Talk:Hisa's Garden Character Creation

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[18:20] <@FBH> I'm going to make the club founder unless someone else wants it
[18:21] <@Peel> not me
[18:21] <@FBH> a 3rd year student who's going to leave for
[some distant place/the big city] soon and wanted to enjoy one last time in familarity first so came back to the club despite it not really being a thing you're supposed to do while cramming for university entry
[18:22] <@Peel> not being a teacher anymore huh
[18:22] <@Peel> I might be a token foreigner
[18:22] <@Peel> hmm
[18:23] <@Peel> I currently lack a 'hook' for the character
[18:23] <@Peel> a key visual or emotion
[18:24] <@Mal> There's some suggestions there
[18:25] <@Peel> FBH can help by providing KMMO armour pics
[18:26] <@FBH> I'll look through deviant art
[18:28] <@Mal> I can also assign hooks if we're okay with that
[18:28] <@Mal> Are you okay with that? Do you TRUST me?
[18:29] <@FBH> I'm pretty okay with it
[18:29] <@Peel> I'd rather locate one myself
[18:29] <@Peel> presently
[18:29] <@Peel> hmm
[18:29] <@Peel> I should try to develop a new character
[18:29] <@Peel> alternatively I could revive my magical girl
[18:29] <@FBH> you should
[18:30] <@Peel> okay so I want someone very different to Rin
[18:30] <@Peel> someone more intensely aesthetic...
[18:30] <@Peel> I DID just read ashita no joe
[18:31] <@Peel> maybe someone with fascist aesthetics
[18:31] <@Mal> I was gonna have um
[18:31] <@Peel> elements are falling into place
[18:31] <@Mal> Your uncle mail you a Key
[18:31] <@Mal> but it could be Ent's char
[18:31] <@Mal> if he's actually interested
[18:31] <@Peel> well I'm happy to accumulate hooks also
[18:32] <@Peel> this is all just internal
[18:32] <@Peel> hmm
[18:32] <@Peel> I could take this character in a direction of not caring about videogames because they're fake, but then it's hard to explain why they're in the club
[18:33] <@FBH> intensely athletic you say? :V
[18:34] <@FBH> Not really work safe
[18:34] <@Peel> thought that was a cyclops for a moment
[18:35] <@Peel> do we know how death and respawns work in NuHisa?
[18:35] <@Mal> You have no idea
[18:36] <@Peel> what's contemporary amahara like
[18:37] <@Mal> Um, normal and not obstructionist to any reasonable idea
[18:37] <@Mal> (I just didn't want to have it be Japan, so it's NotJapan)
[18:39] <@Peel> oh
[18:39] <@Peel> no FBH
[18:39] <@Peel> intensely aesthetic :b
[18:39] <@FBH> oh
[18:39] <@FBH> :<
[18:40] <@Peel> athleticism is possible anyway
[18:40] <@FBH> If it wasn't someone's OC
[18:40] <@FBH> I might use that picture
[18:40] <@Mal> Intense Aestheticism?
[18:41] <@Peel> okay let's roll: they're a romantic youth who spurns society and behaves rebelliously and self-destructively. they idolise various people who died early. athleticism is possible since I was looking at them having been funnelled into some intense and destructive sport like combat sports or gymnastics
[18:41] <@Peel> hmm
[18:41] <@Peel> combine them for competitive kagura?
[18:41] <@Peel> I might not do that since we're not in IRL
[18:41] <@Mal> A kendo girl tired of all the padding and safety in actual kendo?
[18:42] <@Mal> seeks the visceral excitement of actually cutting things up?
[18:42] <@Peel> well they idea is they run around jumping off bridges and getting in fights, so the youth court system pushed them into professional jumping/fighting training to get them under control, and it took in a 'terrrying her trainers' sort of way
[18:43] <@Peel> (I am ripping AnJ off pretty directly here :v)
[18:43] <@Peel> (good artists great artists etc)
[18:43] <@Peel> however that's all IRL stuff
[18:43] <@Peel> so secondary
[18:43] <@Peel> for the MMO, they might have been tempted in by the viscerality
[18:43] <@Mal> So why'd she come off all that and get into VR gaming I guess
[18:44] <@Peel> yeah this is the current bounce
[18:44] <@Peel> hmm
[18:44] <@Peel> it's a concept better suited for a different story, as is
[18:44] <@Peel> well
[18:44] <@Peel> it does provide excitement due to the VR
[18:45] <@Peel> so she might have taken it up for that reason since even she has limits to her energy reserves, and it makes mum and dad shut up
[18:45] <@Peel> even if it's 'fake'
[18:45] <@Peel> also she's good at it
[18:45] <@Peel> then it becomes real and she has a dramatic reaction to this
[18:46] <@Mal> Righto
[18:46] <@Peel> so winnowing out the superfluous elements, she's a girl who was bored with the real world
[18:46] <@Peel> and got destructive about it
[18:46] <@Mal> Yeah, that's good
[18:46] <@Peel> and has now been sucked out
[18:46] <@Mal> Such a delinquent!
[18:47] <@Peel> technically the designated shounenko, but more to the creepy weirdo end of shounens
[18:47] <@Peel> than the good-hearted hero
[18:48] <@Peel> high skills
[18:49] <@Mal> Okay what sort of a class/build/gear?
[18:49] <@Peel> name name name...
