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Episode 1 - The Ironstar
Episode 2 - The Republican Garnet


It is the conjunction of the million planes. All things are permitted and none may have the label "impossible" applied to them; to so such is heresy. In a Dimensional plane Far, Far, Far Away and in the Distant Future a Crime has been committed. The Republican Garnet Crystal has been treacherously and most foully stolen from the Hierophant of Caladone. And she wants it back!

The Vakhshian Dynasty. The eternal rival and only recognized equal to the Great Eastern Empire.
The Great Eastern Empire. Space Romans in battleships.

Character Creation

Each player has eight character points which are divided between as many traits as one wants. These are not solely positive or negative; these are literally the key points that define your character and should therefore be well rounded. Mary Sue's tend to get swallowed into the Dimensional Walls of the Planes. In honor of MJ's Red Mercury suggest at least one character-related plot point relating to your character (and the above plot point), which may be nearly anything. . . .

It is recommended to have several different traits; and something that can be used as a defence. i.e. +3 Icy, +2 Caring, +3 Kendo. Traits are to represent the key points of your character; obviously pick things that fit your concept and that you will consistently use.

Buying Things
Stuff like a Space Train, or Space Battleship, will be bought with character points.


1d10. When doing something that relates to your character trait you add your trait bonus to the number of die you roll. The base Die is always 1d; so if you try something that doesn't have a trait you can convince the GM to let you apply you can still pass the Difficulty Test.

Certain traits can be used together. This primarily applies to equipment and skill Traits; i.e. "Sword of Light +3" with "Strong as a Ox +1" etc.

Difficulty will be base 6 with a +1/+2 for Hard and Very Hard, but a -1/-2 for Easy and Very Easy. Generally one success on the Die roll will be enough to pass the chance test.

Health each character has seven health ticks.

Defence rolls are 1d10 plus a relevant trait. One success on a defense roll will cancel a success on a attack roll. A full defence is the same as above plus 1d10 but consumes a whole turn.

Actions. Each character has one full action and one default Move; the move is not terribly far in distance since each turn is only a matter of a few seconds. The action may be used for a Full defence, a faster/longer distanced move, etc.

Fate Points. Rexbot hates people. So everyone has three fate points which lets you reroll a full roll, or a single die involved.


Name, IRC nick, etc, etc, concept, etc.

Applications currently closed.


Player: Mal
Plot Point: Is the Republican Garnet.
An amnesiac, stunningly beautiful young woman with a mysteriously huge bounty on her head to be captured alive. Various clandestine groups seem to vie to pay the highest bounty and the Bounty Hunter's Guild and their credit monitoring service is forced to keep a running ticker like a stock market.

  • (+1) Doesn't die when killed. (Gets killed a lot.)
  • (+1) Stealth.
  • (+1) Escape.
  • (+2) Subterfuge.
  • (+3) Unspeakably beautiful. (Makes men fall but attracts attention.

Nobelissimos Zeno

Player: G
Plot Point: Byzantine Court Politics.
One of the less favored members of the Great Eastern Empire's ruling dynasty. Having come out poorly in the last round round of court intrigues, he is presently patrolling the barbarian infested starways of the frontier in search of the fame and fortune necessary to overcome his more successful rivals.

  • (+4) Super-Dimensional Warship Belisarius
  • (+1) Imperial Commander
  • (+1) Keen Perception
  • (+1) Hand to Hand Battle
  • (+1) Intrigue

Pleurolyka Var

Player: Shrike
Plot Point: Bearer of the Lance of Longinus
The hired vitamancer (animator of unliving things) for a noble's ill-fated expedition to find the fabled Lance of Longinius, where a cosmic mix-up soul-bonded the ancient artifact and its associated heroic destiny to Pleurolyka - instead of the man it was meant for. Since then she's kept a low profile, trying to determine just what the destiny is.

  • (+3) Incarnadine House Vitamancer
  • (+1) Fast-Talker
  • (+1) Borrowed Destiny
  • (+3) Waif-Fu/the Lance wields her

Melville "Tex" Perkins

Player: MW
Plot Point: Stole the Republican Garnet!
Old western anti-hero of yore. Looking for the next great adventure.

  • (+1) Six-shooters of Awesome (Never need to be reloaded)
  • (+2) Impeccable Aim
  • (+1) Ruggedly Handsome
  • (+2) Uncanny Dodge
  • (+1) Kleptomaniac
  • (+1) Robot Space Horse


Player: Arc
Plot Point: Close encounter with a cosmic spallation event.
Autonomous rural-area law enforcement unit.

  • (+1) Transatmospheric Interceptor
  • (+1) Is the Law.
  • (+1) License to Kill in 2.06x10^6 precincts. Yes, this one too.
  • (+1) On-Board Fission Reactor
  • (+1) Standard Issue Plasma Cannon
  • (+3) Nigh Indestructible.


Sunday 4th. Seven or eight EST G-time. Deserters will be liquidated.

Saturday 27th

G - Around 6.30 EST
Shrike - ~6 PM Pacific
MW - Anytime?
Mal - Bad Idea


G - Around 6:30 EST unless Hurricane
Shrike - Golden
MW - Anytime I think
Mal - Good