Arcana: Iron and Magic

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Domains are what make up your nation, the real estate so to speak. They are where your people live and work and have a very real effect on your national character.


Cultivated fields interspersed with small forests, creeks, etc.
10 points
Produces 2 Food and 100 Gold
3 Common Draft


Deeper forests of virgin oaks and old-growth cedar.
5 points
Produces 50 Gold
1 Common Draft
Somewhat defensible


Rolling hills, often with small woodcutting or ranching operations. A popular site for gold mines, both collapsed and non-collapsed.
10 points
Produces 150 Gold
1 Common Draft


Tall, snow-capped peaks with the occasional high pass and raging river.
5 points
Produces 50 Gold
Very defensible
Adamantium, Levistone


Deserts, swamps or tundras. Not nice places to be, but they make great borders.
1 point


20 points
Produces 1 Food, 100 Gold and 100 Mana
Adamantium, Levistone


15 points
Produces 1 Food, 50 Gold and 50 Mana
1 Common Draft
Very Defensible
Is associated with another Domain


Sites are geographical entities that are relatively small; cities, castles, nodes, etc. They must be placed in a Domain.


Large fortified castles, complete with forges, smithies, bowyers, enchanters, ridiculously giant cannons, early-warning scrying pools and a rickety wizard's castle.
30 points
Requires 1 Food and 100 gold
Produces 100 Mana and 10 Books
2 Noble Draft
Must be seized and captured before the associated Domain can be conquered.
Maintains 25 gold/month of units free of charge, so long as they remain in the Domain.


Vital cogs in a nation's economy, Towns are home to thousands of people. Like Keeps, they are home to various craftspeople and specialists.
10 points
Requires 1 Food
Produces 200 Gold and 10 Books
2 Common Draft


Much larger than Towns, Cities are centers of commerce and production. It is in Cities that the most powerful and amazing weapons and magics are crafted.
50 points
Requires 5 Food
Produces 1000 Gold, 100 Mana and 30 Books
6 Common Draft, 1 Noble Draft
Production sites for all Mechanical units.


Air Node

Often the sites of continual lightning, rain, snow and other more unusual atmospheric phenomenon. A flare at an Air Node can send storms across a continent, providing much-needed rain - or ruining crops.
50 points
Each Air Node provides 500 Mana
Increases non-Node mana by 5%

Fire Node

Archetypically a bubbling volcano, though vast fields of bubbling mud or geysers is not uncommon. More rarely, Fire Nodes can be twisted spires of rocks, dispersing raw energy into the air - or those venturing unwisely close.
50 points
Each Fire Node provides 500 Mana
Reduces Mana cost of Constructs by 10%

Wood Node

The vibrant energy of a Wood Node imbues the local forests with unnatural vitality, turning them into vegetative battlegrounds of constantly-growing trees, creepers and other flora.
50 points
Each Wood Node provides 500 Mana
Increases Wilds draft by +1

Earth Node Often taking the form of ridiculously rugged mountains that are fairly bursting with precious gems and ores, Earth Nodes are the foci of the geomantic forces of Earth magic.

50 points
Each Earth Node provides 500 Mana
Increase Gold income by 5%

Water Node

Endless fonts of crystal-clear water that fades to the deepest indigo above their unknown depths, Water Nodes are sources of pure water, even when they are found in an ocean.
50 points
Each Water Node provides 500 Mana
Increases City and Keep drafts by +1 each

Spirit Node

It is difficult to define a Spirit Node with any certainty, save that those who unknowingly travel through them will find fires not shedding heat, no animals to hunt and enigmatic dreams that can never be properly recalled.
50 points
Each Spirit Node provides 500 Mana


Warhorses, in specific. Needed to equip any unit with Warhorses.
A crucual component in making Guymelefs.
What keeps skyships in the air.
Mages need books.
Common Draft
Commoners are the bulk of any military, coming from various lower classes.
Noble Draft
The nobles are the priviledged few of titled birth, typically forming the hard core of a Lord's military.


In times of dire need, (or when they're rebelling) slaves, peasants, and criminals can be quickly arranged into something resembling a fighting unit. The process of "arming" and "drilling" them costs only a couple gold and unlike most other units, can be done practically anywhere that's inhabited. Unless magically controlled however, peasants tends to be poorly motivated, and always have to make do with the worst equipment and training. Their raw availability however, means they often make up the bulk of poor armies in times of war and if your cities and castles fall, these are all you'll have if that.

