Avalonian Republic

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Avalonian Republic
Politics and Religion
Capital: Civitas Avalonis (Avalon)
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Prime Minister: Gregory Alexandropos
Monarch: Empress Eostre Odinia IV
Primary Religions: Altrean Uristism, Elder Polytheism
Primary Alignment: Force
Primary Magical Language: Assembler Δ-plus derivative
Primary Magical Schools: Force, Matter,
Population and Economy
Population: God-Blooded (Avalonian, Asgar)
Languages: Avalonic, Dwarvish
Food Production: 11 (1 surplus)
Tax Revenue: 2468 thousand Denarii
Mana Output: 2425 million taps
Resources: 750 Adamantium
10 Levistones
170 books

The Avalonian Republic was peacefully arose more than four thousand years ago with the death of the last Avalonian Emperor in the Augusta dynasty. After more than two thousand years of autocratic regimes punctuated by periods of civil strife and crises of succession, the Avalonian people were tired of submitting to the Imperial Throne at Civitas Avalonis. In the last centuries of the Avalonian Imperium, dramatic social liberalization occurred and parliamentary rule had slowly subverted imperial authority. In the year 1015, the Avalonian Republic was officially established. The old Senate was incorporated into a new parliament, which included a House of Commons, and a Prime Minster was elected from by the combined Parliament to head the new republic. Since that time, the Avalonian Republic has endured within and on the towering Olympic Mountains on the island east of Thule. Shortly after it's establishment, the Avalonian Republic became aware of the growing power of the Empire of the Alfar to the southwest. Foreseeing an inevitable conflict with the Elvish empire, and perhaps realizing that they were unable to directly challenge the Alfar, the Avalonian Republic chose to isolate and hid themselves from the eyes of the rest of the world. The treacherous territory that composed the heart of Avalonian Republic often deterred most would-be adventurers or fools from entering the Republic's realms. The Council of Archmages, along with the Mechanicus Corps installed modified Haze Fields as extra security from hostile mages, soldiers and skyships. Seen from afar, the Olympic Mountains appear as nothing but lifeless snow-capped peaks. For four millenia, the Avalonian Republic managed to avoid conquest by the Empire of Alfar. As luck would have it, the Alfar never made it to Thule. However, the preparations and precautions established by the early Republic would not be test until more than four thousand years later during the ravages of the Necromantic War. During the war, the eastern island was mostly ignored thanks to the remote location of the Avalonian Republic as well as the modified Haze Field maintained by the Archmages. The few Necromantic expeditions that did manage to penetrate the mountains never returned back to report on their discoveries. But now, with the rest of the world in a state of chaos and disarray, and a bold, adventurous young Prime Minster residing in the Parliamentary Residence, the Avalonian Republic plans to step on to return to the world stage for the first time in over four thousand years.

Racial Characteristics

God-Blooded (orig. Alfar Asgar), Avalonian Human Mix (25 points)

Modern historians, anthropologists and archeologists generally accept that the current Avalonian people are a mix of the original inhabitants of the ancient empire of Atlantis and ancient humans from Lemuria. Whether the people of Atlantis were minor deities or partial deities is a matter of much speculation. The prevailing theory is that several bands of the original inhabitants of Atlantis managed to escape the great calamity and reach the shores of Thule, where they traveled all the way to the Olympic Mountain range. Somehow, this last remnant of Atlantis managed to discover the vast Underdark Lightfield within the mountains. There, they found a band of humans residing within the Underdark. How these human ended up there is a mystery to this day. Many citizens believe that it was the doing of the Old Goddess Altrea, although there is no general consensus among scholars and experts. Whatever the origin, there is no doubt that Avalonian civilization is at least as old as Alfar civilization, with the Republic and the Imperium comprising more than 6000 years of history. Avalonians are on average much tougher and stronger than the average human and also possess longer lifespans. Although they aren't nearly as long-lived as the Alfar, the average normal lifespan of an Avalonian can reach a little over 300 years. Avalonian mages are also particularly gifted in terms of the potency of their magic. The notion that these abilities are the result of "divine" blood has been generally accepted by Avalonian society even today.


Pre-Imperial History

Historians have typically estimated that the survivors of Atlantis landed on the shores of Eastern Thule and established civilization some three thousand years prior to the establishment of the Republic around 1900 BAE. While records are scarce from that time period, Historians do know that the fledgling Avalonian civilization learned much of their magic from records mysteriously left behind by ancient Dwarvish clans who had long abandoned the mountains for then unknown reasons. With the discovery of Dwarvish Force-based magic, the Avalonians eventually abandoned the traditional Life-based magic that was believed to have been practiced on Atlantis. (See Avalonian Magic.)

Through the intervening years, the Avalonian civilization thrived in the Underdark Lightfields within the Olympic Mountains, eventually becoming a city state with the expansion of the city of Asgarth. Eventually however, in 1656 BAE, one of the few dates historians are certain of, a schism occurred and a large number of Avalonians headed towards the surface to find new opportunities. One group discovered the Olympian Valley, near the peak of Mount Olympic. Most historians believe that the Olympian Valley, a hospitable and relatively warm patch of land, is not a natural formation and was created by one of the same deities that created the Underdrak Lightfields and deposited the humans there. Within decades the settlements within the valley quickly expanded to become Civitias Avalonis, the city of Avalon. For the next several hundred years a rivalry loomed over both city states, leading to several minor skirmishes.

Imperial History

In 1109, after centuries of minor warfare, the Avalonian King, Ptolemios I, led a massive and devastating invasion into the Underdark, laying seige to the city of Asgarth. At the time, a chronicler remarked that Ptolemios had credited the invasion to "inspiration from the gods." In reality, it was most likely strained food supplies that drove Avalon to invade Asgarth. Over the centuries, the city of Avalon was slowly outgrowing it's ability to feed the people within its walls. The small amount of arable land was overfarmed and poor crops had led to several minor famines throughout the years. Some historians speculate that had invasion been stopped or scrapped, Avalon may eventually have failed as a city state.

This period in time represented a blossoming, and some historians refer to it as the beginning of an age of reason for Avalonian civilization. Much of the superstition during the pre-imperial times was replaced with reasoning and rational logic. The old Elder Polytheism gave way to a brand of Uristism. Scientific discoveries abounded during this period and there was a strong undercurrent of magical and physical exploration. However, there was a great deal of chaos underlining the supposed order of imperial society. Fickle, ineffective monarchs dotted the historical time-line, leading to several political purges and more than a few succession crises. This was as much an age of strife as it was an age of reason.

As far as external affairs were concerned, the Imperial Age marked a time of relative peace and quiet. The Imperium expanded the territory under it's control, expanding towards the hillsides of the eastern coast of the island and establishing a new settlement, Nova Atlantia, towards north of the capital city. Airships, crewed by curious adventurers and scientists mapped out the boundaries of the continent of Thule. Some even traveled to the nearby continent of Lemuria. There is speculation that a ship or two may even have made it as far as the continents of Rutas and Mu. During this period, the Imperium established contact with several Uruk and Dwarvish civilizations. Relations were generally friendly although limited. For the most part all involved parties kept to themselves.