Aberrant 2.0 Equipment Errata: Difference between revisions

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'''Smaller Guns''
'''Smaller Guns'''
* Light MG: Accuracy +1, Dmg 10L, Range 150, Rate 60/20, Magazine 2000, AP(1), Burst (3)
* Light MG: Accuracy +1, Dmg 10L, Range 150, Rate 60/20, Magazine 2000, AP(1), Burst (3)
* Heavy MG: Accuracy +1, Dmg 7L [5], Range 300, Rate 40/20, Magazine 500, AP(2), Burst (2)
* Heavy MG: Accuracy +1, Dmg 7L [5], Range 300, Rate 40/20, Magazine 500, AP(2), Burst (2)

Revision as of 20:57, 20 December 2010

Vehicle Errata

Vehicle Stats

Safe Speed and Max Speed are in km/h. The speed in meters/combat round is given in parentheses. Maneuver is the dice bonus or penalty to any control rolls (Dex + Pilot or Dex + Drive). Armor also has a value in parentheses, which is the amount of soak given to the passenger. Damage penalties to vehicles affect both mounted weapons and maneuvering.

  • Compact Car: Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver +0, Passengers 3, Armor 6B/2L (+3B/1L), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 1, Wrecked
  • Midsize Car: Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +1, Passengers 4, Armor 8B/3L (+4B/1L), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 2, Wrecked
  • Large Car: Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +0, Passengers 5, Armor 9B/4L (+4B/1L), HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 2, -5 x 2, Wrecked
  • Sports Car: Safe Speed 200 (160, Max Speed 420 (340), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0-2, Armor 6B/2L (+4B/1L), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked
  • Motorcycle: Safe Speed 80 (65), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0-1, Armor 3B/2L (+0B/0L), HLs -0 x 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 2, -4 x 1, Wrecked
  • Small Truck: Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver -1, Passengers 2, Armor 9B/4L (+4B/1L), HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 2, -5 x 2, Wrecked
  • Large Truck: Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver -2, Passengers 2, Armor 10B/5L (+5B/2L), HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 2, -5 x 4, Wrecked
  • Small Prop Plane: Safe Speed 220 (175), Max Speed 340 (275), Maneuver +1, Passengers 4, Armor 4B/2L (+1B/1L), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 1, Crashed
  • Large Prop Plane: Safe Speed 540 (430), Max Speed 760 (600), Maneuver -2, Passengers 40, Armor 8B/3L (+4B/1L), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 2, -5 x 4, -8 x 10, Crashed
  • Small Jet Aircraft: Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 900 (720), Maneuver +1, Passengers 6, Armor 8B/3L (+4B/1L), HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 2, -5 x 4, -7 x 2, -8 x 2, Crashed
  • Jumbo Jet: Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 900 (720), Maneuver -5, Passengers 300, Armor 10B/5L (+5B/2L), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -3 x 5, -4 x 5, -5 x 3, Crashed
  • Strike Aircraft: Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 1000 (800), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 12B/8L (+6B/6L), HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 3, Eject!
  • Fighter Aircraft: Safe Speed 1000 (800), Max Speed 2000 (1600), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 8B/3L (+4B/4L), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 1, -5 x 1, Eject!
  • Advanced Fighter: Safe Speed 1000 (800), Max Speed 3000 (2400), Maneuver +4, Passengers 0, Armor 8B/3L (+4B/4L), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 1, -5 x 1, Eject!
  • Superfighter: Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 4500 (3600), Maneuver +5, Passengers 0, Armor 8B/3L (+4B/4L), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 1, -5 x 1, Eject!
  • Bomber: Safe Speed 1000 (800), Max Speed 2000 (1600), Maneuver -3, Crew 4, Armor 10B/5L (+4B/4L), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -3 x 5, -4 x 5, -5 x 3, Eject!
  • UCAV: Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 1000 (800), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 8B/4L, HLs -0 x 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 2, -4 x 1, -5 x 1, -6 x 1, -8 x 1, Eject!
  • Civilian Helicopter: Safe Speed 200 (160), Max Speed 400 (320), Maneuver +3, Passengers 4, Armor 6B/2L (+4B/1L), HLs -0 x 1, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Crashed
  • Attack Helicopter: Safe Speed 250 (200), Max Speed 450 (360), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 15B/10L (+8B/8L), HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 3, Eject!
  • Transport Helicopter: Safe Speed 200 (160), Max Speed 400 (320), Maneuver +0, Passengers 10, Armor 12B/8L (+6B/6L), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 3, Eject!
  • APC: Safe Speed 30 (24), Max Speed 60 (48), Maneuver -2, Passengers 10, Armor 15B/10L (+10B/8L), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 3, -5 x 4, Disabled x 10, Catastrophic Kill
  • Infantry Combat Vehicle: Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 80 (64), Maneuver -3, Passengers 7, Armor 20B/13L (+10B/10L), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 3, Disabled x 10, Catastrophic Kill
  • Light Tank: Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 100 (80), Maneuver -2, Passengers 0, Armor 20B/13L (+10B/10L), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 3, Disabled x 10, Catastrophic Kill
  • Main Battle Tank: Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 80 (64), Maneuver -3, Passengers 0, Armor 25B/18L (+10B/10L), HLs -0 x 6, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 6, Disabled x 10, Catastrophic Kill

