Old Sol Sector

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Old Sol, the core of the Republic and site of the most brutal battles of the Final War. Sol itself remains ever closed off, domain of the metal men, the AIs's whose QAI is unable to survive demands of FTL jump, seethes with activity of the post-humans. The new homeworld of Meridian is radioactive ruin, scoured clean of life and the system is home to frightful tears in space in which things come out, before reality catches up and banishes them up.

Despite the wealth and industry that survived, the damaged done knocked most of the worlds tech base down as raw materials brought in from the outer sectors collapsed. If you start in this sector max tech limit for units is Generation 1.

History Paths (Choose One)

Era 1:

First Disperate: Those fleeing from Lost Earth during the reign of the AIs. Such worlds are the oldest and most developed and history that predates even the Republic.
+50 Wealth

Early Republican Sponsored: The first of the Republican Worlds was for the wealthy in Old Sol, and despite the scars of the br> +50 Industry

Late Republic Pleasure World As the Republic decayed the core worlds for the wealthy became decadaent. Life extension and new drugs were in vogue and help contributed to the increasing detached from reality war plans of the last of the planning staff of Star Patrol.
20 Biomedicals with single extractors

Era 2:

Scorched: Worlds deemed important enough to be neutralized but not important to take, often meet their fate at the end of the buster cannons. Vaporizing centuries of history in the process.
-50 W/I
3x Free Trait

Battlezone: Worlds that for whatever reason saw major ground offensives, were hellscape of constant reinforcements from both sides. The wrecks can still be found today and salvaged.
+2000 Military

Conquered: The war was over shortly and the new occupying forces fortified heavily.
2 Ancient Fortresses
+100 military

Era 3:

Noble Hero: In the chaos of the Final War, headliners found themselves isolated and on their own. Here the great majority of the great noble house was formed, in which the Patrolmen took the step from servant of the state to head of state.
+1 Royal Mortarhead
+1 Ancient Fortress

Collapse: Some worlds collapsed entirely. Only gelling around a central House later on their history Free trait

Merchant Republic: Some worlds the Headliners were puppets with those who had wealth.
+40 Wealth Industry

Bandit Lords: Some of the heroes were not so heroic. In jury rigged starships they raided the stars for loot among the bitter ashes of thousand dead worlds. +2500 Military
-Halved Legitimacy Gaines

Era 4:

Reconstruction: The focus was on rebuilding from the ashes, healing the wounds and making civilization great again.
+100 Wealth / 100 Industry

Colonial Empires: Those that escaped the attentions of the Star League found themselves crowded out of the local space and took advantage of the increase cheap long range jump drive and found that many clusters had worlds less advance then your home sector.
+1 Colonial Enterprise
+1000 military

War: Even after the Final War, the powers that rose from the ashes, still saw conflict, either internal or external.
+4000 military

Machine Invasion: The AIs of Sol, have a tendency to send slowboat warships full of death machines to raid worlds. Its obvious that over developed Sol could send enough forces to wipe out all life via STL methods, but so far just keeps on raiding every so often. You're world was one that fended off one of these berserker probes.
+1 Plot Ticket Item

Era 5:

The Sun Never Sets: The colonial empire has grown.
+1000 Military
+8 Colonial Ventures

Retrenchment: Colonies are heavy things to carry and protect. Develop your home before going outward.
-1 Colonial Ventures (if Colonial Empire)
+100 Wealth/Industry

Late to the game: After being distracted by the Refusal Wars, the state now seeks to expand its own glories.
+4 Colonial Ventures
+5000 Military

Military Build Up:
The rediscovery of long jumping has sparked a new arms race in your world.
+2500 military