Training Cost: 0 Gold
Upkeep Cost: 1 Gold

Formations of medium infantry are an excellent balance of low price, reliability, power, and mobility and inevitably form the backbone of most armies. If armed with spear and shield, they will defend well against cavalry, swords and shields allows them to efficiently kill at or under their weight, whilst arming them with heavier weapons makes them credible against more heavily armored opponents.

Training Cost: 0 Gold
Upkeep Cost: 4 Gold

Many local lords do not rely entirely upon levies of local peasants and burghers for defense, preferring to keep a number of trained soldiers on permanent retainer. These are colloquially known as Men-at-arms. Drawn from the laboring classes, men-at-arms are often former militiamen who have distinguished themselves in battle. Hardened veterans who have often fought in many battles, men-at-arms are both more skilled and more disciplined than regular militia, making them invaluable as the core of any expanding levied army.

Training Cost: 25 Gold
Upkeep Cost: 4 Gold

As much of a social class as a military roles, knights are trained since childhood to be warriors and soldiers and are always found at the center of an army or the vanguard of an attack. Trained to be deadly opponents on foot or on horseback they are accustomed to wearing heavy armor. Often in peacetime they will act as a King’s enforcers, in which capacity they tend to be even more lavishly equipped than the norm. Coming mostly from the minor nobility, knights cannot just be drafted by any king with gold in his coffers and take a lifetime to train. During peacetime knights will often act as tax collectors, halving their gold upkeep.

Training Cost: 100 Gold
Upkeep Cost: 20 Gold (10 when not mobilized)


An ancient race of enormous humanoids, giants have drifted among the smaller races of Arcana for millennia. Several times the height of a human or elf and commensurately strong, Giants stereotypically interact with the ‘littles’ as stoneworkers or foresters. When roused to war though, or hired on as immense mercenaries, they can make devastating addition of any force.

Training Cost:
Upkeep Cost:

Monstrous Cavalry
An ancient race of enormous humanoids, giants have drifted among the smaller races of Arcana for millennia. Several times the height of a human or elf and commensurately strong, Giants stereotypically interact with the ‘littles’ as stoneworkers or foresters. When roused to war though, or hired on as immense mercenaries, they can make devastating addition of any force.

Training Cost:
Upkeep Cost:


Scout Striders
By far the most common warstrider design, few nations are without at least a handful of these mechanical warriors piloted by their best warriors. Conventionally they are armed with immense swords, hammers and giant-sized bows, though many lesser lords will lavishly equip their most loyal squads with a variety of exotic and lethal weapons.

Construction Cost:
Upkeep Cost:

A natural progression of the time-tested Warstrider concept, 'Knight' Warstriders are stronger, tougher and more responsive than conventional infantry Warstriders. Unsurprisingly they require sophisticated construction techniques that few nations posess. Due to their relative cost and rarity, most Knight Warstriders are well-equipped with magical weapons, conventional swords and bludgeons being a waste of their superior abilities.

Construction Cost:
Upkeep Cost:

Siege Striders
Seen as sluggish and uncouth but nonetheless occasionally useful during the long centuries of the Alvar Empire, Siege Warstriders proved far more popular with the squabbling warlords of Chora in the tumultuous Warring States period and see common use to this day. Their strength and armor, much greater in scope than basic Infantry Warstriders makes them perfect for wading into the very strongest enemy formation, battering down walls or carrying heavy artillery.

Construction Cost:
Upkeep Cost:

In simple terms, a golem is a warstrider that needs not a warrior to guide its actions. Few are those who possess the skill to enchant these impressive war machines to life. Fewer still are those who survive fighting them, as cold iron feels no pain, and knows no mercy.

Construction Cost:
Upkeep Cost:


Air Boats
Air Boats are small propeller-powered dirigibles with a cabin slung underneath, capable of carrying a couple dozen passengers or several ton of cargo. They are most often used as couriers or scouts, or else to transport small quantities of high-value items.

Construction Cost:
Upkeep Cost:

Air Galley
Nothing more than upscaled Air Boats, Air Galleys are significantly larger applications of the same design principles. Like Air Boats they are rarely armed and overall make fairly poor combatants. However, they are reasonable efficient merchantment.

Construction Cost:
Upkeep Cost:

Skyships are a step up from Air Boats like how Warstriders are a step up from Knights. Built around a floating Levistone boulder, they can rapidly sail between the shells. Equipped with multiple artillery cannons, they can also hold a squad of warstriders or similar-sized cargo.

Construction Cost:
Upkeep Cost: