Economic Budget Records
Below is a record of economic statistics and expenditures, compiled quarterly starting at the beginning of 5300 AE.
Budget for 5300 AE, 1st Quarter
- Internal Revenue
- Food - 11
- Gold - 2468G
- Mana - 2125M
- Adamantium - 750A
- Levistones - 20L
- Books - 170B
- Internal Investment
- Gold - 60 (Spare Remaining Gold)
- Exports
- Imports
- Upkeep
- Population - 10 Food
- Military - 387G, 454M (Total)
- Army - 122G, 152M
- Navy - 265G, 302M
- Mages - 200G, 160M
- Total Upkeep - 10 Food, 587G, 614M
- Production
- 5x Fire-caster Company - 5 Common Draft, 650G, 475M, 400A, 25B
- 2x Frigga Class Transport - 240G, 150M, 4L
- 3x Mjolnir Class Frigate - 840G, 225M, 3L
- Upgrade 10x Fire-caster Company with Common Magic Book - 50B
- Upgrade Lightblade Company with Light-Broadsword - 10G
- 2x Thor's Wrath (Aerial Bombardment; Lightning flies from the Sky and fries all units in a large area; Force 5) - 300M
- 4x Aesir's Anger (Beam Cannon; A wide beam of energy flies out from the direction of the caster; Force 4) - 100M
- 20x Freya's Protection (Deflection Field; A magical field capable of protecting a battalion (200 men) from firearms, arrows and magical attacks. Will not protect from melee attacks or hand-thrown weapons; Force 3) - 100M
Net Revenue
Net Revenue goes straight into the Republic Reserve or Resource Storage Station.
- Food - 1
- Gold - 141G
- Mana - 161M
- Books - 95B
- Levistones - 13L
- Adamantium - 350A