Gregorio Arhyna

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Gregorio Arhyna


Grand: Thaumatech needs to be free, man!
Personal: I am a good man, even with my name.


Grand: Has progress been doomed to pass away along with the Chosen?
Personal: Do the sins of the (grand)mother render the efforts of the child all for naught?


Grand: Liberate Mikaela from the ghostly grasp of the Chosen's remnants!
Personal: I will clean up the family's taint with good works and deeds.

Distinguishing features

Goofy laugh
Slightly disheveled look outside of formal occasions

Hero Level: Local Hero -Thaumatech Prodigy (200 pts)

Core Stats

Physique: 3 (Exploit: Adrenaline) (6)
Senses: 5 (Exploit: focus) (10)
Intellect: 8* (Exploit: Willpower) (14 + 1 free)
Aether: 4 (+5 Nobility bonus, Exploit: Core Ether) (8)

Skills (43) :

Firearms: 2
Weapon Systems: 3
Alertness: 1
Athleticism: 2
Stealth: 2
Graces: 1
Conversation: 2
Drive: 2
Problem Solving: 5
Aether Channel: 3
Mechanic: 3
X Circle – Nobles: 1
Thaumatech : 7
Thaumatech Theory: 5
Knowledge (local): 2
Medical: 2


Thaumatech Prodigy (??? pts)
Magitech Tinkerer (??? pts)
Bloodline Legacy (??? pts)

Power Points:

1 - Partially reactivated Stratodyne

CP Earned:

3 - Prologue
4 - Power Plant Session
4 - Bike Warrior Session
3 - Return Session


+1 Conversation
+2 Medic

Physique Traits

Good Arm (X): Add 50% to throwing distance, and reduce scatter by one step.

Senses Traits

Intellect Traits

Combat Foresight (X): Spend 1 Willpower to activate a defensive system as an free interrupt action.

Epsilon Thaumatech (X): This character has the access codes for advanced Praxis circuits and functions, including code composition for creating their own circuits.

Word of Command (CZ Central Contstructs) (X): On a successful social attack (Intellect+Problem Solving), this character can spend 1 WP to inflict the Deep Vibe “Unswerving Loyalty” on the specific pre-designated group. This Vibe can affect one character or up to 10 mooks. The Vibe lasts until the targets sleep, after which point they will rationalize any actions taken, so long as they did not conflict with any Convictions or Goals.

Adept (Thaumatech) (X): This character can choose to take an automatic 10 on one dice of any roll for the indicated skill. If this option is chosen any remaining dice rolled cannot critically succeed.

Aether Traits

Ether Receptive (X): This character is particularly receptive to Ether and gains +5 Core Ather.

Aether Leech (X): As a free action, after inflicting any damage in close combat, drain one Ether from the target’s Core Aether, or leech their entire pool of naturally readied Ether. This second ability cannot target mechanically readied Ether due to geodes or other devices.

General Traits

Negative Traits

Maniacal Laughter (X): The character is prone to occasionally succumbing to fits of maniacal laughter. Gain 1 CP per session for pausing to laugh maniacally for at least a round before defeating someone in combat. Gain one Power for pausing to do so before executing some scheme vital to your character’s goals, if doing so puts that scheme in jeopardy.