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This probably won't happen. Anime factor high, but not extreme.

You were just a normal person, living a normal life. Then you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and ended up somewhere else. A surreal dreamscape stretched about you, mineral and biological and abstract woven together into a beautiful, horrifying land.

The monsters that lived in this strange place far overpowered your frail human body. But the greatest strength of Man has always been his mind.


Generic 1-5 system. Expect getting 5s to hurt. Your character is in high school unless you get GM permission.


When elsewhere, this is superseded by your Persona's powers. But in the real world, it's all you have to go on.

  • 1: 'Feeble'. You're a dying sick girl, or obese, or just a plain old wimp.
  • 2: 'Normal'. You get picked in the middle for teams.
  • 3: 'Athletic'. You're on the school team.
  • 4: 'Champion'. You captain the school team.
  • 5: 'Olympian'. Sometimes you miss school because you're competing overseas.


Don't feel obligated to be a utter moron just because you dropped out, but a genius will be expected to pay for it.

  • 1: 'Dumb'. You're probably going to be held back a year, if you're still in school at all.
  • 2: 'Normal'. You get Bs and Cs.
  • 3: 'Bright'. You get As and Bs.
  • 4: 'Smartypants': You're a straight-A student, or a savant in one field.
  • 5: 'Philosopher': You're doing a university degree at weekends.


Your power over people.

  • 1: 'Intolerable'. You're the lead character in a harem show.
  • 2: 'Normal'. Oh him? He's alright I guess.
  • 3: 'Charmer'. You have quite the circle of friends and/or hangers-on.
  • 4: 'Star'. Dating you is a ticket to admiration.
  • 5: 'Casanova': You're the lead character in a harem show.


  • Inhuman: You're a robot or a dog or an animate mascot suit or something. Consult the GM.
  • Martial Arts: You've learned in your grandfather's dojo, or perhaps from the school of hard knocks.
  • Wealth: Your parents are rich. You get all the latest electronics and are probably driven to school.
  • Opulence: Your parents are millionaires. You get prototype electronics from Daddy's company and travel to school in a limousine.


Your Persona is the externalisation of your inner self, your dreams and drives and insecurities made monstrously manifest. When elsewhere, they will boost your own physical ability and can be summoned to attack enemies.


Your Persona's power at blunt fisticuffs.


Magical attacks are more versatile and powerful, but mentally draining.


The resistance to injury you gain by virtue of your persona.


The speed, mental and physical, of your persona.


  • Almighty: Your Persona's attack is non-elemental.
  • Inviolate: Your Persona has no elemental weakness.
  • Gnosis: Your Persona has long-range sensing abilities.
  • Savior: Your Persona can heal itself and others.


Your Persona is associated with one of the suits of the Minor Arcana. Its attacks are associated with that element (but it's conceptual, so feel free to be creative), and it is vulnerable to one other of your choice.

  • Pentacles (Earth). Material things.
  • Wands (Fire). Courage and drive.
  • Cups (Water). Emotions and relationships.
  • Swords (Air). Reason and authority.


Your Persona is associated with one of the Major Arcana. This may not have any effect, and what effect it does have may not be made public. Fool, Death, Judgement and World are restricted, and probably harder to get than adulthood.