Wandering Dreams

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General Info

Appearance: Wandering Dreams is a rather short, slender, and petite young woman who seems far too small and weak to be anywhere near as dangerous as she actually is. She has long black hair, that is usually tied back in a ponytail, and warm green eyes. She dislikes dressing up and is much more comfortable in simple but durable traveling clothes. She is often described as small and cute. She appears to be in her late teens or early twenties, somewhere between eighteen and twenty-one.

Bio:Wandering Dreams, or just Dreams as she sometimes goes by, is just that – a wanderer, what many would call a roustabout and a vagabond. Her parents were similar folk and they wandered throughout creation, rarely settling down for longer then a month or two. They survived by taking jobs as couriers, escorts, explorers, guides, and similar jobs. At times they turned to banditry, theft, raiding, and similar enterprises.

It was those enterprises that would bring her parent's downfall soon after Wandering Dreams' sixteenth birthday. They were executed for banditry by one of the Threshold Kingdoms. Dreams herself barely managed to escape execution herself, thanks to the intervention of a few of her parent's friends. Dreams continued to wander about, if anything her parent's death had only intensified her wanderlust, until about three years later when she simply vanished one day. No one knows exactly what happened to her and by now few even remember her.

Even as an Sidereal, Dreams still loves to wander and every so often, as in spread out enough that she won't land in trouble, she will take a short sabbatical and go exploring. However that wanderlust has been tempered by the discipline installed in her by Sifu, Flying Dragon Star. She lives in a fairly expansive townhouse in Yu-Shan when not carrying out her duties or on one of her wandering sabbaticals. She has refused to align herself with either the Gold Faction or the Bronze faction, and has remained stubbornly independent. Faction Perhaps this is do to her Sifu, who is also independent – though he leans towards the Gold Faction. Regardless her efficiency and skill at her duties has helped her to avoid issues stemming from this choice. (Will flesh out more of why she has remained independent).

Dreams fights using the style she learned from her parents and the other members of their small band of wanderers, a knife style that has only been tempered by her sifu's instructions. However she has been considering attempting to learn the Charcoal March of the Spiders style.


Name: Wandering Dreams
Concept: Compulsive Explorer/Semi-Reformed Bandit
Caste: Journey
Faction: Independent

Motivation: Explore the width and breadth of Creation.


Strength 3
Dexterity 4
Stamina 4

Perception 3
Intelligence 3
Wits 3

Charisma 3
Manipulation 2
Appearance 3


Awareness 2
Bureaucracy 2
Linguistics 2 (Old Realm, Riverspeak)
Lore 3
Martial Arts 5 (Will eventually practice Charcoal March of the Spiders style)
Occult 2
Socialize 2
Stealth 2
Melee 5
Thrown 4
Athletics 3
Resistance 2
Survival 2
Ride 2
Dodge 2
Larceny 2
Integrity 1

==Auspicious Abilities:==

==Favored Abilities:==


Willpower: 5

Compassion: 2
Conviction: 2
Temperance: 3
Valor: 2


Backing: 2
Celestial Manse: 2 (An expansive townhouse)
Sifu: 2
Artifact: 3
Salary: 2
Savant: 2
Connections: 2 (Outlaws)

The Last Horizon (Name may change) – The Last Horizon is actually a pair of long double edged knives made out of starmetal, designed to be used either together or separately as needed. They were given held in trust for Wandering Dreams and delivered to her via a minor godling soon after she exalted. Despite best efforts Dreams has never been able to discover just who was holding them for her, or who gave them to that person to hold for her. Regardless Wandering Dreams fights using the paired knives alongside a whole host of throwing knives, sequestered in various hiding places throughout her clothing and on her.


The Gull
The Mast
The Messenger
The Ship's Wheel
The Quiver
The Rising Smoke
The Pillar

Other Stats

Essence 2
Personal Essence Pool: 4
Peripheral Essence Pool: 26


2x Ox Body Technique
Ordained Bridle of Mercury
Breaking the Wild Mortal
Adopting the Untamed Face
Essence Thorn Practice
Unswerving Juggernaut Principle
Harmony of Blows
Impeding the Flow
Meditation On War
Mark of Exaltation