x 20/-1 x 20/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Disabled, Armor 15. Damage to this component reduces the effectiveness of the weapons mounted on it.
Light Coilguns (2): Accuracy + 2, Dmg 25L [20], Range 15,000, Rate 1, Magazine 200, AP(7), AV(3), Exp(2))
  • PD Turret (4): Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Destroyed, Armor 15. Turret damage reduces the effectiveness of the weapon housed in the turret. The Scarab's PD lasers are AI-controlled, with a total defensive pool of 9d + weapon accuracy.
PD Laser (Accuracy +3, Damage 12L, Rate 60, Range 1,000, Magazine (inf), AA, AP(1))
  • Anti-Aberrant Turret (4): Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Destroyed, Armor 15. Turret damage reduces the effectiveness of the weapon housed in the turret. The Scarab's Anti-Aberrant weapons blisters are AI-controlled, with a total attack pool of 9d + weapon accuracy.
Medium Laser Cannon: Accuracy +3, Damage 15L [10], Range 5,000, Rate 3, Magazine (inf), AP (3)
Smart Missile Launcher: Accuracy +1, Range 2,000, Damage 20L [15], Range 5,000, Rate 1, Magazine 5, AP(4), AA, Guided
  • Missile Launcher (2): Health Levels -0 x 10/-1 x 10/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Disabled, Armor 15. Missile launcher damage reduces the effectiveness of the smart missiles and their tracking.
Smart Missile: (Accuracy +3, Dmg 45L [35], Range 60,000, Rate 1/5, Magazine 10, Guided, AP(10), AV(10), Exp(5))
Fusion Warhead: Dmg 50A [50] + 50L [100] (halve lethal damage in vacuum), Exp(15/[5 in vacuum]), Magazine 2


  • Sensors (4): Advanced Sensors (+3 to awareness and attack rolls), Health Levels -0 x 14/-2 x 6/-3 x 2/Destroyed (-8), Armor 5. Sensor damage applies penalties to weapons fire and detection. Use the least damaged sensor array to calculate penalties.

L-B Novastorm IAC (Cruiser)

Considered by many to be the pinnacle of modern warship design, the Novastorm cruiser is 500 meters long, bristles with heavy weapons, and ensconced in a nearly impenetrable shell of olaminium-reinforced armor. Capable of carrying up to eight fighters or shuttles and with a standard complement of 120 marines, the Novastorm is worth its absolutely staggering cost-so much so that even the industrial and military powerhouse that is China can only field four of these vessels.

Abilities: Handling -3, VS 2 (1.5 G acceleration), Gargantuan (10)
Crew: 280 + 120 marines
Hangar Space: Eight Fighters
Components: Hull, 2 x Drive, Hangar, 3 x Coilgun Turrets, 6 x Plasma Turrets, 12 x PD Turrets, 12 x Anti-Aberrant Turrets, 5 x Missile Launchers, 10 x Sensor Arrays
Mass: 1.9 million tons

Special Features: Olaminium Dispersive Cladding (armor can soak aggravated damage at half effectiveness).


  • Hull: Massive (40), Health Levels -0 x 50/-1 x 50/-2 x 50/-3 x 50/-4 x 50/-5 x 50/Disabled, Armor 30. Hull damage applies penalties to all actions.
  • Drive (2): Massive (20), Health Levels -0 x 100/Disabled (-1), Armor 25. Each -1 penalty to drive reduces VS and Handling by 1.
  • Hangar: Massive (20), Health Levels -0 x 100/Disabled, Armor 20. Disabling the hangar prevents the Novastorm from launching and recovering fighters.


  • Coilgun Turret (3): Massive (10), Health Levels -0 x 40/-1 x 20/-2 x 20/-4 x 20/Disabled, Armor 35. Damage to this component reduces the effectiveness of the weapons mounted on it.
Superheavy Coilguns (2): Accuracy + 1, Dmg 45L [35], Range 15,000, Rate 1/2, Magazine 50, AP(10), AV(8), Exp(5))
  • Plasma Turret (6): Massive (10), Health Levels -0 x 20/-1 x 20/-2 x 20/-4 x 20/Disabled, Armor 20. Damage to this component reduces the effectiveness of the weapons mounted on it.
Plasma Cannon (2): Accuracy + 2, Dmg 30L [20], Range 12,000, Rate 1, Magazine (inf), AV (3), AP(5), Exp(3))
  • PD Turret (12): Health Levels -0 x 16/-1 x 16/-2 x 8/-4 x 8/Destroyed, Armor 20. Turret damage reduces the effectiveness of the weapon housed in the turret. The Novastorm's PD lasers are AI-controlled, with a total defensive pool of 10d + weapon accuracy.
Advanced PD Laser (Accuracy + 5, Damage 15L, Rate 60, Range 1,000, Magazine (inf), AA, AP(1))
  • Anti-Aberrant Turret (12): Health Levels -0 x 16/-1 x 16/-2 x 8/-4 x 8/Destroyed, Armor 20. Turret damage reduces the effectiveness of the weapon housed in the turret. The Novastorm's Anti-Aberrant weapons blisters are AI-controlled, with a total attack pool of 10d + weapon accuracy.
Medium Laser Cannon: Accuracy +5, Damage 15L [10], Range 5,000, Rate 3, Magazine (inf), AP (3)
Smart Missile Launcher: Accuracy +2, Range 2,000, Damage 20L [15], Range 5,000, Rate 1, Magazine 10, AP(4), AA, Guided
  • Missile Launcher (5): Massive (5), Health Levels -0 x 20/-1 x 20/-2 x 10/-4 x 10/Disabled, Armor 20. Missile launcher damage reduces the effectiveness of the smart missiles and their tracking.
Heavy Antiship Missile: (Accuracy +3, Dmg 50L [40], Range 60,000, Rate 1/2, Magazine 35, Guided, AP(10), AV(10), Exp(5))
Fusion Warhead: Dmg 50A [50] + 50L [100] (halve lethal damage in vacuum), Exp(15/[5 in vacuum]), Magazine 10
Strategic Fusion Warhead: Dmg 80A [80] + 50L [200] (halve lethal damage in vacuum), Exp(15/[5 in vacuum]), Magazine 5


  • Sensors (10): Advanced Sensors (+3 to awareness and attack rolls), Health Levels -0 x 20/-2 x 5/-3 x 5/Destroyed (-8), Armor 10. Sensor damage applies penalties to weapons fire and detection. Use the least damaged sensor array to calculate penalties.