[18:50] <@FBH> hmm
[18:50] <@Peel> human-like race
[18:50] <@Mal> No need for details there, jsut a general idea
[18:50] <@Peel> hmm
[18:50] <@Peel> probably a fighter
[18:50] <@FBH> DPS
[18:50] <@Peel> though and anime fighter of course
[18:50] <@Peel> not great defence but plenty of hp
[18:50] <@FBH> Mage/DPS/The best build she can find
[18:50] <@FBH> gear I mean
[18:50] <@FBH> probably cares more about stats than how it looks
[18:51] <@FBH> probably has a special set of RP gear she wears in other situations
[18:51] <@Mal> Is that for FBHko?
[18:51] <@Mal> Anyhow, basic idea is that for every 5 levels, you assign a dot to the classes.
[18:51] <@Mal> The dot is just a notional indicator for us, the fluffwise level distribution is whatever you like
[18:52] <@FBH> yes
[18:52] <@Mal> Based on those dots you get various class perks or disads in some cases
[18:52] <@FBH> Be aware I don't play MMOs so I have only the basic idea
[18:52] <@Mal> With high Knowledge, you get a bonus to this
[18:52] <@Peel> what's FBHko about
[18:53] * @Mal pokes Ent a bnit
[18:53] <@Ent|> don't, I'm only kinda semi-interested :V
[18:54] <@Mal> Fine then, I won't!
[18:54] <@Ent|> lol
[18:56] <@Peel> what's FBHko about??
[18:56] <@Peel> ?????
[18:56] <@Peel> ?
[18:56] <@FBH> oh
[18:57] <@FBH> she's mostly worried about the fact she's scared about her future
[18:57] <@FBH> and wants to recapture her past
[18:57] <@FBH> uh, that sentence had some redundency in it
[18:57] <@Mal> yes
[18:58] <@FBH> but like, she wants to recapture her youth scouting the MMO and playing around with this club
[18:58] <@Peel> anyway, name...
[18:59] <@Peel> I've moved away from token foreigner with this conceot
[18:59] <@Peel> though it's not impossible
[18:59] <@Peel> their class would be anime fighter, so you know, sword magic
[18:59] <@Peel> dunno about build type
[18:59] <@Peel> tank or DPS
[18:59] <@Peel> she'd want both
[19:00] <@Peel> so can move around depending I guess
[19:00] <@Mal> So swords, basically
[19:00] <@FBH> tanks can usually do limited DPS
[19:00] <@Peel> she wants to get into the ring and slug away like a real (wo)man
[19:00] <@FBH> Tank is D&D fighter
[19:00] <@Peel> and push to the limit
[19:00] <@Mal> Well, I the game won't lock you into tank or dps
[19:00] <@Peel> hmm hmm hmmmmm
[19:00] <@Peel> there's a subsidiary idea
[19:01] <@Peel> that she injured herself doing whatever self-destructive thing she was doing before
[19:01] <@Peel> which is why she got into VR
[19:01] <@Mal> Assume you don't necessarily HAVE to have a trinity
[19:01] <@Peel> 'My ankle isn't fractured in VR'
[19:01] <@FBH> brb
[19:01] <@Mal> (and it never does!)
[19:01] <@Peel> broke her ankle foolishly attempting to win the nationals despite doctor advice
[19:02] <@Peel> what never does
[19:02] <@Peel> gear would be stylish fanservice armour
[19:02] <@Mal> You couldn't break your ankle in Altima
[19:02] <@Peel> ah yes
[19:02] <@Peel> okay, I sorta like this angle
[19:02] <@Peel> I'll think about it
[19:03] <@Peel> it changes things around
[19:03] <@Mal> And class will be something swordy
[19:03] <@Peel> not sure I want to go with all the consequences of it so I may stick with the original 'I need to break early to get to training' plan
[19:03] <@Peel> yeah
[19:04] <@Mal> big sword? small sword? curved sword?
[19:05] <@Peel> big or medium
[19:05] <@Peel> but medium by MMO standards means big
[19:06] <@Peel> not something she could fight with IRL, prolly
[19:06] <@Peel> might have multiple swords!
[19:06] <@Mal> !
[19:06] <@Mal> That'd be unique.
[19:06] <@Mal> Unless you just mean dual wielding
[19:07] <@Peel> I did
[19:08] <@Peel> for the moment assume one sword
[19:08] <@Peel> I'm having a hard time imagining dual wielding right now
[19:08] <@Peel> I think she's a two-hander
[19:09] <@FBH> to be honest
[19:09] <@FBH> my experience in skyrim mods suggest we're not going to have a shortage of skimpy armour
[19:09] <@Peel> I am always in the market for character visuals
[19:10] <@Mal> I had this image briefly of a super specialized tier 3 class that carries different swords and can switch between them
[19:10] <@Mal> Like a humanoid Exia
[19:10] <@FBH> dunno if I'd really call them good
[19:10] <@FBH> I think my character might wear really ridiculous armour that has good stats
[19:11] <@Mal> an optimizer?
[19:11] <@FBH> yes
[19:11] <@Peel> The Human Exia is a possibility
[19:11] <@Peel> but don't bend backward to make it real
[19:12] <@Peel> I think a single 2H is the main
[19:12] <@Mal> Well these things will be very abstract
[19:13] <@Mal> So you can literally come up with any idea you like and explain why it works
[19:14] <@Mal> There *are* some mechanics involved in Classes
[19:14] <@Mal> for example Vampires DO burn in the sun.
[19:14] <@FBH>
[19:14] <@Mal> But mostly it'll be abstracted
[19:14] <@FBH> link me to the rules
[19:15] <@FBH> I need to go take a quick shower then I'll take a look over it
[19:15] <@Peel> lol those armours
[19:16] <@Mal> it's in the subject
[19:26] * Silence ( has joined #hisa
[19:27] * FBH sets mode: +o Silence
[19:28] <@Mal> And I also need to brb!
