Cordinal of the Cross Maiden DuThaire

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Quote: "The Codex Militaire is the first and last word on tactics and strategy. You will follow it, unless you think you know better than the Chosen."

Age: Early 50s (appears in 30s), Sex:F
Features: Short, face of sharp angles, long black hair to her ankles tied with hundreds of prayer ribbons.
Clothes: Wears clerics robe and stole rather than crusade dress or armour

Cordinal of the Cross Maiden DuThaire is the long-time commander of the 522nd Foot Brigade, “Leliel Ascends.” Originally from the Temple, DuThaire took command of the 522nd more than 20 years ago when its then-Cordinal and several senior officers were killed in a skirmish with Rafaelan rebels backed by Zenith agents. Since then she has led as an effective, if “by the book,” commander.

Maiden DuThaire wears a prayer ribbon in her hair for every one of the men killed under her command, and particularly hates the Republic for forcing so much unnecessary death in the pursuit of a heretical goal. Her brigade faced particular difficulty during the first phase of the war, due to her unwillingness to adapt her tactics to take into account the Republic's advanced weaponry.

Convictions: (P) The Codex is right
Fears: (P) Zenith Knights
Goals: (P) Punish those who resist the Chosen

Physique: 2, Senses: 4, Intellect: 6, Aether: 8

Adrenaline: 4
Focus: 4
Willpower: 6
Core Aether: 18

Max Physical Stress: 7
Max Mental Stress: 6

General Skills

Alertness: 1
Athleticism: 1
Mental Conditioning: 2
Intuition: 1

Combat Skills

Firearms: 2
Melee Weapons: 1
Tactics: 5

Academic Skills

Linguistics: 2
Teaching: 2

Social Skills

Crusade Circle: 3
Conversation: 2
Graces: 2
Interrogation: 1
Leadership: 4
Ride: 1

Technical Skills

Drive: 1
Thaumatech: 5

Aetheric Skills

Aether Channel: 3
Read Auras: 2


Alpha Thaumatech (X): This character understands the use of standard Thaumatech circuits.

Ether Receptive II (X): This character is extremely receptive to Ether and gains +10 Core Ather.

Combat Reflex (X): Spend 1 Focus to activate a defensive system as an interrupt action.

By the Book (X): Gain 1 CP every time you are outmaneuvered due to unconventional tactics, and can then say; "These savages have no respect for the rules of war!"


Thaumatech Alpha Plugsuit

Mattock Trion Thaumatech Custom 4PS-T

Pix Ball

Skysilk Robes, DR10, Coverage 7, Transmute Immune