Vehicle Features

  • Strike Aircraft: Hardpoints x 6, 30mm Rotary Cannon
  • Fighter Aircraft: Hardpoints x 6, 20mm Rotary Cannon, Stealth (+1 difficulty to enemy awareness and attack rolls), Advanced Sensors (+1d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties for darkness or poor vision conditions)
  • Advanced Fighter: Hardpoints x 6, 20mm Rotary Cannon, Stealth (+2 difficulty to enemy awareness and missile attack rolls), Advanced Sensors (+2d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties for darkness or poor vision conditions), Computer Assistance (-1 multiple action penalty, +3 Initiative)
  • Superfighter: Hardpoints x 8, Tactical Laser, Stealth (+3 difficulty to enemy awareness and attack rolls), Advanced Sensors (+3d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties for darkness or poor vision conditions), Computer Assistance (-1 multiple action penalty, +5 Initiative)
  • Bomber: Hardpoints x 20, Stealth (+3d to dodge and stealth rolls), Computer Assistance (-2 multiple action penalty)
  • UCAV: Hardpoints x 4, Stealth (+2 difficulty to enemy awareness and missile attack rolls), AI Piloted (Init 13, 6d for attack and piloting rolls before adding bonuses), Sensors (+1d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties from poor vision conditions or darkness)
  • Attack Helicopter: 30mm Cannon, Hardpoints x 8, Advanced Sensors (+1d to awareness and attack rolls, no penalties from poor vision conditions or darkness), Computer Assistance (-1 multiple action penalty)
  • Transport Helicopter: Miniguns x 2 (one per side), Hardpoints x 4
  • APC: Light MG x 2, Vehicle Grenade Launcher x 1
  • ICV: Heavy MG x 2, 30mm Cannon x 1, Hardpoints x 2 (missiles only). Alternately Heavy MG x 2, 105mm Cannon x 1
  • Light Tank: Heavy MG x 2, 105mm Cannon x 1
  • Main Battle Tank: Heavy MG x 2, Tank Railgun x 1. Alternately Heavy MG x 1, 120mm Cannon x 1, Vehicle Grenade Launcher x 2


Ordinance is the really heavy stuff, the fun guns that get broken out when you need to bring a Nova down. Or if you are a Nova and you need a toy to play with. Most Ordinance requires at least Mega-Strength 1 or 2 to use effectively, and requires Mega-Dexterity to aim. A Nova which seeks to make use of guided weapons may also wish to have Mega-Perception and some method to program weapons on-the-fly, such as Cyberkinesis.


  • AA: Anti-aircraft tracking, can be fired at aircraft without any difficulty penalties. Missiles only, otherwise missiles suffer a +3 difficulty to hit helicopters and a +6 difficulty to hit any other aircraft type, above and beyond range. Guns only suffer range penalties.
  • AP(X): Armor Piercing. Reduce target soak by (X).
  • Area(X): Area of effect ordinance, has an area of effect with radius X.
  • AV(X): Antivehicle, suffers +X difficulty to attack human-sized or smaller targets.
  • Burst(X): Fires (X) rounds per single attack rather than 1, allowing it to use autofire multiple-attack rules even with "single shots". Note that the Rate of the weapon is still the maximum number of rounds it fires. Burst weapons have a slash in their Rate stat, with their effective rate of fire following the unadjusted RoF.
  • Exp(X): Explosive blast radius, with damage decreasing by 1 level or die every (X) meters from the center,
  • Guided: Ignores first dodge success, reduces range penalty difficulties by 1.
  • Prox(X): Proximity-fused, loses (X) die or levels of damage (damage adds are lost first) for each success the attack falls short by.