[19:28] <@Mal> but basically we're discussing character concepts now so I don't finish the rules blind
[19:28] * Holle (Holle@6ca5ecdb.6ca5ecba.176.221.imsk) has joined #hisa
[19:29] * Holle sets up the folding chair
[19:29] <@Silence> my char concept in terms of game class, was a magician who took vampire for whatever buffs it could give and focused on dps and/or crafting
[19:29] * Oseng ( has joined #hisa
[19:30] <@Mal> Crafting I will legit have to work on
[19:30] <@Mal> Vampire (or any alternative race) counts as plot hook so we're good there
[19:31] <@Mal> okay brb but lay out trhe character!
[19:32] <@FBH> I could be a controller or something if someone else wants the mage DPS
[19:32] <Holle> I'm fond of databasing and been on a bit of a KMMO binge as of recent, so I might make something. Will need to think what, though.
[19:32] <@Silence> be the giant catman in suit of armor
[19:33] <@Silence> nyanguard
[19:33] <Oseng> Same here - if there is room. This sounds a really interesting game
[19:33] <Holle> Cats are dangerous
[19:33] <Holle> I might indeed make a loltank though
[19:35] <@Mal> Don't think in terms of the trinity
[19:36] <Oseng> got a few ideas - I'd probably develop one of them further based on what other people are playing
[19:36] <@Mal> Though as a mage you SHOULD think about what sort of spells you want
[19:36] <@Mal> (also the person behind the avatar)
[19:37] <@Silence> foreign transfer student family here to work for some engineering project, joined the game to not deal with the obvious foreigner difference
[19:38] <@Peel> important reference
[19:43] <@Mal> hee
[19:44] <@Peel> hmm
[19:44] <@Peel> do either Himoe or Moehi ring to you as names
[19:45] <@Mal> The first does, the second doesn't
[19:46] <@Mal> THat girl could even take a couple levels in Oni or something
[19:46] <@Mal> for the height
[19:46] <@Mal> Maybe it's just the heels actually
[19:46] <@Mal> yeah it is
[19:46] <@Mal> of course duh
[19:47] <@FBH> hmm. I was going to do optimiser wizard
[19:47] <@FBH> DPS
[19:47] <@FBH> could be another class though
[19:47] <@FBH> what classes are their Mal?
[19:47] <@Peel> of those 90 is closest
[19:47] <@FBH> regail me with your MMO knowledge
[19:47] <@Mal> Altima wasn't like your average MMO, there's literally hundreds or thousands of classes
[19:47] <@Peel> big enough sword, too serious an expression
[19:47] <@Mal> probably hundreds but maybe thousands if you include all the persnickety subclasses
[19:48] <@Peel> also I totally have a scarf
[19:48] <@Mal> So you could be whatever you like. Just gotta come up with a style
[19:48] <Holle> Hmmmmmm.
[19:48] <@Peel> not enough metal
[19:48] <@Mal> I mean Beholder was a launch race
[19:48] <@Mal> it was playable at launch
[19:49] <@Mal> Albeit, it's a very...KMMO'd beholder...
[19:49] <Oseng> hmm - I'm thinking somekind of ninja/rogue/assassin (unsurpising :P), a monk of some sort, or perhaps a celestial blooded paladin
[19:50] <@Peel> Akarui Hime...
[19:50] <@FBH> I want you guys to know that I could totally use the skyrim armour mod thing for a terrible joke
[19:50] <Holle> On the aesthetic side, I recall you mentioning that this is basically KMMO fantasy when it comes to gear etc. What's the limit of what can happen tech-wise here, for reference?
[19:50] <@Mal> It is literally possible to be a Rogue/Ninja/Assassin
[19:50] <@Mal> Every character is built like that
[19:51] <Oseng> even more interesting
[19:51] <@Mal> So for example, you might start off as a Rogue and a whatever else, then unlock Assassin and then Ninja
[19:51] <@Mal> You take various levels in eahc one and unlock things
[19:51] <@Mal> How that happens specifically isn't important, that's fluff
[19:51] <Holle> Just so I have a better grip on the situation, my KMMO experience is full of schizotech so far and I don't want to get carried away here
[19:51] <@Mal> But mechanically Oseng would assign dots (20 at level 100) to various races and classes
[19:52] <@Mal> ANd then we make up abstract ways of representing that.
[19:52] <@FBH> Hey
[19:52] <@FBH> people who play MMOs
[19:52] <@FBH> what classes are their usually
[19:52] <@Mal>
[19:47] <@Mal> Altima wasn't like your average MMO, there's literally hundreds or thousands of classes
[19:53] <Holle> Well, there's your standard-issue melee fighter, some kind of ranged attacker with physical and magical versions summoner/pet user, healbot...
[19:53] <@Mal> To get an idea, this is Overlord which is what this game is partly coming off of
[19:53] <@Mal>
[19:53] * g_g ( has joined #hisa
[19:54] <@Mal> This isn't literally gonna be what it's like (because the author of Overlord never thought things through very far)
[19:54] <@Mal> but if you look at say, the second sheet on there
[19:55] <@Mal> Albedo has 10 levels in Guardian, 5 levels in Blackguard, 10 in Unholy Knight and 10 in Shield Lord
[19:56] <@Mal> Guardian would be a tier 1 class. The rest would be tier 2 or 3 classes
[19:56] <@FBH> can we have pets?
[19:57] <Holle> Huh, one of those maids has a full-blown assault rifle.
