Talk:Magus Novice Opus: Prima Materia
Asmaa Tahan
- Magical Origin: Heir
- Great Work: An art so beautiful that all who look upon it must feel as the maker intended
- Failing: Hubris
- Power (P): 2
- Finesse (F): 2
- Toughness (T): 4
- Sensation (S): 5
- Intellect (I): 4
- Charisma (C): 4
- Deception (D): 5
- Academics (specify):
- Athletics:
- Craft (specify): Art
- Delinquency:
- Etiquette
- Lore (specify):
- Martial Arts (specify):
- Military:
- Occult:
- Rule:
- Perform (specify):
- Servant:
- Sneak:
- Technology:
Spells and Legend
- Legend 4: Rich, Decadent Artist
- Legend 4: Djinni blood
- Willpower: 7
- Know Secrets (Level 1) - Learn aspects of a person which they conceal.
- Target: Other
- Range: Local
- Duration: Momentary
- Effect: Scan [Secrets]
- Modifiers:
- Restore Beauty (Level 1) - Restore the external appearances of a thing. This can heal wounds, but only those which are disfiguring.
- Target: Other/Self
- Range: Local
- Duration: Momentary
- Effect: Repair [Appearances]
- Modifiers: Coincidental, involves fussing over the thing for a little while. (-1)
- Artist's Tools (Level 1) - Create tools from thin air with which to do art, of any type wanted. Lasts for the duration of the protect.
- Target: Self
- Range: Touch
- Duration: Momentary
- Effect: Create [Art Tools]
- Modifiers:
- Resemble Obsession (Level 2) - Transform self to resemble the object of a person's desire or to embody other obsession. Successes become bonus dice on influence rolls- usually. Dark souls have a power of their own.
- Foundation: Restore Beauty, Know Secrets
- Target: Self
- Range: Touch
- Duration: Transit
- Effect: Transform [Self]
- Modifiers:
- Beautiful Servant (Level 2) - Create an idealized figure for a single purpose (a skill). Successes are split between number of servants and their independent action dicepool. Has 6 Health.
- Foundation: Restore Beauty, Artist's Tools
- Target: Other
- Range: Local
- Duration: Transient
- Effect: Create [Servant]
- Modifiers:
- Forbidden Wish (Level 3) - The natural djinni ability to grant questionable wishes, recreated by Asmaa's magecraft.
- Foundation: Resemble Obsession, Beautiful Servant
- Target: Other/Self (1)
- Range: Local
- Duration: Persistent
- Effect: Transform [According to a Wish], Create [According to a Wish]
- Modifiers: Condition, the effect must either be requested with embarrassment/resistance or explicitly rejected. (-2)
- Azoth: 10/10
- Player: Shrike
- Magical Origin: Autodidacts
- Great Work: To usher in the global revolution against the magi puppetmasters
- Failing: Laziness
- Azoth (stored internally): 2
- Willpower: 5
- Power (P): 4
- Finesse (F): 7
- Toughness (T): 4
- Sensation (S): 6
- Intellect (I): 4
- Charisma (C): 4
- Deception (D): 5
- Danger Sense
- Eyes of Cat (night vision)
- Delinquency:
Spells and Legend
- Spark (Level 1, +1)
- Target: Other
- Range: Local
- Duration: Momentary
- Effect: Damage, Transform (haywire)
- Fire (Level 1, +1)
- Target: Other
- Range: Local
- Duration: Momentary
- Effect: Damage, Create (fire!)
- Lucky Guess (Level 1)
- Target: Other
- Range: Touch
- Duration: Momentary
- Effect: Scan (luck?)
- Look the Other Way (Level 1)
- Target: Other
- Range: Local
- Duration: Momentary
- Effect: Transform (distraction)
- Catlike Reflexes (Level 1, +1)
- Target: Self
- Range: Touch
- Duration: Momentary
- Effect: Scan (danger)
- Modifiers: Mundane
- Claws (Level 1, +1)
- Target: Self
- Range: Touch
- Duration: Momentary
- Effect: Transform
- Modifiers: Mundane
- 15 XP starting
- 2 spent on 1 skill
- 9 spent on 9 more stat points
- 4 spent on traits
Fiona Rathmore
- Oseng
- Warlock - Power comes from forbidden knowledge and pacts with otherworld entities of great power such as Demon Lords, Great Fae, Elder Gods, etc.
- Magical Origin: Autodidacts
- Great Work: Recover the Grimoire of Jerro and ascend using the knowledge within it.