Missiles and Bombs

Each one of these options is assumed to take up 1 hardpoint.

  • Manportable SAM: Accuracy +0, Dmg 8L [5], Range 1,500, Rate 3, Magazine 3, AA, AV(2), Exp (2), Guided, Prox (4)
  • Light AAM/SAM: Accuracy +1, Dmg 10L [8], Range 5,000, Rate 1, AA, AV(3), Exp (3), Guided, Prox (5)
  • Medium AAM/SAM: Accuracy +3, Dmg 12L [10], Range 10,000, Rate 1, AA, AV(4), Exp (5), Guided, Prox (5)
  • Heavy AAM/SAM: Accuracy +2, Dmg 15L [12], Range 15,000, Rate 1, AA, AV(6), Exp (5), Guided, Prox (5)
  • Cruise Missile: Accuracy -3, Dmg 25L[15] or nuclear as desired, Range 20,000, Rate 1, AP(8), AV(10), Exp(5)
  • Light Antitank: Accuracy +2, Dmg 13L [10], Range 2,500, Rate 2, Magazine 2, AP(3), AV(3), Exp (5), Guided
  • Heavy Antitank: Accuracy +0, Dmg 15L [12], Range 3,000, Rate 1, AP(6), AV(6), Exp (5), Guided
  • Rocket Pod: Accuracy -2, Dmg 10L [5], Range 500, Rate 20, Magazine 20, AP(2), AV (1), Exp (3)

Each one of these options is assumed to take up 1 hardpoint.

  • Cluster Bomb: Accuracy +1, Dmg 12L [5], Range 800, Rate 1, AP(2), Area(20)
  • FAE: Accuracy -2, Dmg 20L [15], Range 1,200, Rate 1, AP(8), Area(40)
  • Microbomb Dispenser: Accuracy -2, Dmg 10L [10], Range 1,500, Rate 3, Magazine 6, AP(4), Exp(3)
  • Unguided Bomb: Accuracy -2, Dmg 20L [10], Range 1,200, Rate 1, AP(8), Exp(5)
  • Guided Bomb: Accuracy +2, Dmg 20L [10], Range 1,500, Rate 1, AP(8), Exp(5)
  • Tactical Nuclear Bomb: Accuracy -2, Dmg 30A [20] + 60L [40], Range 500, Rate 1, AV(3), Exp(10)


Smaller Guns

  • Light MG: Accuracy +1, Dmg 10L, Range 150, Rate 60/20, Magazine 2000, AP(1), Burst (3)
  • Heavy MG: Accuracy +1, Dmg 7L [5], Range 300, Rate 40/20, Magazine 500, AP(2), Burst (2)
  • Minigun: Accuracy +0, Dmg 9L [5], Range 150, Rate 300/6, Magazine 2000, Burst (50)
  • 30mm Autocannon: Accuracy +0, Dmg 10L [8], Range 300, Rate 60/20, Magazine 600, AP(3), Burst (3), Exp(0.5)

Aircraft Guns

  • 20mm Rotary Cannon: Accuracy +2, Dmg 12L [10], Range 300, Rate 400/8, Magazine 800, Burst (50), Exp(0.25)
  • 30mm Rotary Cannon: Accuracy +1, Dmg 20L [12], Range 350, Rate 280/7, Magazine 1500, Burst (40), Exp(0.5)
  • Tactical Laser: Accuracy +3, Dmg 15L [12], Range 500, Rate 2, Magazine 50, AP(3)

Big Guns

  • 105mm Cannon: Accuracy +0, Dmg 20L [15], Range 800, Rate 1, Magazine 60, AP(4), AV(4)
Canister: Accuracy +3, Dmg 10L [7], Range 400, Rate 1, AP(2)
HE: Accuracy +0, Dmg 18L [10], Range 800, Rate 1, Exp(3)
  • 120mm Cannon: Accuracy +0, Dmg 23L [16], Range 1,000, Rate 1, Magazine 45, AP(5), AV(4)
Canister: Accuracy +3, Dmg 12L [8], Range 500, Rate 1, AP(3)
HE: Accuracy +0, Dmg 20L [11], Range 1,000, Rate 1, Exp(3)
  • Tank Railgun: Accuracy +2, Dmg 25L [18], Range 1,500, Rate 1/2 (every other turn), Magazine 100, AP(7), AV(4)
Flechette: Accuracy +5, Dmg 13L [9], Range 800, AP(4)