[19:57] <@Mal> A sticky question but I'm gonna go with yes but it is a thing you'd have to invest into
[19:57] <@Mal> You can't have that here
[19:57] <Holle> Yeah, just noting
[19:57] <@Mal> IT's not as insane as Overlord ;p
[19:57] <@FBH> okay then my character is going to be cleric/robot master
[19:57] <Holle> Tech-wise I was basically pondering "can I has bike?"
[19:57] <@Mal> But basically Albedo in Hisa's Garden would have 20 dots to assign to Classes
[19:57] <@Mal> no there's no robots
[19:57] <@Mal> golem
[19:57] <@FBH> hmm
[19:57] <@FBH> golem it is
[19:57] <@Mal> and obviously magical
[19:57] <@FBH> or puppet maybe
[19:57] <@FBH> yeah
[19:58] <g_g> The player base just calls them all robots anyway
[19:58] <@Mal> Albedo would have 20 dots to assign to Classes (being level 100)
[19:58] <@FBH> she has three optimised puppets and acts as buffer and healer for the party and for them
[19:58] <@Mal> The actual mix of levels could be anything fluffwise
[19:58] <@Mal> but here she'd put 2 dots in Guardian, 1 in Blackguard, 2 in Unholy Knight etc...
[19:58] <Holle> (though it could also be a magic motorbike)
[19:58] <Holle> Just checking if that's viable before I actually commit to any concept and start polishing off edges
[19:59] <@Mal> Albedo's Player can define those classes however she likes but it is reasonably important that they ARE defined
[19:59] <@Mal> Imagine if you were playing Mage and each Class is a little paradigm
[19:59] <@Peel> rune knight/barbarian/gladiator
[20:00] <@Mal> Right
[20:00] <@Mal> so for Peel's example
[20:00] <@Mal> Barbarian is a base class. Gladiator I would probably say it's a tier 2 class
[20:00] <@Mal> and probably comes off of Barbarian
[20:00] <@Mal> So as the GM I'll say. "okay, Gladiator unlocks at Barbarian level 8. So spend two dots on Barbarian!"
[20:01] <@Peel> barbarians are unarmoured, gladiator adds proficiencies in crowd-pleasing armour
[20:01] <@Mal> And then I'd be like "Okay, where does Rune Knight come from? It doesn't seem like it'd just come off of Barbarian alone"
[20:01] <@Peel> hmm
[20:01] <@Peel> I was just thinking rune knight might be a bit off
[20:01] <@Peel> ugh
[20:01] <@Peel> names are hard
[20:02] <@Mal> Well what does it do?
[20:02] <@Peel> it means she can do shounen energy attacks with her sword
[20:02] <@Peel> sword magic
[20:02] <@Peel> so Flame Warrior or something would also work
[20:03] <@Mal> Right
[20:03] <@Mal> so basically right now Peel has to figure out how to build up to shooting energy bolts from the sword.
[20:04] <@Mal> Since it's a magic attack, something like an Elementalist would be valid
[20:04] <@Peel> possibly also self-buffs and auras and so on
[20:04] <@Peel> hmm
[20:04] <@Mal> Or, if he DOES like the idea of Runes, a Druid or something
[20:04] <@Mal> Though when people hear 'druid' they often hear nature magic so perhaps "Runecaster"
[20:05] <@Mal> or "Rune Artist"
[20:05] <@Mal> or "Inscriber"
[20:05] <@Mal> maybe an Inscriber gives her some crafting skills that she doesn't care about (because she's a shounenko)
[20:05] <@Mal> Anyhow, it'd be up to Peel
[20:06] <@Peel> I will dwell
[20:06] <@Mal> It works the same way for Races
[20:06] <@Mal> Most normal looking races are typically quite short in progression
[20:06] <@Mal> A standard elf is probably just 5 levels or so.
[20:06] <@Mal> So at most 1 dot
[20:07] <@Mal> There's also Alternative Races which are more powerful with longer progressions but also big drawbacks.
[20:07] <@Mal> Like the Vampire for example.
[20:07] <@FBH> vaugly considering this for her armour
[20:07] <@Mal> Everyone used to just get all their prereqs laid out, then power leveled ASAP through the Vampire levels
[20:07] <@Mal> because Vampire itself sucked
[20:08] <@Mal> But of course it has promotions
[20:08] <@Peel> Force Knight...
[20:08] <@Peel> Soul Knight?
[20:08] <@FBH> Force Knight or Soul Knight are both good
[20:08] <@Peel> ugh
[20:08] <@FBH> hmm
[20:08] <@Peel> this close to giving up on working out a pun name
[20:08] <@FBH> I think Soul Knight is more MMO
[20:09] <@Mal> Soul Knight sounds like some sort of alignment-neutral undead
[20:09] <@Mal> Alignment also exists
[20:09] <@Mal> It's just a linear scale of good/bad deeds
[20:09] <@Mal> But it affects unlocks
[20:10] <@Mal> You do need to be evil or good to unlock some things
[20:10] <@Mal> Think Ogre Battle in that regard
[20:10] <@Peel> I was thinking 'attacks with the soul of the sword/oneself' but it does sound undead you're right
[20:10] <Oseng> With this system I might do something like the Kannagi (Priest/Pristess) class from Log Horizon mechanics wise: basically a healer who works mainly by using barriers to prevent damage and is still capable of mixing it up
[20:10] <Oseng>
[20:11] <@FBH> If someone else is healbot I'll do mostly buffs and debuffs I guess
[20:11] <@Peel> how is Moehi as a family name
[20:11] <@FBH> got to make sure to watch some rooks and kings before I do this
[20:12] <@Mal> Moehi sounds wrong somehoiw
[20:13] <@Mal> Are you sure those syllables are valid in modern Japanese?
