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The Technocracy of Highfall
Politics and Religion
Capital: Highfall
Religion: Soreism
Government: Technocracy
Rulers: The Technomancer Council
Population and Economy
Population: Ruk-Tai
Languages: Goblin, Goblin Creole
Food Production: 12/12
Tax Revenue: 2620 Gold
Mana Output: 2250 Mana
Books Output: 90 Books
Adamantium Output: 1000 Adamantium
Levistone: 20 Levistones
Goblinpower: 30 Common Draft
6 Noble Draft

PC Player: FluidKarma

The Protectorate of Hobstaat's war against the necromancers was a short one. Their armies and citizens had braced themselves for a noble defense against the necromancer-lords. They expected running battles, apocalyptic clashes, epic last stands, and a heroic end. Instead horrors burst from the ground. When the massacre was over, Hobstaat was no more. Hobstaat's conquerors placed a government like their own in its place: the Technocracy. They were the best and brightest amongst the surviving Ruk-Tai and they set out to make a paradise in their own image. The lengths to which they are willing to go, however, has even the necromancer-lords questioning whether they would be better off with one less Ruk-Tai puppet state around...




The Technocracy of Highfall is a tightly-knit federation where all political power rests with the capable. Only those with extraordinary vision and talent are allowed political power; everyone else is restricted to what ever role would best "fit" the nation's vast needs. Naturally there is a high focus on efficiency and production as opposed to the petty needs of the individual. That is not to say though that the individual suffers in Highfall. On the contrary they are taken care of quite well and made specifically to be as comfortable as possible (as long as they meet their quotas).

Order is maintained chiefly by the nobility. They are the fortunate few with the resources to obtain the education needed to become managers over their fellow common Ruk-Tai. Typically one noble is responsible for managing one solitary facet of Highfall's society as it pertains to a great number of Ruk-Tai. This can range from ensuring that they receive adequate rations to making sure that they are keeping up their happiness quotas. After proving themselves capable the managers are selected by their peers to become executives for their individual area. The executives oversee the grand picture for their area and report on the efforts of the managers to senior executives. These senior executives in turn ensure that all their executives are following the programs that they lay out and that their reports are being delivered to the council.

The council is the highest power in Highfall. The most exceptional senior executives from each of the states are promoted to this position for as long as they remain competent. It observes all facets of the technocracy, and when it sees anomalies, quickly acts to bring the offenders back on track. This can range from simple "re-orderings" where managers are "re-educated" to ensure that their quotas are better met to mass "re-assignments" when one of the states shows itself to be not acting out of the best interest of its fellows.


Domains of Highfall

  • Underhaven x 1
  • Deep Cursed Underdark X 1
  • Underhaven Light x 2
  • Terraced Hill x 3
  • Cursed Wilds x 3
  • Cursed Hills x 1
  • Mountains x 1


Military of Highfall

  • Void Archmage x 5
  • Void Master x 0
  • Kobold (Knightstrider) x 3
  • Kobold (Siegestrider) x 1
  • Electrowelders x 18
  • Farforgers x 0
  • Nearforgers x 0