Magus Novice Opus: Prima Materia
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Resolution is roll Xd8 and compare success counts. The default success number is 5 but this may be raised or lowered by circumstances. No successes and 1/2 or more 1s rolled produces a botch. Western-style magi double the value of rolled 7s and eastern-style magi double the value of rolled 8s.
Great Work
All magi pursue a great work, which represents both the trajectory of their studies and an impossible dream to change the world. If magic is meant to act in according with the laws of nature, the Great Work is an act that redefines the world. Nikola Tesla had the Great Work of 'harness the power of lightning', while Thomas Edison desired to 'create the world of modernity'. Alchemists traditionally had the goal of 'replicating the Philosopher's Stone', something very few achieved in their lifetimes.
Achieving or moving towards their Great Work restores a magi's regenerates Will.