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Samhan Taehayasdan
Three Nations of Great Hayasdan
Spiral Banner Great Seal
System Map
Capital Soreabal
Recognized languages New Ayraratian, Gyerimal,
Demonym Taehayasdani
Government Federal
- Eoraha
- Taehetman
- Sich Rada
Systems One
Currency Jeohwa

Habaek System

Inner System

Habeak (Sun) Type
Ayrarat (Inner Habitable)
-Vahan Minor Moon
Yuhwa (Inner Habitable)
-Ahobiryong Major Moon
-Paytakaran Major Moon
Hweonwha (Inner Habitable)


The First Girdle,
also known as the Heavenly Mountains or the Aksai
Asteroid Belt
Wuihwa (Interstitial Gas Giant)
Semirechye (Interstitial Gas Giant)
-Zerevshan Minor Moon
-Haiykh Minor Moon
-Baikal Major Moon
-Almatay Minor Moon

Outer System

The Second Girdle,
also known as the Altai or the Amu Darya
Asteroid Belt
Zaporozhzhia (Outer Gas Giant)
Kokand (Outer Gas Giant)
Izilkhoum (Highly Elliptical)
Kyzlkoum (Highly Elliptical)

The Joyous Baek-Huit Minus One Occultations

What is Baek-Huit?
From the Spiral we know that the Baek-Huit is a Sacred Number for humans. There are 108 feelings. The number of senses is Six: smell, touch, taste, hearing, sight, and consciousness. Painful, Pleasant, Neutral are Three. Within and Without are Two. What is Behind, Now, and Ahead, is also Three. Six multiplies by Three, is multiplied by Two, and multiplied once more by Three. There are 108 feelings. Therefore, there are 108 Negations.

What is the relation of the Negations to the Joyous Occultation?
It is these Negations with which the saints of the Ten-Tailed Sun would self-annihilate, opening the way to the Spiral of Origin.

What is the Joyous Occultation?
The Saints of the Ten-Tailed Sun attempted a universal sublimation. Some schools say they fell short and achieved Baek-Sept, others that they overshot and achieved Baek-Neuf. A few suggest that they achieved no Negations but stumbled upon some other process entirely. Instead of taking all man with them they had instead caused bitter partings. Whatever the nature of the error in the Unseen there is an equal and opposite reaction in all things, so these flaws were reflected and realized in the world of the Seen by Nemesis. And since the object was no less than the Spiral of Origin these imperfections, no matter how minor, became grievous and terrible to behold. Spirits came alive with fury. The confusion of man became fratricidal conflict. Knowledge of how to traverse the stars failed. In sum, the moment of felicity was indistinguishable from catastrophe.

Nevertheless, even if they were confounded in bringing about the fullness of their aspiration by pondering means of the Saints and heeding the Bodhisattvas the way lies clearer for a more perfect attempt to come.

Who are the Bodhisattvas?
When the wise successfully comprehends the whole of the Spiral of Origin, it is not impossible to turn back from subliming to Akasha at the last for the sake of those behind. While not divine like spirits or immortals, they stand Between like them, and whisper to the unenlightened by the same means through dream-semiotics and digital communion. The Joyous Occultation brought about many more Bodhissatvas than ever before.

Is this why the Occultation is also said to be Baek-Huit Minus One?
Yes. For as grievous as the parting was between the halves that went ahead and those who were left behind it was nevertheless Joyous that so many had sublimed to an Akashic existence.

How long ago did the Joyous Baek-Huit Minus One Occultation occur?
Depending on the one you ask, it may be anywhere between ~3000-800 Years of the Ten-Tailed Sun before the present.

Wherefore the wide divergence?
The plurality of the Habaekid arms of the Salvation Spiral and academia agree that the Occultation occurred at least one thousand years of the Ten-Tailed Sun ago, with many placing the most realistic date somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000 Ten-tailed Sun years ago. However not a few scholars, Magi, Shamans, and the Counter-cyclical schools championed in the modern day by the Kwanumsa sect, Rakhmankhulites, and Evdokimovii dissent. By calculating from the astrogation records of the Comet-riders, consulting traditions, divining from the heavens, and communing with spirits they argue that the difference could not have been more than 800 years of the Ten-Tailed Sun. For the foreseeable future, no amount of debate can reconcile the two different visions of the past.

What is the promise of the Mahdi?
"If there were to remain in the life of the world but one day, that day would prolong until We send in the Mahdi. Their name will be the same as Our name. They will align the heavens with the earths and make the world tranquility, as it was once filled with oppression and tyranny."

But no one knows the hour, nor the place. And how can a person have the unknowable hundred thousand names of the Spiral?


Samhan National Costume