  • Vehicle Grenade Launcher: Accuracy +0, Dmg 8L [5] or as grenade, Range 100, Rate 9, Magazine 200, Exp(1)

Armory Errata and Expansion

This section has new and interesting stuff in it.


Armor now has a "Bypass" rating with its coverage in parentheses, which is the difficulty for a called shot to ignore the armor. Armor with a bypass rating of "*" only protects part of the body. Some armor halves soak against firearms, round soak down in that case. Any attack with pre-soak damage + damage adds exceeding an armor's Destruction rating destroys the armor although it still provides soak against that one attack.

  • Heavy Leather: Soak 1B/1L, Penalty -0, Bypass +2 (upper body), Destruction 10
  • Reinforced Clothing: Soak 1B/2L, Penalty -0, Bypass +2 (upper body), Destruction 10
  • Kevlar Vest: Soak 2B/3L, Penalty -0, Bypass +1 (torso), Destruction 12
  • Sports Gear: Soak 3B/1L, Penalty -1, Bypass +2 (torso, shoulders, upper legs), Destruction 12, half soak against firearms
  • Military Body Armor: Soak 4B/4L, Penalty -1, Bypass +2 (torso, shoulders, groin), Destruction 15
  • Chainmail: Soak 3B/3L, Penalty -1, Destruction 14, Bypass +3 (face), half lethal soak against firearms
  • Plate Armor: Soak 7B/6L, Penalty -2, Destruction 20, Bypass +4 (eyes or joints), half lethal soak against firearms
  • Bomb Suit: Soak 6B/6L, Penalty -3, Destruction 20, Bypass +4 (eyes or joints)
  • Advanced Body Armor: Soak 6B/6L, Penalty -2, Destruction 22, Bypass +4 (eyes or joints)


  • Exoskeleton: Strength + 1, reduces armor Penalty by 1 (min -0), 8 hours powered duration.
  • Sports Helmet: Soak 2B/1L, Penalty -0, Bypass *, Destruction 6, Protects head against called shots, half soak against firearms
  • Combat Helmet: Soak 3B/2L, Penalty -0, Bypass *, Destruction 10, Protects head against called shots
  • Goggles: Soak 1B/1L, Penalty -0, Bypass *, Destruction 4, Protects eyes against called shots
  • The Goggles: Soak 0B/0L, Penalty -0, Bypass *, no game effect


  • Flechette Rifle: Accuracy +1, Dmg 10L, Range 60, Rate 48/12, Magazine 48, AP(2), Burst(4), Limited Ammo Options (Multiplex/Hypercore only)
  • Assault Rifle: Accuracy +0, Dmg 7L, Range 50, Rate 30, Magazine 30, AP(1), Mass 3kg (replaces Heavy SMG)
  • Shotgun: Accuracy +0, Dmg 9L, Rng 20, Rate 2, Magazine 8
  • Semi-Auto Shotgun: Accuracy +0, Dmg 8L, Rng 20, Rate 6, Magazine 8, Mass 4kg, Cost ***.
  • Rifle: Accuracy +2, Dmg 8L, Rng 150, Rate 1, Magazine 5, AP(1)
  • Antimateriel Rifle: Accuracy +2, Dmg 9L[4], Rng 300, Rate 1, Magazine 10, AP(2), Mass 10kg, Cost ***.
  • Light Machine Gun: Accuracy +1, Dmg 10L, Range 150, Rate 60/20, Magazine 90, AP(1), Burst (3), Mass 10kg, Cost ****.
  • Flamethrower: Accuracy +4, Dmg 10L, Rng 10, Rate 1, Capacity 30, Ignores unsealed armor, Incendiary (successful attack sets target on fire, doing 4L/turn until put out)
  • Portable Laser: Accuracy +2, Dmg 10L [10], Range 400, Rate 1, Magazine 5, AP(3), Mass 30kg
  • Grenade Launcher: Accuracy +0, Dmg 8L [5] or as grenade, Range 100, Rate 2, Magazine 1, Exp(1), Mass 3kg
  • Multiple Grenade Launcher: Accuracy +0, Dmg 8L [5] or as grenade, Range 100, Rate 2, Magazine 6, Exp(1), Mass 6kg
  • Electrolaser Pistol: Accuracy +2, Dmg 5S/10S/5L, Range 75/100/125, Magazine 100/25/3, RoF 9/6/3, Mass 1kg, Multiple Settings (low stun, high stun, lethal)
  • Maser Gun: Accuracy +3, Dmg 10L, Range 750, Rate Special, Magazine 10, Mass 3kg, Continuous Beam (+1 accuracy per consecutive turn attacking the same target, may attack up to 5 targets per attack roll by sweeping the beam or attack 1 target up to 5 times, uses 1 charge/turn)
  • Taser: Accuracy +2, Dmg 1L + 8B, Range 10, Rate 1, Magazine 1, Mass 0.5 kg, No range increments, armor with soak >1L or more renders the target immune


