Jonas Flavius

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"What the Republic was about. The Republic was about death and futility, and a massive ego trip by a bunch of wannabe Chosen. Look at this pompos ass. He'd have you believe you can all be soldiers in his army, for some great cause, but he'll just get you all killed."
"No it was about laws, justice, order... A world where man could stand without the Chosen, certainly not hiding in the shadows and killing innocents."

"Too long you've been held back, trying to protect something that is dying."
"I. . ."
"I'm sorry Jonas, I didn't know. But had you asked, I would have said yes. Even over Armiger. But fate was always against us. My fate was with another, and now so is yours."

Grand: Republican virtue!
Personal: The honor and bonds of comradely


Grand: Our dreams, our way of life becoming not even a memory.
Personal: The deaths of my troops

Grand Goal: Restore the dream that was the Republic
Personal Goal: Protect my troops

Hero Level: Local Hero

  • Officer
    • Mecha Ace

Distinguishing features


Inflects respect vibes on Elves of CZ Centeral

Core Stats

Physique 3
Senses 4
Intellect 4 (+1)
Aether 1
Adrenaline - 3
Focus - 4
Willpower - 5
Core Ether - 1


Core Skills

Alertness 2
Athleticism 2
Intuition 3 (+2 Eleutherian Patrician)
Concentration 2
Aether Channel 2

Combat Skills

Firearms 2
Melee Weapons 2
Tactics 4 (+2 Eleutherian Patrician)
Unarmed 2
Leadership 5 (+2 Eleutherian Patrician)

Vehicle Skills

Weapon Systems 5 (+2 Eleutherian Patrician)
Technical Systems 2
Drive 4

Covert Skills

Stealth 2
Deception 3
Codes 2

Social Skills

Graces 3
Languages 2 [Eleutherian, Olbold]
Social Circles: 4 [Plebs, Republic Military/Resistance, CZ Central Nobles, CZ Central Underworld] (Free: Elves, Red Brigades)
Conversation 4 (+2 Eleutherian Patrician)
One Liners 2

Technical Skills

Theory 2
Local Knowledge 2
Critical Thinking 2

Etheric Skills


Moralist: Your character can get on their high horse sometimes and prevents them taking more expedient actions. Once per session gain 2 CP if you stop another character taking an action that would further one of your group’s goals with the words, “That’s not who we are,” or “Because otherwise we’d become like them,” or similar. Gain 10 CP if this leads to the escape of a named villain who can come back and plague the group in future.
Honorable: Your character hates to act dishonorably, such as stabbing another in the back, lying to the people, or striking down an unarmed foe. When faced with the ability to take a dishonorable action, if your character sacrifices their chance to act, such as by refusing to strike in a surprise round, saying nothing in response to an accusation for fear of harming another, or letting a downed adversary regain their feet and claim their sword, they gain +3 Advantage.
War Wound: Your character has lingering injuries that have never fully healed. They suffer a -2 penalty to one Exploit Pool, but gain two additional Trait points due to their hard won experience. This quirk cannot be taken if it would reduce the pool below 0. The nature of the wound is a lost eye from a bullet graze (-2 Focus). It can be upgraded to a serious war wound for double the Exploit cost, and four trait points.


Eleutherian Patrician (2 trait points) – Patricians are the old noble families of the Republic. Due to the superior education of the Republic they gain +2 bonus to five skills. If an Eleutherian Patrician picks a Jibrilite trait they do not pay the extra 1 point surcharge for mixed ancestry.
Willful Advantage (1 trait point): Allows a character to spend Willpower rather than Advantage when performing special maneuvers. One Willpower equals two Advantage. Prerequisite: Hero 1, Intellect 4
Ace 1 (3 trait points): The Ace Trait is attached to a specific skill. The character may spend one point of the appropriate Exploit when rolling that skill to roll an extra d10. Prerequisite: Hero 1, only one Ace trait per hero level
Orator (2 trait points) Access to the Oratory conversation options Prerequisite: Conversation 4
Chessmaster (3 trait points) Access to the Chessmaster tactical battle options. Just as planned.(1) Prerequisite: Hero 1, Tactics 5

1 Remaining trait points.


Banked: 3CP Total: 135 CP

Season One

Session 1 "A Worthy Enemy": 3XP + bonus skills
Bonus Skills: +1 City Elf Circles, +2 Leadership when dealing with Elves
+1 to One Liner
+1 to Quick Uptake
+1 to Conversation
Session 2 "The Ball, Part 1": 3XP
+1 to Pleb Circle
+1 Conversation
+1 to Grace
Session 3 "The Ball, Part 2/Redemption:" 4XP
+1 to Leadership
+1 to Elf Circle
+1 to Republic Military Circles
Side Story: "Baka Jonas! :[": 2XP
+1 to Intuition
Session 4 "What dreams may come": 13XP
-2 banked XP for rerolls
+1 to Tactics
+1 to Leadership
+1 to Military Theory
+1 to Intellect (5XP)
+1 Athleticism
Session 5 "The Battle of Railway Road": 6XP
-1 banked XP for reroll
+1 to Conversation
+1 to intution
Session 6 "The Heart of a Patriot": 4XP
-4 banked XP for rerolls
Session 7 "Ingriaception": 2XP
+1 Problem Solving
+1 Military Theory
+1 Firearms
+1 Drive
+1 Aether Channel

Crossover Madness

The Legend of the Republic: 2XP

Season Two

Session 8 "Goddamn it Jonas!": 3 CP