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Nationality: Hungarian
Occupation: Magician, former orphanage caretaker, borderline well-intentioned extremist
Title: Master of Berserker, seal-designated philosopher, the Ninth Magic
Backing: Mage Society (sort of)


Sharyoh is beautiful, statuesque, and has quite a generous bust. Her hair is a long, dirty blonde, loosely arranged in a single large braid falling past her waist. Her face is attractive and exudes an intense, motherly charisma. She appears in her 30's though she is probably older. She has a set of non-descript street clothes with a hat and a long coat, as well as a fancy dress for upscale occasions. When real magic needs working however, she reverts to a distinct, hungarian-priestess looking set of red, green and white robes with complex diamond patterns and tesselation in darker shades. It has a white hat and a red sash covered in insanity-inducing multicolor fractals. This is actually her mystic code (of the storage type), which stores prana in the form of shifting patterns. Her left eye is hazel. Her right eye is always closed and there is seemingly a tattoo on its eyelid.


In a word, motherly; Sharyoh is calm and always serene but gives off a warm, soothingness. To most people she seems like a perfectly ordinary lady, an always smiling and friendly woman. She likes children and even sullen adolescents tend to like her. She never seems angry, though she is quiet. The community of the Mage Society however, knows her as a very powerful sorceress. Until quite recently, she was not considered dangerous to associate with as mages went. However, she has become an all-out Philosopher since she received her sealing designation. She has cut loose all restraint in a last ditch gambit for the Grail and survival, and has proven capable of remarkable ruthlessness when necessary. Ultimately, she does not know what she would do in order to stay free and soar higher, but she thinks it's pretty scary.


Sharyoh Nanasy Drugon is the head and only remaining member of Hungary's most powerful magical lineage. As a magus, she has been respected for her power and knowledge for many years. The specializations of her magic are differences and sameness, borders and boundaries. Her day job was taking care of a small orphanage in a rural part of the country. She occasionally involved her charges in experiments provided they were safe and could better their lives after release from state care. As her knowledge of magecraft progressed, her ambitions went to new heights of grandeur and concept. Unaware how close she had come to true magic, an accident occurred, granting a single girl an immense magical power. The Mage Society learned of Sharyoh's accomplishments through capturing this girl and thereafter issued a Sealing Designation on Sharyoh. The enforcers took her entire orphanage hostage, believing she remained human enough to come quietly. In fact, the balance of affection to her studies as magus and her charges was exactly equal. At that moment, Sharyoh Nanasy Drugon chose to flee for her freedom.

The decision resulted in the assured destruction of the orphanage and the death of everyone in it but pushed Sharyoh over the edge, opening her Mystic Eyes of Delineation. Although she could not truly control True Magic as yet, she was nevertheless able to exceed the expectations of the enforcers. It was thought that there would at best be a 1% chance of her escape assuming she completely abandoned the children and the orphanage. However, the result was that she not only escaped but managed to rescue a single child from death. This tiny success emboldened her to continue forward. The Holy Grail recognized this desire to carry on and chose her as a Master in the Grail Wars. Sharyoh's purpose is two-fold. Firstly, the Servant and command seals granted by the Grail would help ensure her security for the time being. Secondly, achieving the Grail itself would permanently put her beyond the enforcement division's reach. Even if she failed at achieving the grail, she could seek sanctuary with the mediator who is loyal to the Church rather than the Mage Society. At worst, she would gain more time to fully master True Magic and hopefully become too dangerous to pursue. Selected, she began months of preparation, including committing murder to secure the most powerful artifact she could in order to summon her desired Servant.


Aside from her truly special abilities, Sharyoh is obviously a very powerful if unlucky magus. She is very complete as a mage, highly accomplished in many types of magic and an expert in barriers and bounded fields. She finds breaking the border of spiritual and profane to be simple and often summoned spirits to watch over children for example, which she can do also for surveillance or even defence in conjection with say puppetry. She's also not bad at hand to hand combat. She is a grand master of handling children, chores, and cooking.

Mystic Eyes of Delineation

The Mystic Eyes of Delineation are Blue (with silvery interior) on the scale of Noble Colors. They are unique in that they manifest only in a single eye because the presence of Delineation necessarily means that the other eye is on the other side of the Delineation, ie "normal" as opposed to "mystic". Like all Mystic Eyes, they are not true magic, but they are connected to the spark of True Magic within her. They help her understand it and are a crutch that may be sealed once she achieves mastery.

The eyes (or rather, eye) allows the perception of "borders". Obviously many boundaries such as the bounding line on a football field or the threshold of a building are easy to see even normally. Seeing the edges of even very well hidden bounded fields or the normally unmarked boundary between one city district and another is trivial and she can do this without even opening the eye. At full power, the eye can perceive metaphysical or conceptual boundaries. For example, the difference between being late for a meeting or not late, being alive or not alive, for someone being interested enough to turn their head or to walk past without responding.

On its own, the eye allows interference with these borders. A simple example would be to make it so that a ball that is out of bounds in fact us not out of bounds at all, or to produce genius out of ordinary madness. The boundary between the two would have shifted to accommodate these. The eye can be extremely deadly and is easy to lose control of if not kept shut, since it may mess with the borders of intention within one's own mind. This is why Sharyoh keeps her right eye shut at all times.

The Ninth Magic: Delineation

The ninth magic of Delineation has in its territory the true control of borders. The Mystic Eyes of Delineation could be considered a degraded form of it, or a crutch in order to learn it. Sharyoh doesn't have the luck (or character shields) to activate it in dire need or anything, but can usually make it work given preparation and meditation.


Magic Circuit: 5
Mage Skill: 5
Physical: 4
Charisma: 4
Manipulation: 3
Firearms: 0
Weapons: 0

Magic Categories

Energy storage/creation


Prodigy: Defensive (-4)
Prodigy: Spiritual (-4)
Fast Casting (-3)


Hunted (5) – Sealing Designated. Mage Society enforcement is after her. She hopes the size of Washington, the fact she is really a Master, or Church interference in the Grail War will help.
No Character Shield (10) – She probably expended her last one avoiding enforcers.
Poor (2) – She never bothered with ordinary wealth, considering her power as a sorceress and of course, orphanages are always poor. In Washington she is lying low and staying off the grid to evade pursuit.
