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A Country That Was

The only surviving legacy of the one-time kingdom of Ameroe is a name, emblazoned upon the crumbling edifies of its ruined capital and in the alabaster keeps that have yet to be swallowed by the wilds. Little survives of its history, as its people are gone; perhaps consumed in the catastrophy that wrought their country from greatness or simply left for parts unknown. What is known was that even before the catacylsmic Necromancer Wars it was a troubled state, its farmlands were being slowly reclaimed by a zealously advancing forest. Choked rivers and canals became stagnant and life-giving water ceased to flow Eastward, where crops withered and died. Despite hardship, Ameroe survived to see the beginning of the wars where it was utterly destroyed by a terrific weapon of sorcery.

After being abandoned for a century, refugees from other parts of the world began to repopulate the few useful pastoral lands that had survived the fall. The dry Eastern lands reverted entirely to desert, but the abandoned works attracted creatures of the wastes that had been pushed out ages before.

The Westmen

Twenty years ago, a skycraft crashed in the cursed lands around old Ameroe. The lingering effects of the weapon that had leveled the city had long since made it impassable to any manner of levistone craft. None knew of the ship until some weeks later a party of strangers came in search of it by way of the Great Wilds, heading East. They were of a mighty race, embodying the perfect features and impossible strength of storied heroes. They showed little interest in the scattered farmers or their hamlets and villages, rushing through the countryside as if they were on a mission of some urgency. They quickly learned of the mysterious properties of the ruins and despite the warnings braved the wretched journey to Ameroe. A number of them emerged a week later, bringing many wounded to the healers in the township of Echart.

They were a distant although honorable people and said little to their hosts concerning the ship or its purpose. Several more expeditions into the bleak lands yeilded a few more survivors and a handful of mysterious artifacts, which the visitors said they had found in the lands surrounding the city. As days turned into weeks though, the sense of interest and welcome had worn thin and the local farmers and townspeople began asking uncomfortable questions that went without reply.

All questions were answered when a column of shining armour a mile long marched out around the Great Wilds towards the end of summer and plowed straight on through the countryside towards Ameroe, dispatching companies into the surrouding wilds as they went. After a few days, eight hundred men descended on the town of Echart. With the militia finally mustered, there was a spirited but depressingly conclusive battle in the fields beyond the wall. Echart and the surrounding countryside were quickly subdued and forced to give up arms. The reason for the abrupt conquest became apparent when hundreds of local villagers were rounded up and abruptly marched to the ruins to begin constructing camps and earthworks. Evidently the Westerners were planning to stay.

In the intervening years these foreigners, dubbed Westmen, solidified their grasp on Ameroe and expanded into the bordering lands in order to support their numbers, including the slow and methodical conquest of the pockets of lizardfolk living in the East. A newly rediscovered fortress deep in the wilds that were once the kingdom's old lands now serves as their seat of power, while the original camps near the ruins now house hundreds of workers, slaves and criminals who are tasked with looting artifacts from the ruins. While the original denizens of the countryside have never been permitted to take up arms again, their situation has greatly improved in recent years as their new lords have pushed the lizardfolk and beasts back off the arable lands and back into the wastes. The saurians, on the other hand, have not fared particularly well. Scattered and disorganized they were all too easily subdued piece by piece without much bloodshed and possibly because of that they are held in poor regard by their new lords and have for the most part taken the place of the farmers and villagers in the most dangerous and miserable roles. Strangely they are allowed to bear arms and tend to garrison the most forlorn and dangerous posts where the Westmen deign not to do so themselves.


If one were to call this new regime a kingdom, it would be a fragmented one. The hardships and indignities of the past decades have not been borne happily by the common people and resentment simmers below the surface, even in the face of newfound prosperity. While commoners are forbidden from bearing arms, the Westmen have been slowly making concessions to appease them. It did not come without cost, however. Ameroe's more pleasant lands have always been contested and for every new plot cleared for the farmers and villagers, someone else was pushed out. That particular burden has fallen upon the denizens of the barrens, who have been pushed deeper and deeper into harsher land to make way. While the lizardfolk don't suffer so terribly there as the commoners would, life is not easy and they are immensely embittered to both the Westmen and the commoners that took their place. The Westmen despise the scorching heat and venture only to a few places in the desert to collect their tithings. Perhaps they are even aware that new arms and armour are finding their ways into the dusty garrisons from sources beyond their control, but they hold such disdain for the wastelanders that they don't seem to care.

The Westmen's aims in Ameroe have not become any clearer over these past twenty years save that they are searching. For what few can say, and many doubt the Westmen themselves even know. Further away from scrutiny rumors are building that something has stirred deep in the Ebon Wood and the Westmen no longer venture far from their vine-covered keep.