[20:13] <@Mal> The hi following an e sounds suspect somehow, I dunno
[20:14] <@Peel> They're valid syllable by syllable, but it does sound wrong
[20:14] <@Peel> I've diverted to a different course
[20:14] <@Mal> So Oseng, break down the Kannagi into individual things you'd want the character to do
[20:15] <Oseng> Barriers, Limited Healing, Some offensive magic and melee combat
[20:15] <@Mal> Most classes are very specific in Altima because there's so many
[20:15] <@Mal> Most classes from normal MMOs are broad.
[20:15] <@Mal> The idea being that rather than being given a Kannagi, you could pick and choose the classes to make one
[20:16] <@FBH> I see
[20:16] <@Mal> Though basically we'd cap it all off with a tier 2 class called Miko or something
[20:16] <Oseng> ok
[20:16] <@Mal> or a Tier 3 if you think of something very powerful and specific
[20:17] <@Peel> ugh
[20:17] <@Peel> this isn't working either
[20:17] <@FBH> someone gimme a good name for a pet user
[20:17] <@Mal> or not even particularly powerful, just unique and specific
[20:18] <@Mal> For a golem user?
[20:18] <@FBH> yeah
[20:18] <@FBH> current idea is "puppet master"
[20:18] <@Mal> Depends what tier it is
[20:18] <@FBH> It's Tier 2
[20:18] <@FBH> her tier one class is cleric
[20:18] <@Mal> Well she'd have more than one tier 1 class for sure
[20:18] <g_g> I mean I guess puppets are great for solo work but there's no raid utility there at all
[20:19] <@FBH> hmm
[20:19] <@Mal> Probably Puppeteer or Alchemist or something like that as Tier 1
[20:20] <@Mal> Or Enchanter
[20:20] <@Mal> something that implies where golems came from
[20:20] <@FBH> Alchemist/witch/priestess/Puppeteer
[20:20] <@Peel> shirohai and haishiro don't work
[20:20] <@Peel> currently on family names
[20:20] <@FBH> puppet master
[20:20] <@Mal> If it were tier 3 you could be a Golemaestro!
[20:21] <@Mal> (one of my favourite GW2 words)
[20:21] <Oseng> heh :P
[20:21] * Mal sets mode: +ooo g_g Holle Oseng
[20:22] <@g_g> shoddy off-spec hybrid nonsense has no place in a progression raid.
[20:23] <@Oseng> Thinking out loud here but something like Rogue/Shadow Mage/Assassin/Ninja might work...
[20:24] <@g_g> Peel doesn't show up every night on time with the proper consumables just so you guys can wipe on what ought to be a farm boss!
[20:24] <@Mal> G here auditing the DKP
[20:25] <@FBH> Actually I dunno if I want alchemist in there
[20:25] <@Oseng> maybe throw in some special race instead of shadow mage
[20:25] <@FBH> I guess someone should know how to craft stuff
[20:26] <@Mal> It's normal for builds to have things the person doesn't use
[20:26] <@g_g> You better believe I'm auditing the DKP. If it were up to me half of you people shouldn't get anything.
[20:29] <@g_g> Should have pulled like an hour ago now. I'm gonna go get drunk.
[20:29] <@g_g> Peel is now Raid Leader.
[20:30] * Shrike (Shrike@14055ab6.6ca5ed00.69.172.imsk) has joined #hisa
[20:30] <@Peel> Let's just all rush in at once we've got plenty of hp left
[20:30] <@Peel> he can't have more than three life bars to go
[20:30] <@Mal> totsugeki?
[20:31] <@Peel> okay I've tried three different angles for an ashita no joe pun and none are flying
[20:31] <@Peel> I'll have to make something that isn't just a reference :<
[20:31] <@Mal> I'll post up critical bits of where I described the system on the dicussion page later
[20:31] <@Mal> Have you seriously been at a loss this whole time because you can't come up with a punny name?
[20:32] <@g_g> Here comes Shrike. Prolly hasn't even repaired his gear, doesn't have consumables. Wants a summon to the portal.
[20:32] <@Peel> I have Mal
[20:32] <@g_g> Going to vanish in like thirty minutes without telling anyone.
[20:33] * Shrike strums his flamethrowing guitar
[20:33] <@Peel> It's important!
[20:33] <@Mal> So for Shrike's idea, flamethrowing guitar might involve tier 2 or 3 depending
[20:33] <@Mal> But obviously the base class would be Bard
[20:33] <@FBH> lol
[20:35] <@Mal> You'd think nobody would make a tier 3 class specifically for a flamethrowing guitar but you never know
[20:35] <@Mal> It might be some mod that got approved
[20:35] <@Mal> But they always have strict requirements
[20:37] <Shrike> Exotic weapon proficiency
[20:38] <@FBH> hmm
[20:38] <@FBH> alchemist/witch/enchantress/puppeteer
[20:39] <@Peel> ok
[20:39] <@Peel> this is promising
[20:39] <@Mal> bear in mind you don't need to go all the way to the end of say Alchemist
[20:39] <@Mal> not necessarily anyhow
[20:39] <@Mal> It might only unlock at 5 levels. Usually it's 10
[20:40] <@FBH> well my current problem is I asethetically don't see her as a cleric
[20:40] <@Mal> but might be 5 if the relationship is peripheral
[20:40] <@Mal> well what does she want to do in game?
