Characters of the Expanse

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The Athena


Race - Classic Human/Namari
Profession - Diplo-tech
Eyes - Grey
Hair - Grey (dyed rainbow)

Description: Butterfly is a small but perfectly formed woman of indeterminate age. She has existed as an independent being for merely a matter of weeks, having been created from Snail, a human computer savant, and Urana, a namari ambassador. She has a composite skillset and a battery of mental issues to match.

Seeker Sophie Cilravon

Race - Sidhe
Profession - Pathfinder
Eyes - Blue
Hair - Sky Blue

Description: A young woman who has a metaphorical and literal glow, usually clad in shimmering blue and violet. She claims to serve the Seekers of Lost Truths, a sisterhood within the Dark Rose-affiliated Church of the Divine Logos dedicated to research and xeno-archeology, and her curiosity lives up to her story. She's quite familiar with combat, as ancient ruins tend have very functional curses nowadays.

Dr. Morgan Celeste Stadler

Race - Gynoid
Profession - Field Technologist

Description: Morgan is a tall, thin woman of apparent ‘Classic Human’ variety, with light skin and luxurious black, wavy hair at coils about her face. Her Gynoid nature is apparent in her eyes, which are entirely silver, including the irises. Her chin is lightly pointed, as is her nose – her entire body seems slightly angular, with little softness. She tends to have a collected expression on her face, and is often serious – she is also quite intense. Her hands tend to twitch and fidget when she’s not doing anything. When she’s not wearing her white lab attire, she usually wears soft blues, and prefers long jackets. She often wears glasses, which contain her personal computer.

A licensed medical practitioner and trained biologist (specializing in memetic plagues), the Doctor has worked as both a medic and researcher. She also has a wide working knowledge of mechanical systems (which aids in treating Gynoid patients). She's also an accomplished pilot.


Race - AI
Profession - Robot Soldier
Current Shell - R-19 Combat Recon Mechanoid
Mass - 1,400 Kilograms

Description: A gatling gun armed Tachikoma with the mentality of Revy.