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Vital Statistics


Evil builds gradually. First it pretends to be you, then you start to hate everyone around you. And finally, you scorn the entire world. Gradually. Slowly, like the hour hand on a clock. That is why it’s so frightening. --- LT Belfangan Clouseau from FMP TSR

Character Name: Lariana Galatea
Player Name: Andronicus
Homeworld: Schola Progenium
Career Path/Rank: Adepta Sororita Renegade (+3 WS/BS bonus)

Prides: Beauty (+2 Infamy, -4 Willpower)
Disgraces: Regret (+5 Corruption) Opponents receive +10 Situational modifier when using this against the character.
Motivations: Violence (+5 Corruption, -3 Intelligence) I strike only in the service of myself.

Divination: :"Trust In Your Fear"
Parents: Lost to the Void
Gender: Female
Build: Well-built
Height: 1.80m
Weight: 80kg
Hair Color: White
Skin Color: Tanned
Eye Color: Grey



Weapon Skill: 25+20+3+5 (53) Bonus: 5 (+1 Degree of success from Adroit)
Ballistic Skill: 25+20+3 (48) Bonus: 4
Strength: 25+10 (35) Bonus: 4
Toughness: 25+10 (35) Bonus: 3
Agility: 25+10 (35) Bonus: 3
Intelligence: 25 (25) Bonus: 2
Perception: 25 (25) Bonus: 2
Willpower: 25+10 (35) Bonus: 3
Fellowship:25+20+5 (50) Bonus: 5
Infamy: 25Bonus: 2


Wounds: 14 (14)
Damage: 0
Fatigue: 0
Critical Damage: 0
Infamy: 0 + 2
Current: 0
Insanity Points:
Degree of Madness: 0
Disorders: None
Corruption Points: 10
Degree of Corruption: 0
Gifts of the Gods
Blessed Fits.
Prone to bouts of severe seizures, frothing at the mouth and thrasing about wildly. Should the character ever declare that he is using an Infamy Point to reroll a failed Test and then fail on the reroll, he is struck by a seizure and stunned for 1d10 rounds. When he awakens, however, he does not count as having used the Infamy Point.


Initiative. 1d10+AG Bonus

Skills, Traits and Talents

Basic (Black Crusade)

Acrobatics (Ag)
Charm (Fel)
Commerce (Intelligence)
Deceive (Fel)
Forbidden Lore (Intel)
Inquiry (Intel)
Interrogation (Will)
Intimidate (Str)
Linguistics (Intel)
Logic (Intel)
Navigation (Intel)
Psyniscience (Percept)
Scrutiny (Percept)
Security (Intel)
Slight of Hand (Ag)
Survival (Percept)
Tech-Use (Intel)
Trade (Intel)


Athletics (Str)
Common Lore (War) (Intelligence)
Command (Fel)
Dodge (Ag)
Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) (Intel)
Stealth (Ag)
Operate (Surface) (Ag)
Medicae (Intel)

Trained +10

Parry +10 (Ws)

Trained +20


Sheltered Upbringing. The Schola Progenium does not prepare one for the rigours of the galaxy but only of the Emperor's service. With the pale mask of bondage to the Imperium thrown off the only thing that remains is to correct this flaw.
Adroit. Select one Characteristic at CharGen. Add one additional Degree of Success to successful Tests involving that characteristic including skill and characteristic tests.


Jaded Ignore mundane horrors. 126
Quick Draw. Draw weapon as free action.
Rapid Reload p130
Weapon Training (Chain, Las, Primary, SP, SP)
Heavy Weapon Training (
Weapon Training (Bolt)
Catfall (Reduce falling damage)
Sure Strike (Reduced pen for Called melee strikes) P 132
Disarm. At close-range take a full-action to force a Contested Weapons Skill test; if the enemy loses his weapon falls to the characters feet. If the character attains three degrees of success or more he takes the weapon from the enemy. p122
Ambidextrous. No off-hand penalty. If combined with Two-Weapon wielder, take -10 for using two weapons. p118
Lightning Reflexes (250 XP) P127 (Slaanesh) Roll twice and take highest for Initiative.



Good Craftmenship Boltgun. Reliable. (Only jams on a unmodifed roll of 00). 100m S/3/- 1d10+5X Pen 4 Clip 24 Full-Action Tearing [1]
Best Craftmenship Laspistol. Never jams or overheats. Mechanically treat such things as a miss. 30m S/2/- 1d10+2E Clip 30 Half-Action.
Best Craftmenship Chainsword +10 Ws and +10 Ws for Parrying only. 1d10+3 R Pen 2, Tearing[1] Balanced[2]
[1](Roll a extra die for damage, discarding the lowest die rolled)
[2] Balanced +10 Ws for Parry
Power Sword Dam: 1d10+5E Pen: 5, POWER FIELD, BALANCED, 3 KG.


Adepta Sororita Power Armor (Light): AP 7/All. 40 Kg. +10 Str.
Galatea's power armor. Possibly defaced.
Carapace Chest plate (AP: 6 Body; 7Kg)
Carapace Vambraces (AP: 5 Arms; 2Kg)
Carapace Greaves (AP: 5 Legs; 3Kg)
Carapace Helm (AP: 4 Head; 2kg)


Dataslate with annotated version of the Tactica Imperialis

Experience Points

+1000XP to Spend

Points Spent

Weapon Skill +5 (250 XP)
Fellowship +5 (250 XP)
Lightning Reflexes (250 XP) P127 (Slaanesh) Roll twice and take highest for Initiative.
Sound Constitution (250 XP) +1 Wounds