Hlorne Dessius Pendragon

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Hlorne Dessius Pendragon


Species: Kobold Subspecies: Zentil (with some Rafealan traits) Allegiance: Pragmatist Player: Landon


Hlorne is the shame of his family. Born into upper kobold society, he is a kobold with mixed features. While mostly looking Zenith, he is not quite big enough. The hair on his head looks a bit funny. This is because his family has some Rafaelan in their ancestry, as much as they try to hide it. Hlorne was just the unlucky one that got "bad" traits at birth. The hair on his head are actually [silkie] feathers.

Of course, this is the nobility and would be nobles. Everyone already knew everyone else's dirt. No one was willing to expose an unimportant son of an unimportant family if it meant there could be real retaliation. But his father wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed either, and make Hlorne pretend to be a female every time he left the house. (That's why he's small! Really!) Hlorne learned to play the part and soon became amused at how everyone around him would change how they treated him based solely on his appearance. It wasn't uncommon for his friends to call him by female terms outside the home, and then change to masculine once he was indoors and had changed his clothes.

But the real rub and sticking point was his lack of sorcorery. Any noble kobold worth his salt was a sorceror, and Hlorne just couldn't hack it. No matter what classes his dad made him attend, no matter how much he practiced, no matter how much he developed his wit or skill with aether, the spells just would not come. It was like there was a missing link. It didn't feel real. It didn't feel complete. It was like a jigsaw puzzle with too many missing parts. Sure, you could put together what you had, but no matter what you did it wasn't a full picture. Sorcerory just felt hollow to the young noble.

The final straw came when he overheard that he was to be married, and as a lady no less. He didn't mind who he was to be married to, and he didn't mind the idea of being his "lady". It wasn't even the idea that he was being spent as a pawn in some political game. It's that he wasn't. It was just useless and pointless. The two families were on good relations. A political marrage wasn't going to do anything to advance their position... or his for that matter.

Throughly convinced that the nobility was devoid of substance, Hlorne fled. He liberated some possessions from his parents on the way out, and used his skill at playing a role to talk his way to a thieve's fence. With some gold under his belt and not a lot of plans, chance would find him. Some smugglers were interested in starting a thaumatech goods, but they couldn't find someone who could make them useable. Here was an noble "sorceror" at a thieve's fence. Contact was made in a bar. Talks were had. A stolen Praxi traded hands.

It was a machine that pulled Eather into motion as surely as a cog pulls a machine into physical motion. Meditation and shaping Aether by willpower never made sense to the young kobold. This did. This was the missing piece. As he worked with the praxi, he became more and more enamored. This wasn't just the missing link, it was a game changer. This was magic for the masses. With thaumatechnology, no one would need nobles ever again. All he had to do was wrest it from the control of the choosen...

Hlorne delved into his work, looking for some way to hack it. It was an endless struggle, but some parts (like avoiding the wrath of the choosen) solved themselves. Other parts were very difficult to solve. The choosen were brilliant, but controlling. The security they imposed upon their circuits thwarted him at every turn. It didn't help that many of the praxi that made it to Mornfell were in a sad state of disrepair. The smuggling ring ended up making the bulk of it's money simply by having him repair the circuits and then selling them to legitimate government and business interests. But after years of work, the young "noble" had his success. He created a genuine bootleg key. It would only give you Delta access, so it wasn't too useful. But it was his, not the choosen. Cracking the rest would only be a matter of time.

Defining Characteristics

  • Blue outer scales, tan underscales, and sky blue "hair feathers" on his head. Hard to tell gender at a distance. Looks pure Zentil at a distance.
  • Mellow personality and dry wit. Calm, unflappable exterior in most situations, but dire situations will crack him badly.
  • Always wears a dark grey trenchcoat, which functions as his low profile "plugsuit".


Personal: The things I am doing make a difference in people's lives.

Grand: I am an evil genius for a better tomorrow.


Personal: I will make the world better by spreading and teaching thaumatechnology. (and getting paid for it)

Grand: I will even the playing field between nobles and common man!




Points: 15

Physique: 2

Senses: 3

Intellect: 5

Aether: 5

Adrenaline: 2

Focus: 3

Willpower: 5

Core Ether: 5



Intution: 1

Stealth: 1


Firearms: 1


Linguistics: 1 (Learned Jibrilize)

Problem Solving: 1

Teaching: 3

Thaumatech Theory: 3


Kobold Nobility Circle: 3

Conversation: 3

Deception: 3

Graces: 3

One-Liners: 3

Quick Uptake: 1


Etherics: 1

Thaumatech: 4

Aetheric Skills

Aether Channel: 3


Racial Traits

Character Points: 35 Character Points Spent: 35