Total Domains: 250 Points

Old Ameroe
Cursed Chaotic Wilds - 5

Ruined City - 25
Dead Skies - 5
Wizard Tower - 10

Ebon Wood
Chaotic Wilds - 10

Keep - 30
Stockades - 10
Node: Wood - 50

Wilds - 5

Stockades - 10

The Heartlands
Countryside - 10

Echart (Town) - 10

Countryside - 10
Countryside - 10
Countryside - 10

The Arid Wastes
Lizard Wastes - 5

The Wreck (Stockades) - 10

Lizard Wastes - 5
Lizard Wastes - 5

Kaast (Town) - 10

Lizard Wastes - 5


Total Races: 40 Points
Asgar - 25
Lizardmen - 15


Total Military: 110 Points = 27 500 Gold


Total Cost: 12070

100 - The War God's Own (800)
God-Blooded Paragons

Level of Badass
Great Swords - 75G
Alfar Blade - 75G + 50M
Superheavy Plate - 100G
Embodied - 100M

Training and Equipment Cost: 100G + 300M + 200G +150M = 800
Upkeep Cost: 20G + 20M
Limit: 1 per Keep/City/Node

100 - Paragon of Law (900)

Etheric Metabolism
Why Won't You Die?!
Maul - 20G
Adamantium - 20A
Brute Force - 50M
Long Sword - 50G
Alfar Blade - 50G + 50M
Full Plate - 60G
Adamantium - 60A
Embodied - 100M
Noble Magic - 20Bk

Training and Equipment Cost: 100G + 300M + 80A + 120G + 200M + 20Bk = 900
Upkeep Cost: 20M + 20M
Limit: 1 per Keep/City/Node

200 Lords of Ameroe (860)

Battleaxe - 50G
Brute Force - 50M
Full Plate - 100G
Enchanted - 30M

Training and Equipment Cost: 200G + 150G + 80M = 430
Upkeep Cost: 16G + 3M (War) / 8G (Peace)

2000 Westmen (2600)

Bearded Axe - 35G
Full Shield - 10G
Charged - 10M
Plated Mail - 25G

Training and Equipment Cost: 50G + 70G + 10M = 130
Upkeep Cost: 5G

800 Westmen Archers (880)

Alfar Longbow - 30G
Sidesword - 15G
Lamellar Armour - 15G

Training and Equipment Cost: 50G + 60G = 110
Upkeep Cost: 5G

400 Seasoned Warriors (1200)
Lizardman Saurs

Great Sword - 75G
Brute Force - 50M
Superheavy Plate - 100G

Training and Equipment Cost: 100 Gold + 175G + 50M = 325G
Upkeep Cost: 5 Gold
May not use ranged weapons or magic
Limit: 1 per Lizard Waste

1800 Desert Soldiers (2610)

Halberd - 35G
Partial Plate - 35
Common Magic - 5Bk

Training and Equipment Cost: 50G + 70G + 5 Bk = 145
Upkeep Cost: 5G

3000 Serious Business Militia (1260)

Arbalest - 20G
Axe - 12G
Skirmisher Armour - 10G

Training and Equipment Cost: 42G
Upkeep Cost: 3G

5000 Militia (960)

Crossbow - 10G
Axe - 12G
Skirmisher Armour - 10G

Training and Equipment Cost: 32G
Upkeep Cost: 3G


Total Cost: 8930

Gold: 448G (Peace & War)
Mana: 430M (Peace & War)


300 Wyvern
Exotic Creature

Skirmish Plate - 50G

Training and Equipment Cost: 160B + 50G = 210
Upkeep: 16 Gold

500 Plated Allox
Exotic Creature

Absurdly Lethal
Skirmish Plate - 50G
Artisan Weapons - 8G

Training and Equipment Cost: 160B + 58G = 218
Upkeep: 16 Gold

500 Desert Allox
Exotic Creature

Skirmish Plate - 50G

Training and Equipment Cost: 160B + 50G = 210
Upkeep: 16 Gold

200 High Archaeopteryx
Rare Creature

Absurdly Lethal
Buffer - 50M

Training and Equipment Cost: 400B + 50M = 450
Upkeep: 40 Mana


20 High Wyvern
Exotic Giant Creature

Battle Plate - 50G

Training and Equipment Cost: 400B + 50G = 450
Upkeep: 40 Gold

30 High Allox
Exotic Giant Creature

Absurdly Lethal
Battle Plate - 50G
Artisan Weapons - 80G

Training and Equipment Cost: 400B + 130G = 530
Upkeep: 40 Gold

30 Desert Takh
Exotic Giant Creature

Absurdly Lethal
Battle Plate - 50G
Artisan Weapons - 80G

Training and Equipment Cost: 400B + 130G = 530
Upkeep: 40 Gold

10 Hydra
Rare Giant Creature

Vitriolic Breath
Siege Plate - 100G

Training and Equipment Cost: 1000B + 100G = 1100
Upkeep: 100 Mana


Dragons Kronth & Talanaxes (3000)
Giant Legendary Creature

Etheric Metabolism
Flight (2)
Armour (2)

Archmage - Life
Training and Equipment Cost: 750B + 750G
Upkeep: 125M


Total Cost: 3450


Gold: 130G (Peace & War)
Mana: 260M (Peace & War)

4 Master (1200)
Training and Equipment Cost: 30Bk + 150M = 300
Upkeep: 10G + 20M

30 Adept (2250)
Training and Equipment Cost: 5Bk + 50M = 75
Upkeep: 3G + 6M