Yushoto Komarin Harade
Player: Shrike
- Str - 11
- Dex - 12 (+1)
- Con - 11
- Int - 14 (+2)
- Wis - 12 (+1)
- Cha - 14 (+2)
- Wil - 12 (+1)
- Level 1 Artificer
- Background: Archeologist
- Lucky
- Proficiencies: Arcana, Investigation, History, Survival, Persuasion
- Tool Proficiency: Cartographer's tools
- Item: Hooded lantern
Luna Ultimus
Long suffering, and badly sunburned, Ice-Walker ice-coaster, or so she claims, hired on as the ship's captain.
Tiefling (God blooded) +1 intelligence +2 charisma
- Str – 9 (-1)
- Dex – 15 (+2)
- Con – 10 (+0)
- Int – 9 (-1)
- Wis – 8 (-1)
- Cha – 17 (+3)
- Wil – 15 (+2)
- 8 HP
- Level 1 Gentlewomen Adventurer (Rogue)
- Background: Sailor (Athletics, Perception) (page 139)
- Skills: Deception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
- Tool Proficiency: Thieves’ tools, Navigators tools, vehicles (water)
- Inventory: Shortsword, shortbow+20arrows, burglars pack, dungeoneers pack, leather armor, two daggers, thieves’ tools, a belaying pin, 50 feet of silk rope, lucky charm, common clothes, 10 gp
- Feature: Ships Passage, Expertise (thieves tools, stealth), Sneak Attack, Thieves Cant
Player: MW
- STR: 16
- DEX: 10
- CON: 16
- INT: 10
- WIS: 10
- CHA: 10
- WIL: 12
- Level 1 Fighter
- Background: Soldier
- Feats: Shield Master
- Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception
- Tool Proficiencies: Dice, Land Vehicles, Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons, All Armor, Shields
- Items: Longsword, shield, chainmail, dice, 2x handaxe, common clothes