  • Frag: Dmg 8L [5], Exp (1), default ammo
  • Flechette/Buckshot: Dmg 15L, Rng 30
  • HEAP: Dmg 10L [5], AP(3)
  • Incendiary: Dmg 12L, Area(6), Incendiary (successful attack sets target on fire, doing 4L/turn until put out)
  • EMP: Dmg 10E, Area(6), EMP damage (ignores armored soak for electronics and other high-tech, living targets treat as bashing)
  • Gas: Dmg None, Area(6), Gas Payload (choose any airborne toxin to deploy)


  • Armor Piercing Ammo: AP(+2), Dmg(-1L)
  • Beanbag/Rubber Bullet: Doubles armor/power-granted lethal soak, deals bashing damage past 5 meters.
  • Buckshot/Multiplex: Accuracy +3, doubles armor/power-granted lethal soak and loses -2L damage per range increment
  • Flamethrower: Shotgun only, no range increments, successful attack deals no damage but sets target on fire (4L/turn until put out, unsealed armor does not protect)
  • Frag: Shotgun only, Dmg 10L, Area(0.5)
  • +P: Dmg(+1L), Weapon breaks if more 1s are rolled than successes.
  • Match: Accuracy +1, Rng +25% if aiming.
  • Hypercore: Armor Piercing Enhancement (-2 soak per success), no additional damage from threshold successes
  • JHP/JSP: Dmg(+3L), double armor/power-granted lethal soak
  • Subsonic: Dmg(-1L) or (-2L) if damage is greater than 8L, reduces weapon report (with suppressor), insufficient power to manually cycle weapon (RoF is reduced to 2 if normally higher than 2).

Weapon Maneuvers

  • Short Bursts: +2 Accuracy, +1 Damage, 3 shots/bursts worth of ammunition.
  • Medium Bursts: +4 Accuracy, +2 Damage, 10 shots
  • Long Bursts: +6 Accuracy, +4 Damage, 20 shots
  • Strafing: Autofire against multiple targets subtracts 1 die from the attack roll for every target past the first but applies the results against all targets, which defend individually. Only medium and long bursts may attack multiple targets. All weapons which automatically fire in bursts may attack multiple targets with a short burst, and weapons which fire more than 10 rounds in a single attack may attack multiple targets even without firing bursts. No weapon may attack more targets than it fires rounds of ammunition.
Example: Rambo, with Dexterity 5, Firearms 5 (Machine Guns + 3), and firing a Light MG (Acc +1 Dmg 10L) in long burst (Dmg +6, Acc +3) has a total attack pool of 20d, but is facing down 15 mooks. He chooses to attack 15 targets with his long burst, subtracting 14 from his attack pool, leaving him with 6d. He rolls 2 successes on 6d which is applied to every mook. Of those targets, 7 are in the open, 5 are in light cover (+1 difficulty) and 2 are in heavy cover (+2 difficulty). The 7 mooks in the open take 14L and die, the 5 in light cover take 13L and also die, and the 2 in heavy cover are missed.

