Ooyama Shinki

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  • You'll need a gang of strong girls before you start picking fights in a shallow, depraved place like highschool- I mean the Golden City.

Vital Statistics

Name// Ooyama Shinki
Tradition// Akashaic Brotherhood
Concept// Ox-Tiger Renegade
Image Song// John Cafferty - Hearts on Fire, secretly: this
Nature// Caregiver/Competitor, regain WP when helping or protecting someone/regain WP when impressing someone or winning a challenge.
Demeanor// Survivor, regain WP when surviving a difficult situation.
Essence// Questing
Chantry// N/A

Things to Track

Willpower// 5
Temporary Willpower// 5
Health Levels// -0 x 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 2, -5 x 1, Incapacitated
Current Damage// 0
Arete// 4
Quintessence// 5/5
2 points of Tass, which are holograms of Shinki and Kikansetsu-maru modelling futuristic fashions.
Paradox// 4


Strength 6// Force of Nature
Dexterity 2//
Stamina 4// Relentless
Perception 5// Bloodhound
Intelligence 2//
Wits 2//
Charisma 2//
Manipulation 2//
Appearance 4// Iconic



Alertness 2//
Athletics 4// Hurl to the Horizon
Awareness 4// Spiritual Power
Do 5// Defensive Arts
Intimidation 3//


Acrobatics 1//
Crafts (Weapons) 4// Impractical for Weaklings
Heavy Weapons 2//
Meditation 1//
Melee 3//
Technology 2//


Academics (Philosophy) 2//
Body Control 5// Tolerate Temperature
Cosmology 2//
Law (Akashaic Codes) 2//
Strategy 2//
Traditional Medicine 3//


Foci and Spheres


Life 4// Specialty: Through Training
Matter 4// Specialty: Craftsmanship
Prime 3//
Spirit 4// Specialty: Bindings


Do Limbs

Dhyana// Awareness, Enigmas, Meditation
Prajna// Academics (Philosophy), Cosmology, Law (Akashaic Codes)
Dharmamukti// Alertness, Do, Dodge
Shastamargas// Crafts (Weapons), Melee, Strategy
Tricanmarga// Acrobatics, Athletics, Body Control

Do Maneuvers

Escape Arts// Break out of restraints with Dex + Do at variable dif depending on level of restraint. Amateur restraints are automatically escaped without a roll.
Iron Shirt// Add (Do) to Stamina to resist Bashing damage, receive 1 level if the inflicted damage exceeds (Stamina).
Jou Chuan// Disarm or redirect melee and unarmed attacks with Dex + Do at dif 7 and score more sux than opponent on their attack roll.
Kiaijutsu// Once per combat can roll Manipulation + Do at a dif of (target Willpower +2) and attempt to demoralize an opponent, increasing the penalty of their actions by 1 to a maximum of +3. Can also roll Charisma + Do at dif 8 and add successes to Performance, Leadership or Intimidation rolls for the scene.
Peaceful Way// All Craft (Weapon) actions have a dif -1 of normal. Anyone who passes a relevant skill check at dif 8 can sense that the character is a skilled martial artist from the results of the craft and techniques used.
Plum Flower Blossom// Roll Dex + Do at dif 6, doubling jumping distance for 1 turn + 1 per 2 successes on the roll.
Weapon Art// Shikomizue (Sword), Chain, Tetsubo (Club) receive Do dif reduction.
Ten Thousand Weapons/ Any object is a weapon, inflicting minimum bashing dice equal to (Do). Weapons which inflict Bashing instead deal Lethal, and Lethal weapons gain +1 dice.
Snake Step// Dodge with a pool of (Dex + Do + 3) at dif 5.



