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The Kingdom of Flessan
Politics and Religion
Capital: Tristan
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
King: Alphonse Elric III
Religion: Mosaic Uristism
Alignment: Force
Primary Magic: RUNTRAN 4990
Population and Economy
Population: Human
Languages: Flessian, Trieste Alfari
Food Production (Gross/Net): 16/3
Tax Revenue: 3300
Mana Output: 1500
Books: 80
Adamantium: 250
Beasts: 50
Levistones: 10
Draft: 35 Common/1 Noble


Southern Exodus

Originally a tribe of barbarians from the eastern island on the tip of Thule, the Falarians were constantly raided by their western neighbors on the main land and plagued with repeated bouts of famine. Hoping to move into the safety of the Alfar Empire, several clans jointly petitioned the Emperor directly to move south to Lemuria during the Late Imperial area. Finally Emperor Trayius granted them the wild lands south of the Siladuin which were at the time overrun by displaced beastmen from the west and trolls. One nuisance eliminating another as far as the Imperial Court was concerned. The Flessians, a corruption of their original name in Alfari, surprised their new prefect by driving most of the non-humans out of their new province in less then a decade and building a successful trading port at the mouth of the Sila river when the beaastmen city states to the southwest had dominated trade for over two centuries.

The Flessian's were renowned in the empire for their craftsmanship both in their weapons and in their jewelry. So highly regarded was their silversmith skills that at one time nearly every piece of jewelry in the capital was not only was worked by their hands but was made from silver mined in the Sentinel Hills. Numerous were the soldiers who wore their work on his chest or sword belt and many the lord whose cup bore their mark.

They were also sought out as skilled fighters with a fierce battle spirit and deep bonds of personal loyalty. Their fierce fighting ability made them excellent soldiers for Alfar's legions in Lemuria but overtime also made them highly dangerous in the Empire's eye as their power in the provinces began to wane and once content subjects rebelled against the decaying grip of the empire. Time and again the might of the Flessan legions was thrown into combat against these successor states in a series of wars that preceded the end of the Imperial Age. Resentment towards the empire grew as they began to fail to meet the promises made to the Flessians in centuries past. Despite essentially being abandoned by the capital for close a century they still remained loyal to a distant and uncaring master but it would soon change. A virulent plague sprang up in the west killing many villages and entire fields of crops lay unharvested or unplanted causing a massive famine the following years. When it was clear that no help would be coming from the empire the last tie had inevitably been cut. Flessan, one of the last loyal subjects of the Alfar Empire turned on their former masters and began to attack the remaining Imperial strongholds. In a swift and brutal war they conquered the surrounding areas and declared their own independence from the Alfar. With the murder of the Last Emperor and the lords more concerned about who was to replace him then what had been slipping away from them for centuries, Flessan was soon forgotten.

Necromantic War

Flessan existed in peace for most of the Succession Era as the home provinces fought for power and wealth. Her men had seen enough fighting during the closing days of the Empire and spilled enough blood. As the Necromantic Wars began Flessan was content to stay out of the necromancers affairs as long as they stayed out of it. Then came the horde that descended on Duervalden. Flessan roused her might again but only to keep the undead pinned in the north along the mountains and hills away from her borders. With the necromancer lords kept at arms length they weathered the war with little impact.

Picking Up The Pieces

Almost unscathed by the war and without the massive loss of life from being in the Alliance of Light, Flessan has solidified her hold on the eastern coast's trade and positioned itself as a dominant power in the region. Her armies once again march to drive the beasts and trolls away from her borders and stands ready to assume the role of a major player in the future outcome of Lemuria and the world in general.


Most of Flessan is a follower of Mosaic Uristism which states that the many pantheons of the old gods and even the one god of Orthodoxy and it's Archangels are aspects of the same central divine being being served by it's numerous subservient attendants. This being's true name is unknown and it's nature beyond human understanding. What is known is he/she rewards action and virtue not blind faith and prayer thus encouraging a pro-active view to life and self betterment rather then dependence of a divine being. Due to these beliefs Orthodoxy failed to convert many Flessians even during the Necromantic wars.


Domains (300)

Bordered by the Canavan Heptarchy on it's western edge and the rugged forested wilds of the Schwarzvald and it's broken rocky coastline to the east, Flessan is dominated by the immense plains and farmlands of it's six major provinces. It's largest population center is the port of Tristan, which is also it's capital. It's nested in the Osterland Valley on the mouth of the Sila River Delta on the east coast. The High Reaches Mountains to the north deflect any incoming force into the Nurmarch, a thin flat band running along the coast that's constantly watched by the nearby Sentinel Hills protecting the northern entrance to the Osterland Valley. Brennen to the south is home to rich volcanic farmland created by the Fire node ages ago. It's also pock marked by geysers leaving large areas of it shrouded in a perpetual mist.