Merits and Flaws


Taint Channeler (4 pts): A Nova with this power is particularly adept at making Taint work for him, rather than the other way around. The Nova gains double the effect whenever he chooses to take temporary Taint, or halves the cost (round up) if the power costs 2 temporary Taint or more. That is to say, a Nova can gain 1 temporary Taint to add 2 successes to a max roll, regenerate 4 Quantum points, or turn all the dice on a powermax into successes. This Taint can be converted into Chrysalis as usual.

Taint Resistant (5 pts): A Taint Resistant Nova reduces all involuntary gains of Temporary Taint (botches, failures, Taint radiation) by 1 (minimum 0). Furthermore, every 24 hours, a Taint Resistant Nova loses 1 point of temporary Taint.

2nd Generation Nova (6 pts): A 2nd Generation Nova does not gain Taint from any normal source, including Quantum or Node, due to their adapted physiology. 2nd Generation Novas cannot willingly gain Taint (or Chrysalis) under any circumstance, and heal all temporary Taint (and Chrysalis) every 24 hours.

Body Modifications

Body Modifications are "powers" which give capabilities via physical mutation, rather than channeling quantum forces. These powers are generally much less effective than Quantum powers but far cheaper. At chargen, a Nova may trade in 1 NP for 8 XP worth of body modifications. Furthermore, with superscience genetic or cybernetic engineering, baselines may acquire body modifications.

Some of these body modifications are equivalent to Merits and can be taken by baselines even without superscience. Generally these are minor body modifications like large or small or acute sense.

Attribute dots gained or lost from body modification do increase or decrease the limits for a character's Mega-Attributes.


Minor Body Modifications cost 2 XP per.

Redundant Organs: A Nova may gain additional toughness by increasing body redundancy, adding either 1 -0 and 1 -1 HL or 2 -2 HLs and 2 -4 HLs per purchase.
Large: Being about 50% heavier and larger than the average man has its advantages, adding +1 to strength, +1 to stamina, and 1 -0 HL. Novas which are Large add +1 to Dexterity for movement.
Increased Ground Speed: A Nova's legs are lengthened and strengthened, adding +2 to dexterity for movement purposes.
Claws: Unlike the Quantum "Claws" power, these claws are small retractable things like those of a cat, more useful as utility than weapon. Claws do (Str-2)L damage when raking and are more useful as can openers than weapons.
Tough Skin: A Nova's skin becomes armor with this body modification, adding +1B/0L stackable armored soak.
Filter Lungs: A character gains 1 success to resist inhaled toxins with this body modification.
Filtration Liver: A Nova gains +2 Resistance against toxins with this body modification.
High-Capacity Lungs: Novas with this body modification gain +1 Endurance and +1 Resistance.
Nictating Membranes: A character with this body modification adds 1 success to resisting blinding or eye irritants. Combined with filter lungs a character becomes mostly immune to riot agents.
Streamlined: Novas with this modification gain +1 dexterity for swimming speed.
Small: A character with this body modification is about half normal mass and roughly 80% as large in every dimension, reducing Strength by 1 and removing a -0 HL. Characters which are small are more vulnerable to damage, reducing soak by 1B/1L/1A (minimum 0 soak). On the other hand, a small character is harder to hit and detect, increasing the difficulty of hitting the character by 1, and the difficulty of any rolls to detect the character.
Acute (Sense): A Nova with acute (sense) gains +1 to Perception for the purposes of using that sense.
Pheromones: A Nova with this body modification has particularly powerful pheromones which induce a certain state of emotion (chosen at purchase), adding a +1d circumstantial bonus for any social roll which resonates with that emotion. Purchasing this multiple times allows a Nova to choose which pheromone type he or she wishes to use.


Moderate Body Modifications cost 4 XP each.