Avatar 5// Aka-oni
Legend (Aka-oni) 3//
Resources 1//
Totem 5// Kikansetsu-maru (鬼神説丸) (Willpower 8, Gnosis 7, Rage 8; Power 30/30)
  • Airt Sense: Perceives paths in the Umbra as the sound of flowing water- deeper regions have a crisp sound like mountain streams.
  • Armor: Flows with hits to minimize damage. If evasion is impossible, she instead flexes. A lot. Spend 2 power for (Gnosis) extra soak of all types.
  • Assess Character: Fighting instincts allow others to be measured against one's self. Better at determining fighting ability than other things (Rage, attack magic and combat pools revealed first). Spend 1 power and roll Gnosis at difficulty 7, gaining insights per success.
  • Blast: Launches aqua bullets and scything water streams. Spend 1 power and inflict (Rage) Lethal or Aggravated damage at range.
  • Healing: Has a gourd of healing sake. Spend 1 Power and roll Gnosis at difficulty 6 for Lethal and dif 8 for Aggravated damage, healing one level per success up to (Gnosis) per scene on the same target.
  • Swift Flight: Jumps really good (84 meters or yards per round!), more fighting game airdash or wuxia glide than real flight.



Consists of black trenchcoat, black hakama with sports bra and shorts.
Yamato Damashi//
Proper kimono with pretty flame-and-flowers pattern, geta and hair decs. Comes with appropriate underwear (none).
Heavy Metal Queen//
Inherited from an, ahem, ex-boyfriend who really liked heavy metal music. Consists of fur-lined pleather bolero jacket, pleather short-shorts, pleather bandeau and face paint. A bit squeaky.
Backup outfit from highschool days as the queen of a gang of female delinquents, ankle-length skirt (non-standard) and sailor fuku ensemble, along with accessories (paper mask, sunglasses). She's 23 so wearing it would be gauche.
Shin Oni Tensei// Soak: 4L, Penalty: 0 (-2 for people who aren't Shinki and for any Stealth actions), Bypass: +1, Min Strength 5
A stylishly disheveled post-apocalyptic outfit made out BTR playing, old pilot jumpsuits and industrial rivets. Single-sleeved, as expected of a post-apocalyptic martial artist who fights using a giant gunblade.



Black Kanabo// Difficulty: 5, Damage: Str+6B, Conceal: N, Two-Handed, Min Strength 3
A superior version of the greatclub is a solid iron truncheon covered in fine knobs, designed to be swung two-handed. Shinki's personal weapon is made of solid black iron, with a thick patina of carbon that has been baked on to season it from rust. It slightly resembles a baseball bat, although the proportions are different.
Shikomizue// Difficulty: 6, Damage: Str+3L, Conceal: T, Can be used two-handed for +1 damage
A ruffian's or gentleman's sword hidden inside a plain wooden sheath, with no guard or wrappings at the grip. Can be concealed as a cane with matter magic.
Huge Chain// Difficulty: 5/6 as whip, Damage Str+1B/2L as whip, Conceal: T
A chain which is about twice as long as a normal fighting chain and four times as heavy. Frankly, it's kind of excessive.
Grand Gunblade// Difficulty: 4, Damage: Str+5L, Conceal: N, Two-Handed, Min-Strength 6+
Made in the post-apocalyptic wastes of some shitty desert, with a Russian helicopter blade and a minigun she already had. Has a helical backpack linking the ammunition feed, and extended grips along several points to fire. The built in minigun has the standard statline but has twice the ammo and reload time.
Minigun// Difficulty 4, Damage 8L, Rate 5A (auto only), Range 100, Magazine 40


Merits and Flaws


Dual Nature// She's not doing it for you... idiot. Has both the Caregiver and Competitor Natures, with the implicit benefits and penalties.
Legendary Strength// Gains up to (Strength) extra dots of Strength for the purpose of making minimums for the use of particular weapons. For weapons with the 2H tag, her strength also increases to meet the requirements of using them one-handed. As long as the minimums are met, there are no penalties for wielding them as such beyond those which might arise from lack of leverage or awkward grip using a weapon substantially larger than herself.
True Love// Has the greatest love and respect for her sworn brother, Kikansetsu-maru (a girl). Automatic successes on relevant rolls to get closer, help or protect her, and other benefits at GM discretion.