[20:40] <@Peel> surname 'Jūmonji'
[20:41] <@FBH> hmm
[20:41] <@FBH> actually maybe I should come up with a more off the wall combination
[20:41] <@FBH> given she's an optimizer
[20:41] <@FBH> can people who actually play MMO's advise me here?
[20:42] <@Mal> what would you like to know?
[20:43] <@Mal> I've only played Aion and GW2
[20:43] <@FBH> well, my idea is her build is basically built around having a bunch of golems and enhancing them with buffs
[20:43] <@FBH> and debuffing the enemy
[20:43] <@FBH> actually I guess Alchemist/witch/enchantress/puppeteer works
[20:43] <@Mal> "a bunch" of golems might be hard
[20:44] <@FBH> maybe Alchemist/witch/bard/enchantress/puppeteer
[20:44] <@FBH> diablo did it
[20:44] <@Mal> Well they might not be individuals mechanically
[20:44] <@FBH> that's fine
[20:44] <@Mal> since that'd be a lot of work in fights
[20:44] <@FBH> I sorta presumed she'd just have a dicepool labelled "puppets."
[20:44] <@FBH> but sure
[20:46] <Shrike> Pet class!
[20:46] <@Mal> it would, yes
[20:47] * IXJac ( has joined #hisa
[20:47] <@Mal> multiple distinct pets of power would probs be a tier 3 of some kind
[20:47] <@Peel> zafgngjetk,nk
[20:48] <@Peel> failed again
[20:48] <Shrike> the real question is what character class is G bringing
[20:48] <@Silence> paladin
[20:48] <@Silence> he's tank
[20:48] <Shrike> on a scale of 1 to Hulk, how disproportionately huge is he?
[20:48] <@Ent|> tonkladin
[20:48] <@Mal> pretty high
[20:48] <@Mal> it's KMMO
[20:49] <@Mal> sexual dimorphism ho
[20:49] <@Silence> anyway I'd figured it be built around area dps attacks with secondary focus on leeching
[20:51] <@Mal> Rather than thinking of it as dps, consider the type of spells you cast and how it's cast
[20:51] * FBH sets mode: +oo IXJac Shrike
[20:51] <@Shrike> Silence confirmed as liche
[20:53] <@Silence> starlight breaker.jpg
[20:53] <@Mal> so straight up beams?
[20:54] <@Silence> yeah
[20:55] <@Mal> Seems somewhat like holy magic so maybe build up based on that
[20:55] <@Oseng> heh: mage/witch/maid/sorceress
[20:55] <@Mal> Starlight Breaker itself is probably a top level spell
[20:56] <@Silence> are the characters effected mentally
[20:56] <@Mal> so a thing to work to. Probably
[20:56] <@Silence> like overlord makes a big deal about the guy being a lich
[20:56] <@Mal> Maaaaybe...
[20:56] <@Mal> Oh is FBHko still a Snake Girl? ;p
[20:57] <@FBH> possibly
[20:58] <@FBH> I'm considering pure human
[20:58] <@FBH> what kind of bonuses would a snek give me?
[20:58] <@Mal> Um, probably a bunch
[20:58] <@FBH> I guess Snek gives bonuses to witchy powers
[20:59] <@FBH> so yeah she's a snake
[20:59] <@Mal> Hmm, does it?
[20:59] <@FBH> sure, Lamia's are noted for illusion and awful witchness
[20:59] <@Mal> Did she pick a race based on optimization?
[20:59] <@FBH> yeah
[20:59] <@FBH> she picks everything based on optimization
[20:59] <@FBH> that's why she's wearing this utterly tawdry mod armour
[20:59] <@Oseng> hmm anyone got a good name for a mage class focusing on barriers and wards?
[20:59] <@FBH> adbjurist
[21:00] <@Shrike> Lamias suffer -1 cannot into catsuit
[21:01] <@Shrike> anyway I should head out
[21:02] <@Mal> bai
[21:02] <@Silence> can vampires use holy magic
[21:03] <@Mal> No
[21:03] <@Silence> no dark gods to pray too
[21:04] * Holle is now known as SleepingHolle
[21:04] <@Mal> There are dark gods but then it wouldn't be holy magic
[21:04] <@Mal> I dunno, unless you took some kind of crazy tier 3 thing
[21:04] <@Silence> no dark beam spam
[21:05] <@Silence> sorry eating while asking, assume qeustion marks there
[21:05] <@Mal> you could have dark beam spam
[21:05] <@Mal> It'd be dark magic
[21:05] <@Mal> Alternatively, tier 3 lets you break rules provided I'm satisfied you have enough strange levels and unusual combinations of things to warrant one
[21:05] <@FBH> unholy magic
[21:05] <@FBH> wait no
[21:06] <@FBH> DARK holy magic
[21:06] <@Silence> priestess of lillith class
[21:07] <@Mal> There's a Liolith, which is the jDrow goddess of course
[21:07] <@Silence> speaking of which
[21:07] <@Mal> So maybe some other name for her
[21:07] <@Silence> pc gods and demons are they ported over
[21:07] <@Mal> You have no idea
[21:07] <@Mal> Your magic works though
[21:08] <@Mal> Anyhow FBH, I'm not finding anything about illusions and witchness with Lamia
[21:08] <@Peel> Come to think of it
[21:08] <@Peel> we probably all use screen names
[21:08] <@Mal> Yes
[21:09] <@Mal> Though you also all go to school together
[21:09] <@Mal> so you know real names
[21:09] <@Peel> hmm
[21:09] <@Peel> I'm almost there
[21:11] <@Oseng> I'm going to have to think about what I want to play - typically for me I have several concepts floating around in my head
[21:11] <@Silence> dark magic vampire built around concept of coolness
[21:12] <@g_g> xXxCountSephiroth43xXx
[21:13] <@Silence> omnislash666
[21:13] <@Mal> note that vampire is just one race
[21:13] <@Mal> And not the base one
[21:14] <@Mal> You can mix that with Fae, Dark Elf, imp->Succubus or whatever
[21:14] <@Mal> To maximize the cool
[21:14] <@Oseng> The one in the lead is some kind of monk/cleric/exorcist/sacred fist hybrid - mixing typical fantasy monkish martial arts with holy magic
[21:14] <@Peel> okay I don't think I can go any further with this
[21:14] <@Peel> Jumonji Kazoe
[21:15] <@Peel> screen name to be determined
[21:15] <@Mal> Cool
[21:15] <@Mal> Now repeat- yeah repeat the process for your screen name
[21:17] <@Peel> hmm
[21:18] <@g_g> if he put half the thought into his build and rotation that he puts into his screen names we'd be getting world firsts
[21:18] <@Mal> Anyhow, in the absence of other sources, Monmusu is currently what I'm using for race ideas ;p
[21:18] <@Peel> CROSS×COUNTER is tempting but I might go WHITE★ASH
[21:18] <@Peel> but I don't think I can get those symbols into IRC
[21:18] <@Mal> You're lucky this is the 21st century
[21:18] <@FBH> hmm
[21:18] <@Peel> boo!