Alternate Sensory Mode: Each time this is purchased, a character gains an alternate sense, such as lateral line sense (the ability to sense the electromagnetic fields of others), echolocation, infrared vision, and so on.
Chromatophores: +2 stealth if naked or wearing attuned Eufiber. (versus +3 by RAW).
Dispersed Organs: A Nova with dispersed organs gains improved resistance to called shots, whether because of organ redundancy or because he just doesn't need them any more. Called shot bonus damage is halved. Purchased twice, the Nova takes no additional damage from called shots and probably looks like a Shoggoth on the inside.
Huge: A Nova with this modification is huge, easily about 180 kilos and 2.2 or more meters tall, and gains +2 Strength, +2 Stamina, 1 additional -0 HL, and 1 additional -1 HL. Huge Novas add +2 to dexterity for movement purposes only.
Integrated Light Weapon: Baselines with cybernetic replacements and Novas which desire it may end up installing or outright growing integrated weapons. This body modification integrates a pistol sized weapon (Light or Heavy revolvers/pistols, Taser, Electrolaser) into the character. The character may have to reload the weapon, or may generate ammunition in his or her body. The former allows quick reloading and ammunition variety, while the latter requires no feed port to load magazines into, but the character only regenerates (Stamina) rounds of ammunition per hour and chooses a single ammunition type to use.
Multitools: A character with this modification possesses an integrated set of precision tools for various purposes, reducing all penalties from insufficient tools by 2, to a minimum of 1.
Regenerator: A character with this body modification heals faster than normal, reducing healing times by 1 category. Baselines with this body modification may heal crippling injuries without the need for prosthetic replacement or cloned body parts.
Reinforced Skin: A Nova with toughened skin has skin that can ward off small-caliber bullets and slow glancing knife blows, adding 1B/1L stackable armored soak. A character may only have one armor body modification at one time.
Tiny: A Tiny Nova is roughly a quarter normal mass and 62% normal dimensions, reducing Strength by 2 and removing 1 -0 and 1 -1 HL. Characters which are tiny are more vulnerable to damage, reducing soak by 2B/2L/2A (minimum 0 soak). Tiny characters add +2 to the difficulties of detecting or hitting the character.
Ultralight Body: A Nova with an ultralight body has high-efficiency muscle tissue and porous bones that halves his weight, which reduces his natural soak by 2B/1L (min 1B/0L) but halves all falling damage, adds +2 to dexterity for movement purposes, and doubles jump distances. If bought twice, the Nova uses extremely high-efficiency organs and tissues, comparable in strength/weight ratios to carbon nanotube or aircraft composites, which eliminates the soak penalty, adds +4 to dexterity for movement purposes, and quadruples jump distances, as well as reducing the Nova's mass by a full 75%.


Significant Body Modifications cost 6 XP each.

Blades: This body modification adds sharp melee weapons to the character, often elbow or knee blades but sometimes even replacing hands, and some Novas can manifest "psionic blades" or other stranger melee implements. Blades deal Str + 5L damage and can parry lethal melee attacks like any good sword. By default they are not retractable, but may be purchased as retractable for an extra cost (see Retractable Blades, below).
Dense Musculature: A Nova with high-density musculature masses approximately twice as much due to greatly toughened and heavier skeletal muscles. Dense musculature adds 2B/2L soak due to its higher density, a -0 HL, and +1 to Strength.
Dermal Plating: A Nova with Subdermal Plating gains 3B/3L stackable armored soak with no penalties, but the armor is obvious to onlookers if the Nova wears skintight or revealing clothing, as it takes the form of heavy bone, metal, or chitin plates under the skin.
Electroshock: A character with this ability can shock anyone who contacts him or her at the cost of 1 willpower, dealing (Strength + Stamina) dice of bashing damage which can be soaked normally. If used in conjunction with a melee attack, the damage is soaked separately. Both Mega-Strength and Mega-Stamina apply to this calculation, each adding 1 level of bashing damage rather than 2 dice or 5 levels (in the case of M-Str). If purchased twice, the character may channel this shock through air at short distances, giving it a range of (Strength) meters (and no maximum range), and if purchased three times it no longer costs 1 willpower to use per attack, instead costing 1 willpower to use for a scene.
Dragon's Breath Like a bombardier beetle, a character with this body modification possesses a naturally evolved or surgically implanted self-defense mechanism which acts as a shotgun firing flamethrower shells (Accuracy +0, Dmg None, Rng 20, Rate 2, Capacity 8). Successful attacks (use Dexterity + Athletics/Brawl to attack) deal no damage, but set the target on fire, causing them to take 4L damage per turn until they put it out, which ignores normal armor. A character may store up to 8 uses of this mechanism and regenerates (Stamina) uses every hour.
Giant: Giant Novas approach 300 kilos in mass and 2.5 meters in height, gaining +3 strength and stamina, 2 additional -0 HLs, and an additional -1 HL.
Glider: Novas with gliding wings can glide at their normal running speed.
Hyperdense Skeleton: A hyperdense skeleton is abnormally heavy and solid, sometimes just out of increased bone density but it is not uncommon for a Nova to end up with bones plated in some sort of dense heavy metal such as adamantium. Novas with hyperdense skeletons add +2 damage to unarmed melee attacks, +2B/1L soak, and because of the greatly reduced chance of breaking limbs, double the distance that needs to be dropped to take fall damage. Terminal fall damage stays the same, as the increased skeletal mass also increases terminal velocity. Purchasing hyperdense skeleton twice allows the Nova to deal lethal damage with unarmed blows due to the hardness of his skeleton, increases the Nova's soak against damage by 3B/2L instead of 2B/1L, and renders the Nova's bones practically unbreakable, tripling safe fall distances and the number of meters each additional damage interval is.
Inhuman (Attribute): A Nova with Inhuman (Attribute) can raise the attribute in question to any level, ignoring normal caps, as long as the Nova has sufficient experience. This can be bought up to 9 times, once per attribute.
Multiple Arms: A Nova with multiple arms reduces multiple action penalties by 1 per pair of additional arms he or she possesses. A Nova may support up to (Stamina or Wits, choose lower) sets of multiple arms, which does not count Mega-Attributes for the total.
Multiple Legs: A Nova with multiple legs adds +5 to Dexterity for purposes of ground movement speed, and being able to kick with more than 1 leg increases kick damage by 2B per purchase. Like Multiple Arms, a Nova may support up to (Stamina or Wits) sets of multiple legs, and Mega-Attributes do not count for limb support.
Subdermal Armor: A Nova's skin at this point is active nanotech armor, reinforced with nanotube sheeting, or so on, adding 2B/2L stackable armored soak. This armor is not inherently visible, but greatly alters the texture of the skin, meaning that it can be discovered by touch.
Tentacles: Tentacles are flexible appendages which extend up to (Stamina) meters. Each purchase of this body modification grants 2 tentacles, which either do Str + 4B or Str + 2L damage, depending on their makeup, and can grasp and manipulate objects at (Dexterity - 2).