- Ambition
- Power (P): 1
- Finesse (F): 3
- Toughness (T): 2
- Sensation (S): 3
- Intellect (I): 4
- Charisma (C): 5
- Deception (D): 4
Special Qualities:
- Abyssal Gaze (1)
- Academics (Medicine):
- Athletics:
- Craft (specify):
- Delinquency:
- Etiquette
- Lore (specify):
- Martial Arts (specify):
- Military:
- Occult: 2
- Rule:
- Perform (specify):
- Servant:
- Sneak:
- Technology:
Spells and Legend
- 16 XP for spells - TBD
- Legend: Pact-Maker 5
- Azoth: 10/10
- Fiona's Blood
- Willpower 7
- Wisdom
- Health:
Bonus XP (15)
- Legends 5
- Spells 6
- Willpower 2
- Charisma 1
- Abyssal Gaze 1
Andre Sermaster
- BM
- Magical Origin: Eclectics
- Great Work: Undead that are indistinguishable from a living species
- Failing: Unsettlingly Obsessed
- Power (P): 1
- Finesse (F): 4
- Toughness (T): 2
- Sensation (S): 4
- Intellect (I): 5
- Charisma (C): 2
- Deception (D): 3
Special Qualities:
- Abyssal Gaze (1)
- Academics (Medicine): 1
- Athletics:
- Craft (specify):
- Delinquency:
- Etiquette
- Lore (specify):
- Martial Arts (specify):
- Military:
- Occult: 1
- Rule:
- Perform (specify):
- Servant:
- Sneak:
- Technology:
Spells and Legend
Blood Drain – Drain Blood through physical contact and accelerate healing (1)
- Level 1
- Other
- Touch
- Momentary
- Repair (self), Damage (living)(1)
- Condition (Only works on those with human Blood) (-1), Mundane (+1)
Transfuse Blood - Impart Azoth-infused Blood to heal the wounds of others (1)
- Level 1
- Other
- Touch
- Momentary
- Repair
- Condition (Costs health) (-1)
Spectral Blast – Ghostly essence strikes at the material world(1)
- Level 1
- Other
- Local
- Momentary
- Damage
Soul-Sight – shifts Andre's perceptions to allow him to study the essence of others and their spirits(1)
- Level 1
- Self
- Touch
- Momentary
- Scan
Unmoor from Material – briefly shift something into a wraithlike state (1)
- Level 1
- Local
- Momentary
- Transform (Render Spectral)
Undead Vessel – Transform a dead body into an animate undead, granting it supernatural strength and speed (2)
- Level 2
- Local
- Transient
- Create (Undead)
- Derived from Blood Drain, Spectral Blast
Wraith Form – Caster's flesh becomes ectoplasm, becoming as a ghost (2)
- Level 2
- Self
- Transient
- Transform (Spectral Body)
- Derived from Soul-sight, Unmoor from Material
Death Knight – Creates an armoured warrior of incredible power, the Knight Fuminori (3)
- Level 3
- Local
- Familiar, Permanent (4)
- Create (Death Knight)
- Derived from Undead Vessel, Wraith Form
- Legend: Cat-eared Vampire 4
- Legend: Mad Doctor 2
- Azoth: 10/10
- Phylactery
- Andre's Blood
- Willpower 7
- Wisdom
- Health: 12
Bonus XP (15)
- Legends 6
- Spells 6
- Willpower 2
- Finesse 1
- Player: Aeon
- Magical Origin: Visitor (Dryad)
- Great Work: Cultivate the seeds of a new World Tree
- Failing: Idealist
- Power (P): 4
- Finesse (F): 2
- Toughness (T): 7
- Sensation (S): 3
- Intellect (I): 3
- Charisma (C): 4
- Deception (D): 1
Special Qualities
- Elemental Affinity (Wood) 2
- Prehensile Hair 1
- Academics (Botany)
- Craft (Alchemy)
Spells and Legend
Verdant Growth - Trigger a profusion of accelerated plant growth.
- Level 1
- Other
- Local
- Momentary
- Create (plants), Transform (plants)
Photosynthetic Rejuvenation - Peony absorbs sunlight to heal herself.
- Level 1
- Self
- Touch
- Momentary
- Repair (self)
- Condition - Be in sunlight.
Thorn Whip - A thorny vine emerges from Peony's arm to lash at foes.
- Level 1
- Self
- Momentary
- Damage
Antitoxin - Neutralizes poisons in the bodies of others.
- Level 1
- Other
- Touch
- Momentary
- Repair (living beings)
Entangle - Commands ensorcelled plants to grasp at foes.
- Level 2
- Other
- Local
- Transient
- Transform
- Foundation: Verdant Growth, Thorn Whip.
Hypnotic Fragrance - Exudes a calming scent that renders targets docile and vulnerable to suggestion.
- Level 2
- Other
- Local
- Momentary
- Transform
- Foundation: Verdant Growth, Antitoxin.
Barkskin - Grows armored, bark-like skin over Peony's body, increasing her toughness.
- Level 2
- Self
- Touch
- Transient
- Transform (self)
- Foundation: Verdant Growth, Photosynthetic Rejuvination.
Haven - Peony melds her form with that of a tree, allowing her to hide within it.
- Level 2
- Self
- Touch
- Transient
- Transform
- Foundation: Verdant Growth, Photosynthetic Rejuvination.
Poison Bloom - Ensorcelled plants produce deadly flowers that poison enemies.
- Level 3
- Other
- Distant
- Transient
- Transform (plants), Damage
- Foundation: Entangle, Hypnotic Fragrance.
- Legacy: Avatar of Nature 5
- Rumor: Great Conservationist 2
Azoth Storage: Enchanted blossoms growing in her hair.
- Azoth: 9/9
Willpower: 5
Health: 16/16