Legionary Veteran

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Quote: "The Republic, the city, family. . . Revenge. Man needs at least one thing in his life he's willing to die for."

Age: 20-40, Sex: 75% M / 25% F
Features: Laconic, cynical, quietly fanatical.
Clothes: Rugged civilian worker's wear, grey body armour and combat jacket.

The surviving soldiers of the Republic's Legions are the hardest of the hard-core. Those who have refused to lay down arms over the years due to a lingering fanaticism. They are experienced killers all, who have faced and escaped death numerous times. Their faith in their cause and their leadership keeps them together, and the renewed hopes of victory in the aftermath of the Silen War have boosted morale and brought many who drifted away over the years back to the ranks.

The Liberation of Eleutheria: Support - "For a free Eleutheria!For a free Prion!" Restore the Republic: Support - "For the Republic!" The Legend of Cordinal Jonas Flavius: Strongly Support - "We will follow our Cordinal unto hell itself!" Quirks:
Dog of the Military



Physique: 3, Senses: 3, Intellect: 1, Aether: 0

Alertness: 1
Athletics: 1
Firearms: 2
Melee: 1
Unarmed: 1
Stealth: 1

Eleutherian Plebian
Physical Conditioning


1 x Prion-Matchless M15
Ammunition: 6mm Crusade-Long, Range 50m, recoil +4, Scope: +1, Shots: 25 or 75, Fully Automatic

1 x Underslung 40mm grenade launcher, Range 50, recoil +10, Shots: one

10 x 15CL magazines, Crusade-long bullets (4d6 Physical)
1 x 15CL magazine, AP bullets (2d6 x 4AP Physical)
1 x Matchless 75 large drum.

6 x 40mm Frag Grenades
Damage: 3d6 Physical, radius 15m
3 x 40mm Gas Grenades
Damage: 2d6 Chemical - non-lethal, Coverage -3, Radius 10m, Duration:1d3+3 rounds
1 x 40mm Flash Grenade
Damage: 3d10 Energy, AN5, radius 30m

5 x Frag Grenades
Damage: 4d6 Physical, radius 20m
3 x Smoke Grenades

Legion Tactical Armour
Armour: 10DR, Coverage: 6, Ballistic Layer: Reduces physical wounds by 1.

Cancels Low and Limited Visibility, provides High Visibility on targets within 250m or designated.

IRIS Tactical Radio
Provides encrypted radio and burst text communication out to 5km.

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