Extreme Body Modifications cost 10 XP each.

Gargantuan: A Nova with Gargantuan is more than 3 meters tall and masses almost half a ton, adding +4 to strength and stamina, as well as two additional -0 and -1 health levels. Gargantuan Novas gain +4 dexterity for movement, but all opponents gain a +1 circumstance bonus to detect them or successfully attack them.
Heavy Exoskeleton: A Nova with this body modification has no visible skin, replacing it with hardened metal or chitin plates that give him 6B/6L stackable armored soak, and a penalty of -2, and counts as worn armor for the purposes of penalty calculation. This modification replaces Dermal Plating, Subdermal Armor, and Toughened/Reinforced Skin.
Integrated Medium Weapon: This body modification is the equivalent of any shotgun, SMG, or rifle-sized weapon listed in the armory, including the single-shot grenade launcher (but not the multiple shot one). In Novas, this body modification can come in extremely exotic forms, such as high-velocity quill barrages, energy bolts, and so on. The character may have to reload the weapon, or may generate ammunition in his or her body. The former allows quick reloading and ammunition selection, while the latter requires no feed port to load magazines into, but the character only regenerates (Stamina) rounds of ammunition per hour and chooses a single ammunition type to use.
Miniscule: A miniscule character is approximately 1/16th the mass and 40% the length/width/height of a normal character, losing 4 dots of Strength, a -0, -1, -2, and -4 health level, moving at half speed, and subtracting 4B/4L/4A from soak (min 0), which also affects Mega-Stamina limits. If a character is reduced to 0 Strength he may not physically lift anything heavier than a kilo or two. A character may stack miniscule up to twice, the second purchase reducing the character to 1/4th normal physical dimensions and 1/64th mass. A miniscule Nova is very hard to hit or detect, increasing difficulties by 4.
Retractable Blades: This body modification is identical to the Blade modification, above, except that the blades are retractable and nearly undetectable (Difficulty 4 to detect via examination when not in use, Difficulty 6 if attempting to detect via sight).
Wings: A Nova with flight ability can fly to a limited extent-not nearly as fast as a Nova with the Flight power, and with an obvious and easily visible cause (such as internal rocket thrusters, gigantic feathered wings, or the like), but fly nontheless. A character with 1 purchase of Flight may fly at half their normal running speed. Purchasing Flight multiple times multiplies flight speed by the number of purchases.