Soma Tarascon

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Tiamat Subject: Human foundation (F). Chronological age 19. Mental, biological ages undefined [1]. MORDRED-Beta process applied over 165 weeks to activate non-coding DNA sequences in subject derived from extinct hypersaurians. Process has yielded level 7+ prime energy manipulation capabilities (plasma-type) on purely biological basis, in line with objective A of the MORDRED Project, and dramatically increased muscular and skeletal system performance. Gross physical changes include inconsistent skin keratinisation and reconstruction of the extremities and the ocular and respiratory systems. Subject suffers from emotional and temperature dysregulation and reports occasional hallucinatory delusions of hypersaurian body and activities. Caloric intake needs at least twice baseline for a human of equivalent weight and build [2]. Tissue imaging scans indicate early formation of horn, wing and tail structures. Detailed genomic and phenotypic data can be found in appendix A.

Subject appears approximately as human caucasian female of 163cm height and slim build. She retains most human material and social cognition functions [3], and responds well to standard reward-punishment and social-integration based compliance techniques [4]. However, due to above mentioned emotional regulation problems, and the subject's advanced physical and paraphysical abilities [5], it is recommended that any recipient facility have access to subterranean containment infrastructure, level 4 restraints [6], and Mars-type Victors. Close observation of emotional state is recommended for effective neutralisation or utilisation of aggressive phases.

Do not house subject in vicinity of subrational animals. Mere proximity of subject appears to cause distress and f/f response. Possible pheromonal or neuroresonance-based explanations for this phenomenon currently under investigation.

The advanced paraphysical abilities of the subject make her of great projected value to the ongoing success of the MORDRED Project. More parochially, if the prototyping issues (see linked report) for the T-type Victors can be resolved, we will have another option for dealing with Montreal's haemovore problem. It remains to be seen whether the funding committee will have the sense to see this.

[1] N- and T-scores are not properly defined for this subject due to their novel and heteromorphic phenotype. It is regrettably common in this field to provide such scores anyway to satisfy reporting metrics, but such numbers remain misleading. We can establish standards when we have prototype production units to work with. In practical terms, subject's cognitive benchmarks are within normal human tolerances, and there are no signs of early senescence or delayed maturation of tissue areas still 0.9 or more anthropomorphic. Other areas cannot be defined, as stated above. Those in need of specific information can consult appendix B.

[2] Subject displays dietary preference for raw meat and root vegetables.

[3] Due to human-adjacency of subject it is recommended that senior personnel use familiarity blockers to regulate attachment instincts. Junior personnel can be cycled as necessary.

[4] Subject has developed a proficiency for laboratory technician work, but we do not think this is a consequence of the MORDRED-Beta process. For entertainment, ordinary media input (censorship grade 2) has presented no difficulties. Subject also has a liking for trivial material possessions, and retains them in her cell.

[5] Combat data can be found in appendix C.

[6] Specifications for countermeasures for the plasma projector organ can be found in appendix D. We reiterate that it manifests at L7+. Do not rely on ordinary fire kit unless you are well in the black on clone credits. Scenario planners should be aware of subject's temperature dysregulation and burn resistance; experience suggests sealing subject in ignited area until heatstroke collapse can be more efficient than wasting Victors or personnel.

At A Glance

Name: Soma Tarascon
Concept: Lab Dragon
Tradition: Orphan
Nature: Kid
Demeanor: Survivor


Willpower 5/5
Quintessence 5/5
Plasma Projection Organ 39/40
Paradox 5+0



Strength 6 (Natural Disaster)
Dexterity 3
Stamina 6 (The Beast Everlasting)


Perception 4 (Imperial Gaze)
Intelligence 2
Wits 2


Charisma 1
Manipulation 2
Appearance 5 (King of the Monsters)



Alertness 3
Athletics 3
Awareness 3
Brawl 1
Empathy 1
Flying 0
Subterfuge 1
Animal Kinship 1


Acrobatics 1
Biotech 1
Meditation 2
Stealth 1
Swimming 1
Technology 1


Computer 1
Enigmas 3
Finance 2
Lore (Dragons) 1
Lore (Technocracy) 2
Medicine 1


Essence: Primordial
Rating 5


Entropy 1
Forces 1
Life 1
Prime 1
Spirit 1
Time 1



Avatar 5
Enhancements 5 (Biomods: arete 8 plasma cannon, Str+2L claws, 1 pt. armour)
ravenous appetite, draconic features, predatory instincts, phantom body, temperature dysregulation
Past Lives 3

Merits & Flaws

Newly Awakened
Blazing Aura
Echoes III (registers as physical or status threat to animals, shadow has dragon features during agitation or exertion)
Enemy III (Project Mordred)
Short Fuse
Legendary Strength (Virtual Size Category)
Legendary Stamina (Fire Resistance)


  • Street Clothes
  • Plugsuit (assists temperature regulation)
  • Magpie Junk
  • Cyberboost Pro Energy Bar (1 tass)


Episode 1: The Dragon, the Dollmaker and the Drama Queen (+8) [8]
Stealth 1 (-3) Swimming 1 (-3) [2]


  • Fight skills
  • Better smarts
  • Ways to deploy and hide advanced dragon features