Legend of Five Zahagan

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A tempestuous blast from the East,
Has bowed the forest of nations,
Dashed blighted boughs aground,
Scattered every hoofed and winged beast.

Brothers and sisters don White Turbans.
You would have said, "Were every lily,
To ever grow be arrayed together in ranks,
Still it would not match this ivory host!"

Where are the neglected people of talent?
Just as the nocked arrow must take flight,
They must pick up the pen and grasp the sword.
On the field of merit the khwarrah will alight.

A game of high operatic political drama and sick swordfights using the Legend of Five Rings 5E ruleset.


The Yuhwans

On bleeding feet the Yuhwa fled over the Heavenly Mountain's treacherous passes to the land of the Simurgh.

The Maripganate of Gyerim

The Kingdom of Covasna

The High Princedom of Rallis

The White Turbans

The Celestial Sejm began as a small a Yuhwan sect, one of many, which grew to be especially popular in the free towns and cities of Lehastan.

Members of the White Turbans swear to uphold the Eoraha, return the errant Princes to the Way, and expel the Lie. Devotees then bind their heads with the signature White Turban; an ubiquitous form of headdress throughout most of the Yuhwan nations and much of the continent besides. The chameleon virtue of this plain garment is distinguished to the knowing eye only by the use of cheaply made - and easily discarded - pins with the shape of the starburst or the lily.

United across many leagues by the pamphlet, the brave crier, and secret signs the





System and Character Development

General notes

The game will be using L5R 5E, with some minor houserules to reflect different narrative priorities from L5R's replication of Shakespearean Tragedy.