User talk:100thlurker

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I00thlurker Retcon Proposal

  • Spot Fire: The Spot Fire trait on a weapon allows a ship to use targeting data from a friendly ship, out to the Spotter's EW Range. Use the distance between the Spotter and the Target for the purposes of determining the effective range for gunnery, such as penalty to damage from EW.


  • Ray Beams: Massive beam emplacements or spinal arrays far too powerful to use vectoring and thus relying on mechanical aiming. Base TN 5, plus the target's Initiative value, +1 at over half range(may not be able to hit some ships at all). [+Spot Fire]. [Double damage to shields]. Range 4-22.
  • HI Vector Beam: Main battery of Ships of the Wall, too powerful for snap vectoring. Can spot fire. Base TN 5, plus the target's Initiative value up to 9, +1 at over half range. [+Spot Fire]. [Double damage to shields]. Range 2-18.
  • QF Vector Beam: Ubiquitous, basic anti-ship bendy beams, particularly suited for tagging fast targets. Base TN 6. Range 7.
  • Anti-Matter Gun: Fires bolts of suspended but volatile Anti-Matter, destroys both armor and hp on the same damage roll on unshielded hulls. Range 2-7

Ships have different stances depending on their hull type and role. Some have specific stances entirely unique to their class.

  • Retreat: All emergency power to engines. x2 Speed to nearest Starway or safe zone. Ship in Retreat cannot be taken out of Retreat stance except with a command check.
  • EW Screen: Cannot fire weapons. Ships using EW Screen will grant their EW score to all ships, friendly or enemy, in their line of movement.

Ship mockups

Ships of the Wall

Battleship (1st Rate): Speed 2 (Init:0), Shields 10, Armor 8, Structure 25, EW 0, 10 HI Vector Beams, 4 QF Vector Beams
Armored Cruiser (IInd Rate): Speed 3 (Init:1), Shields 8, Armor 6, Structure 12, EW 0, 6 HI Vector Beams, 4 QF Vector Beams
Cruiser (IIIrd Rate): Speed 3 (Init:1), Shields 6, Armor 4, Structure 10, EW 1 4 HE Vector Beams, 4 QF Vector Beams

Light Ships

Light Cruiser (IVth Rate): Speed 4 (Init:2), Shields 4, Armor 3, Structure 8, EW 3, 6 QF Vector Beams
Frigate: Speed 4 (Init 4), Shields 2, Armor 1, Structure 6, EW 4, 2 QF Vector Beams

Fleet Action

Design Goals

  • Represent entire Operational Scope
  • Narratively focused gameplay
  • Relatively fast pace, unity of command

Raising Fleets

Fleets are made up of three kinds of Fleet Elements:

  • Screen: The forward element of the
  • Wall of Battle: The main body of a fleet is made of the [First Wing], [Second Wing], and [Third Wing].
  • Fleet Train:

Into these Elements go Tokens which represent tactical groups of ships. Four different

Fleets are made up of Tokens, usually representing tactical groups of 2-6 ships. Tokens come in three different categories Light, Ship of the Wall, and Capital. In addition each token has several specific characteristics: Speed, Firepower, Shock, Resilience, as well as special traits.

e.g. Phoenician First Line Capitals: 1 Speed, 5 Firepower, 3 Shock, 2 Resilience

Not all fleets are made equal. Most powers have several different kinds of Fleets. Fleet types have different basic statistics that represent their authorized materiel as dictated by naval legislation and their general expected level of support, readiness, morale, and training.

Fleets in Action

Fleets in action. There are two types of engagement, determining the particular fleet elements, and a battle can freely transition between either depending on circumstance. This determines what fleet elements the

Phases of Battle

  • Screening: In the Screening phase the Screen attempts to gather data on the enemy’s maneuvers and prevent their counterparts from doing the same. Their respective success or failure determines who, if anyone, has initiative. Engagements that have become too chaotic or frenzied (such as a general melee) may not have this phase.
  • Planning: The Flag Officers and their staffs analyze the field and issue their orders. Both sides describe the overall formation they want their fleets to adopt to the GM.
  • Execution: The Fleet Elements perform Actions.
  • Aftermath: The results of the main action is made known.

Set Piece

Whenever two fleet groups mutually agree and commit to pitched battle, bringing the full weight of their numbers to bear on each other. In a Set Piece engagement there are two major lines.

Line of Battle
[First Wing] [Second Wing] [Third Wing]
(Reserve) (Reserve) (Reserve)


Whenever a majority of either fleet group is not engaged such as a meeting engagement, an attempt to maneuver around an enemy, or a fighting retreat. Most of a fleet’s tokens are “off-screen”.

[First Wing]
March Train
[Second Wing] [Third Wing]

Formation prejudices. It provides bonuses to

Flags & Symbols