Higashigawa High Clubs

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Kickstarter Reward

up to 3 XP to be dispensed when I want for coming up with more students to fill the school out.

The Offclubbers

The Offclubbers are students who are known or rumoured to have great aptitude at something but who for whatever reason are not in the club they "belong" to. By tradition, there are seven of them (there are often seven of things), but actually the number varies widely with different people included or excluded from different lists.

Higashibayashi Yayoi (3A) - A delinquent who dropped out of the Gymnastics team. No longer an Offclubber since she joined back up with Gymnastics this year.
Niwa Tsubomi (3A) - A recent transfer who has already been judged to belong in the Fashion Club since she's actually a model but hasn't joined it for some reason. Is it drama with the club president? Who knows!
Nanri Hisa (3C) - Tall with ponytail. The heiress of a kenjutsu school and presumed to be much more skilled than anyone in the kendo team but has always been in the Calligraphy club instead.
Tanizaki Isamu (3C) - Considered the honorary president (or sometimes, the Grand Wizard) of the Computer Club by its members and still sometimes drops by (he's actually quite chill) but is officially in the Reading Club since the rest of the Computer Club nerds really can't keep up with him. Has enough knowledge go directly into an 8-figure IT job on graduation.
Shishido Kiri (1A) - A new girl with massive, unkempt hair, evidently from a rich family, since she gets driven to school each morning. However, she seems to be quite helpless academically. Every accessory she has is dog themed and her mansion is known locally to be full of dogs. She is therefore judged to belong to the Pet Club but hasn't joined it.
Kazuma Gennai (3B) - A big guy, considered unattractive unless you like scary men with hard facial lines. Gets driven to school in the early morning by a black vehicle with shaded windows and surrounded by rumours that he is a Yakuza heir. Variously 'claimed' by the Judo club, the Karate club, the Kendo club, and even the sketchy National Historical Studies club but is the Student Council Public Morals rep. Unfailingly calm and polite but won't put up with petty delinquents causing trouble regardless of gender.
Kahai Joji (3A) - A through and through delinquent with an ugly face and a glorious pompadour. Hangs out at the back with one of two gangs of male delinquents. Despite appearances and demeanor, rumours abound that he is extremely good with hair and does his whole gang's pompadours.

Reading Club

One of the largest clubs in the school. The purported activity of the club is to read and discuss books. A segment of the club still does this, but it's a longstanding open secret that it's for all the people who don't feel like getting stuck into a busy club and just want something low maintenance that they can skip out on whenever.

Koriwara Kiami (2B) - Cute, with long straight hair and incredibly androgenous. Has the ability to put almost any student at ease. Most students legitimately don't know what gender they are as they seem to use any number of different pronouns at different times but most guys maintain their distance, fearing a trap. A member of the school's Student Mental Health Sub-Committee as well as the current president of the Reading Club.

Pet Club

Girls with cute animals. They maintain some rabbits, hamsters and the proud school doge.

Hairstyling Club

Girls taking care of hair. Have distinction of using the smallest room in the club building (a former janitor closet with water supply) next to the haunted bathrooms. Runs a haircut booth at festivals as its sole public club activity.

National Historic Studies Club

A sketchy right wing club whose members maintain their own intimidating clique. Is refused budget by the Student Council but its activities get bankrolled by its club members.

Gymnastics Club

Focused on artistic gymnastics. Its girls' side is moderately successful.


For more than a decade, the Higashigawa High Gymnastics Club has had exactly three boys in it. Every year, a senior graduates, a single freshman joins, and no amount of threats, bribes or promotional gimmicks ever changes this. The origin of the curse is unknown.

3rd Year

Inoue Ryosuke: Handsome and reliable. A good source of advice on form, which he has mastered. Technically the boys' captain, but as with all previous such captains, the minimum competition team size of four leaves him bereft of duties.

2nd Year

Nakamura Keiichi: Handsome and unreliable. Joined the team to impress a girl, then was intoxicated by some early success, then refused to give up a one-sided rivalry with Ryosuke. Outstandingly strong; has been known to carry a full girls' team of four on his shoulders when showing off at competitions.

1st Year

Kinoshita Chiba: Handsome and liable. Rumours differ as to just what it was he was liable for, but his moody and taciturn demeanour do little to suppress them.


After basketball, one of the major Higashigawa girls sports. The two have a rivalry but also a tacit agreement to sort on height, with the unusually tall gymnast Higashibayashi Yayoi and the short but merciless basketball captain Juumonji Kurenai being the only recent exceptions.

3rd Year

Reizei Rin: The captain. Very serious, but has been known to speak disparagingly of the dropout Yayoi. Hit hard by the poor performance of the last two years.
Yamazaki Haru: Joined in her first year as second-fiddle to her friend and middle school teammate Yayoi, but by now likely has the edge between the two.
Higashibayashi Yayoi: Technically still a team member. A big hope when she joined in her freshman year after a successful middle school career, but has mostly stopped attending practices after certain rumoured events.

2nd Year

Ono Kanade: Was pressured into the gymnastics team after she failed to secure enough members to continue the ballet club. She is committed to aesthetics and believes the sport should be about grace and elegance, and is hostile to point-chasing. Opposed to the 2006 scoring reforms. A good source of design and musical setting suggestions, and vague yet useful advice.
Dotani Sakura: An otaku forced to take up a sport by her parents, who then became hooked on the optimisation problems it presents. Dismissive of aesthetics and focused on point accumulation, but has a similar competition record to her rival Kanade due to a habit of getting distracted by score calculations mid-routine. A good source of training & optimisation tips; queen of Better World Arcade.

1st Year

Ishikawa Junko: A small star attending Higashigawa for convenience reasons. Good-natured and annoyingly talented. Bafflingly incapable of giving useful advice.

The Visual Culture Club

3rd Year

Kurashita Tsukimi The president. A regal beauty almost as regal as the schools own ice queen. Known as one of the four beauties of Higashigawa High (by nerds)

The Fashion Club

3rd Year

Fujiwara Chiyoko The president. Dark hair, kind of tall, good looking, jealous.

The Art Club

3rd Year

Kajiwara Sora The president. Going to be a professional painter, laughs a lot.

The Student Council

President Fujino Hifumi. Known as one of the Four Beauties of Higashigawa High (by everyone but especially nerds.) From one of the areas richer families. She's always dignified and friendly and tends to help students out if she can.
Vice President Kanzaki Keiji. A handsome guy with great grades from a good family who never the less doesn't date much. He's surface popularity has got him on the student council (and because nobody else wants the position really) but most girls think he's a creep, especially those who've dated him.