Echoes (Oni) 2// Has some standard oni vulnerabilities, as a consequence of her bond with Kikansetsu-maru. Monkey statues make her feel slightly uncomfortable, and wearing or carrying boughs of holly grants extra dice of soak (1-3 depending on freshness and amount) of all types against her attacks. Additionally, omnyodo practitioners and people with True Faith (Shinto) can use these to ward her off.
Otherworldly Taint// Depending on the observer, stinks of: Kakuri, Earth, the underworld and the fairy realms specific to Japan.
Distorted Image// Casts a very long, very scary shadow which appears to be a more folkloric, bestial depiction of the red oni.
Throwback 2// Remembers fragments of her star-crossed past life with Kikansetsu-maru at the time of the Bakumatsu era, when she was Teito Takakiyo, Shogunate loyalist and Akashaic brother who fought the forces of Imperal omnyodo and technomagi. Takakiyo was defeated and forced into exile at the closure of the war for his traffic with demons, committing sepukku alongside the last incarnation of Kikansetsu-maru.



Physical 64/64

  • Strength 5 (40)
  • Dexterity 1
  • Stamina 4 (24)

Mental 44/44

  • Perception 5 (40)
  • Wits 2 (4)
  • Intelligence 1

Social 24/24

  • Appearance 4 (24)
  • Charisma 1
  • Manipulation 1


Talents 39/39

  • Alertness 1 (3)
  • Athletics 3 (9)
  • Awareness 3 (9)
  • Do 3 (9)
  • Intimidation 3 (9)

Skills 27/27

  • Acrobatics 1 (3)
  • Heavy Weapons 1 (3)
  • Crafts (Weapons) 3 (9)
  • Meditation 1 (3)
  • Melee 3 (9)

Knowledges 15/15

  • Academics (Philosophy) 1 (3)
  • Body Control 1 (3)
  • Cosmology 1 (3)
  • Law (Akashaic Codes) 1 (3)
  • Strategy 1 (3)


Background Points 21/21

  • Avatar 3 (9)
  • Legend 3 (9)
  • Resources 1 (9)


Sphere Points 65/65

  • Matter 3 (34)
  • Spirit 3 (31)

Freebie Points

Freebie Points 126/126

  • Echoes (+6)
  • Distorted Image (+3)
  • Otherworldly Taint (+6)
  • Throwback (+6)
  • Dual Nature (6)
  • True Love (3)
  • Avatar 5 (6)
  • Totem 5 (30)
  • Arete 4 (24)
  • Legendary Strength (15)
  • Strength 6 (20)
  • Spirit 4 (21)
  • Strategy 2 (1)


Experience Gains

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (195/190/5)

  • Pre XP (100)
  • Prelude XP (4)
  • Poor Session Tracking (32)
  • Shopping Session + Wisdom + Lesson (5)
  • End of the Cathedral + Wisdom + Lesson (5)
  • Russian Bunker + Wisdom + Lesson (5)
  • Journey to the Anus + Wisdom + Lesson (6)
  • Chain City I
  • Chain City II
  • Chain City III
  • Chain City Oedo
  • Chain City Demon God Superfight
  • Escape from Chain City + Crafting Minigame
  • The Speakable Abyss
  • Prison Planning (5)

Experience Spending

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (195/190/5)

  • Life 3 (34)
  • Dexterity 2 (4)
  • Manipulation 1 (4)
  • Charisma 1 (4)
  • Intelligence 1 (4)
  • Do 5 (14)
  • Craft (Weapons) 4 (6)
  • Heavy Weapons 2 (2)
  • Body Control 5 (10)
  • Awareness 4 (6)
  • Athletics 4 (6)
  • Cosmology 2 (1)
  • Lore (Akashaic Code) 2 (1)
  • Academics (Philosophy) 2 (1)
  • Prime 3 (31)
  • Alertness 2 (2)
  • Matter 4 (24)
  • Technology 2 (5)
  • Life 4 (24)
  • Traditional Medicine 3 (6)