[21:19] <@Mal> and special characters are acceptable
[21:19] <@Mal> I can see the star
[21:19] <@Peel> Yeah but they won't work as names
[21:19] <@Peel> WHITE*ASH
[21:19] <@Peel> \nick WHITE*ASH
[21:19] <@Peel> hmph
[21:19] <@Peel> yeah that doesn't work either
[21:20] <@g_g> look dude
[21:20] <@Peel> IRC names have a pretty restrictive character set
[21:20] <@FBH> White_star_Ash
[21:20] <@g_g> I liked you better when you were gothicjedi666
[21:21] <@Peel> you want us to park characters anywhere?
[21:21] <@Mal> Yes, make your own page and link it from the big Characters heading
[21:22] <@FBH> Can I have "Dark Lamia" as my race?
[21:24] <@Mal> buh?
[21:24] <@Mal> Describe?
[21:24] <@FBH> Basically a dark elf version of a Lamia
[21:24] <@FBH> a sexy drow top and a snake bottom
[21:24] <@Mal> There are Lamia subspecies, yes
[21:25] <@FBH> hmm
[21:25] <@Mal> So tier 1 Lamia for 10 levels or so
[21:25] <@Silence>
[21:25] <@Mal> and then an unlock to a variety of tier 2 Lamia
[21:25] <@Silence> Peel and I are quick to trot
[21:25] <@Silence> Ill think of more things for maxium snowflake
[21:36] <@Peel> for the moment I have 'blade evoker' as my third class
[21:36] <@Peel> but that's just a placeholder, maybe I'll only have two and ditch the sword magic
[21:37] <@Mal> Well most classes are 15
[21:37] <@Mal> So you HAVE to have more classes
[21:38] <@Silence> oh I know
[21:38] <@Peel> oh well then
[21:38] <@Silence> atlantean dark elf!
[21:38] <@Peel> lol
[21:39] <@FBH> Also she should be a demonic vampire
[21:40] <@Mal> Atlantean? Hmm
[21:41] <@Mal> Atlantean would need to come from somewhere
[21:41] <@Silence> Atlantis of course
[21:41] <@FBH> I need a name :\
[21:41] <@FBH> Guess I'll just random surname/forename
[21:42] <@Silence> be a twin of Rebecca, the wierd one :p
[21:42] <@FBH> nope
[21:43] <@Mal> Well obviously
[21:43] <@Mal> I suppose it was a subrace released for the Atlantis expansion pack
[21:44] <@g_g> a collection of dreadful underwater zones and dungeons that no one at all liked
[21:45] <@g_g> knocked the subscriber count down by a third in the first raid tier
[21:48] <@Silence> G should be the raid coorindator
[21:48] <@Silence> the drunken teacher
[21:49] <@Peel> A magical lamia could be a cobra, if FBH doesn't mind headscarves
[21:50] <@FBH> I decided to go with the classic red hairded variety and be a fire lamia
[21:50] <@FBH> I may change if I can think of a reason too
[21:51] <@Peel> should use sometime to rebalance my karma
[21:51] <@Peel> one for Lurker
[21:53] <@Mal> Wouldn't a cobra lamia just be a meganekko lamia?
[21:53] <@Peel> would it?
[21:53] <@FBH> To be honest
[21:54] <@Mal> Also FBH if she picked race based on optimization, she'd pick something that goes with her classes
[21:54] <@FBH> you're really making me want a pack of Lamia based alts
[21:54] <@FBH> hmm
[21:54] <@Mal> ...I am?