Flessan is a limited constitutional monarchy. After the bitter disappointment of the Empire's treatment towards then the lords demanded certain rights before they'd Crowned Alaric as the first King of Flessan. The king is the head of state and government but he has have the approval of the Lord's Council to raise or gather taxes, declare war or levy soldiers through draft. All laws are applied equally regardless of class and all men have a right to a jury of their peers and due process. They adopted Alfar law and modernized the centuries old edicts contained within.


Total Cost: 25,000G (100)

Total Upkeep: 968G+1250M


Cost: 16,750G

Upkeep: 843G+690M


Cost: 6,500G

Upkeep: 425G+200M


Units: 40

Type: Militia (0G)

Equipment: Bayonet Leadcaster (45G+15M), Mail (10G)

Cost: 55G+15M (70GE)

Upkeep: 5G+1M


Units: 20

Type: Men-at-arms (50G)

Equipment: Adamantium Bayonet Leadcaster (45G+15M+5A),Elven Weave Mail (10G+50M+10A)

Cost: 105G+65M+15A (185GE)

Upkeep: 7G+6M


Cost: 2800G

Upkeep: 177G+103M


Units: 8

Type: Men-at-arms (50G)

Equipment: Hand Leadcaster(20G+10M), Sidesword (15G) Brigandine (10G)

Mounts: Dire Wolves; Celerity (8 Beasts)

Cost: 85G+20M+8Be (185GE)

Upkeep: 15G+1M


Units: 4

Type: Men-at-arms (50G)

Equipment: Adamantium Cast Explosive Shot Hand Leadcaster (20G+30M+20A), Flame Saber (25G+50M), Partial plate (35G), Charged Shield (10G+10M)

Mounts: Rouncey (1 Horse)

Cost: 140G+90M+20A+1Be (260GE)

Upkeep: 6G+21M


Units: 1

Type: Men-at-arms (50G)

Equipment: Explosive Shot Hand Leadcaster (20G+30M), Sidesword (15G) Hand Bombs (-), Plated Coat (5G)

Mounts: Grand Eagle(16 Beasts)

Cost: 90G+30M+16Be (280GE)

Upkeep: 33G+11M


Cost: 3020

Upkeep: 70G+120M


Units: 4

Type: Scout Strider (25G+75M+100A)

Equipment: Giant Leadcaster (75G+25M), Giant War Hammer (40G), Skirmisher Plate (25G)

Cost: 165G+100M+100A (365GE)

Upkeep: 10G+15M


Units: 2

Type: Knightstrider (50G+250M+200A)

Equipment: Giant Leadcaster (75G+25M), Giant Sword (80G) Adamantium Battle Plate (50G+50A)

Cost: 255G+275M+200A (780GE)

Upkeep: 15G+30M


Cost: 2930G

Upkeep: 115G+155M


Units: 11

Type: Artillery Carriage, Light (10G)

Equipment: Giant Leadcaster (85G+25M)

Cost: 85G+25M (110GE)

Upkeep: 5G+5M


Units: 4

Type: Artillery Carriage, Medium (20G)

Equipment: Demi-Culverin (150G)

Cost: 170g (170GE)

Upkeep: 15G


Units: 2

Type:Artillery Carriage, Heavy (30G)

Equipment: Hammerer (200G+200M)

Cost: 230G+200M (430GE)

Upkeep: 50M


Units: 9

Type: Pack Train (20G)

Equipment: -

Cost: 20G (20GE)

Upkeep: -


Cost: 1500

Upkeep: 56G+112M


Units: 12

Type: Adept (50M+5B)

Equipment: -

Cost: 50M+5B (75GE)



Units: 2

Type: Master (150M+30B)

Equipment: -

Cost: 150M+30B (300GE)

Upkeep: 10G+20M


Cost: 8250G

Upkeep: 125G+560M



Units: 10

Type: Air Gallery (50G+75M+2L)

Equipment: Giant Forcecaster (50G+100M), Wood Cladding (5G)

Cost: 105G+175M+2L (330GE)

Upkeep: 5G+30M


Units: 5

Type: Skyship (125G+150M+4L)

Equipment: Giant Leadcaster x3 (75G+25M), Adamantium Cast Giant Leadcaster (75G+25M+75A) Reinforced Wood Cladding (80G), Manajets(60M)

Cost: 505G+310M+75A+4L (990GE)

Upkeep: 15G+52M