[21:54] <@FBH> This is true but OOC almost anything can go with her classes
[21:54] <@FBH> Well yes
[21:54] <@FBH> I want a dark elf one, a red head
[21:54] <@FBH> and a cobra one
[21:54] <@Mal> Well you're stuck in one body
[21:55] <@Mal> Picking up the weird races is a Thing, keep in mind
[21:56] <@FBH> I think Dark Lamia goes with our asethetic best
[21:56] <@FBH> and it'd aid my witch and enchantress classes
[21:56] <@Oseng> Final two concepts - will decide which oen take in a bit: doppleganger/rogue/assassin/ninja or Fairy/High Fairy Sorcerer/Barrier Mage/Evoker/Rune Master
[21:57] * Peel is now known as WHITE_star_ASH
[21:59] * WHITE_star_ASH is now known as Peel
[22:00] <@Peel> so far I'm just Human :<
[22:00] <@Peel> But I guess you gotta have a hero
[22:00] <@Peel>
[22:06] <@Oseng> eh - probably play around with the classes some but placeholder up
[22:06] <@Peel> I guess I could be numenorian or something, but everyone knows human maximises your grit
[22:25] <@Mal> Just know that Dealing With Races is a thing
[22:25] <@Mal> And also character first
[22:26] <@Mal> then avatar
[22:26] <@Mal> The avatar can really be dickered around with a great deal
[22:26] <@Mal> and uh, Dark Lamia is okay
[22:26] <@Mal> that'd be a low alignment Lamia progression
[22:27] * @Silence notes to have a one eye bat familar that nothing is ever done with since its one of those pets you get as a rewqard that don't ever do anything
[22:27] <@Mal> heh yeah
[22:29] <@Oseng> How about Fairy and High Fairy?
[22:29] <@Mal> It'd be some specific kind of Fae
[22:29] * @Oseng nods
[22:30] <@Mal> And it HAS to have some serious disadvantages or else it won't do much
[22:31] <@Oseng> okay
[22:31] <@Mal> Depending on what kind of superpowers you want it to have it could be a Faeblood
[22:31] <@Mal> which would be a human with about 5 levels of progression in minor abilities
[22:32] <@Oseng> I was more looking for a small appearing race that would synergise well with a caster
[22:32] <@Mal> Hrm
[22:32] <@Mal> Small appearing?
[22:33] <@Oseng> current set up is Sorcerer/Evoker/Barrier Mage/Druid
[22:33] <@Peel> what do I have to do with a human then
[22:33] <@Mal> Nothing
[22:33] <@Oseng> Yeah - I'm playing around with the archetype of a character that is small/looks younger then she is actually is
[22:33] <@Mal> If you're really completely default as a human you have no race classes and spend them all on job classes
[22:33] <@Mal> Well Oseng, you could just have an avatar that's a human girl
[22:34] <@Mal> Or maybe a Pixieblood
[22:34] <@Mal> which is something I made up on the spot that looks exactly like a human girl, has pointy ears and synergizes with magic
[22:35] <@FBH> hobbit!
[22:35] * @Mal narrows eyes at FBH
[22:36] <@Oseng> pixieblood or maybe pixie would work
[22:37] <@Mal> If it's just 'small and synergizes with magic' then don't make an inhuman race
[22:37] <@Peel> I can't think of any mods to human I'd make right now
[22:37] <@Mal> Sil's character has a vampire because she plays the game to indulge in snowflake fantasies
[22:38] <@Mal> and FBHko hardcore optimizes
[22:38] <@Peel> maybe lion girl for extra HP and strength
[22:38] <@Peel> but maybe not
[22:38] <@Peel> and my pic has no animal parts so
[22:38] <@Mal> You can mix in demihumans no trouble
[22:38] <@Mal> like take 2-3 levels in Ogre for example
[22:39] <@Mal> (which would have no mechanical effect just explain why you're tall and muscular)
[22:39] <@Mal> ALternatively, there's doubtless a variety of human that has females with muscles and bronzed skin
[22:40] <@Mal> This all would fall under the purview of fluff
[22:40] <@Oseng> eh, I'll go with the pixieblood then Session Time: Sat Aug 08 00:00:00 2015
[00:07] <@Peel> I dunno if I'm tall
[00:07] <@Silence> god to bed peel!
[00:08] <@Silence> go to bed
[00:08] <@Peel> I will
[00:08] <@Silence> if you have a goodess or god to take to bed, I suppose that's fine too, but word of caution always comes with a price ask Gilgamesh
[00:08] <@Peel> I blame exhack
[00:12] <@g_g> the Social Justice Wars will consume you
[00:12] <@g_g> as they have so many others
[00:12] <@Mal> nah, don't go to bed
[00:14] <@Peel> well since I'm still here how do you envision gear working
[00:15] <@Mal> Gear adds dice
[00:15] <@Mal> just like Class levels do
[00:15] <@Peel> so like does everyone have weapon, armour, accessory or what
[00:15] <@Mal> I'll put up a list of things
[00:16] <@Mal> Any specific sort of question?
[00:16] <@Peel> hmm
[00:16] <@Peel> not really
[00:16] <@Mal> It'll just be a slot system
[00:16] <@Mal> With class limitations
[00:17] <@Peel> I'll need to find new pics for new gear...
[00:17] <@Mal> Better gear adds more dice
[00:17] <@Mal> I...wouldn't
[00:17] <@Mal> I mean I guess with yours you have a stack of gears
[00:17] <@Mal> I don't expect more than 1 pic per person tho
[00:17] <@g_g> giants, giants, giants, become unstoppable
[00:18] <@Peel> well now I have that pic it adds constraints
[00:18] <@Peel> I can't then have a black hair pale skin pic
[00:18] <@Peel> but further will be optional yes
[00:24] <@Mal> Anyhow probably the main 'armour' pieces
[00:25] <@Mal> chest, lower body, feet, hands helm
[00:25] <@Mal> to which you can add thigh highs as desired I guess
[00:25] <@Mal> and limited accessory slots
[00:26] <@Mal> With 3 states, open/invisible/closed for helm as desired
[00:26] <@Mal> er not invisible
[00:26] <@Mal> open/clsoed
[00:26] <@Mal> invisible would no longer be an option in NewWorld