Veronica DeLacey

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Name: Veronica DeLacy
Player: Norseman
Nature: Caregiver (Kindness / Lack of Confidence)
Essence: Questing
Demeanour: Visionary (Imagination / Pride)
Tradition: Sons of Ether
Mentor: Julia Ryman

Arete: 4
Willpower: 5 (4)
Quintessence: 5 (5)
Paradox: 0

[ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Hurt, -1
[ ]: Injured, -1
[ ]: Wounded, -2
[ ]: Maimed, -2
[ ]: Crippled, -5
[ ]: Incapacitated

Spells Running


Physical (2rd)
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 4 (Agile)
Stamina: 3
Mental (1nd)
Perception: 4 (Small Details)
Intelligence: 4 (Reason!)
Wits: 4 (Improvise)
Social (3st)
Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 3
Appearance: 3


Talents (Secondary)

Alertness: 3
Athletics: 3
Awareness: 3
Carousing: 0
Empathy: 0
Expression: 0
Intuition: 3
Streetwise: 0
Style: 0
Subterfuge: 3

Skills (Primary)

Drive: 3
Etiquette: 3
Fast Draw: 0
Firearms: 0
Martial Arts: 3
Melee: 3
Performance: 0
Research: 3
Stealth: 3
Technology: 5 (MacGyvering)

Knowledges (Tertiary)

Academics: 0
Computer: 1
Cosmology: 0
Enigmas: 1
Investigation: 1
Linguistics: 3 (English; French, German, Russian, Mandarin)
Medicine: 1
Occult: 1
Science (Engineering): 3


Life: 0
Correspondence: 0
Forces: 0
Entropy: 3
Spirit: 0
Matter: 3
Mind: 0
Time: 0
Prime: 0

Background, Merits and Flaws

Avatar: 5
Mentor: 3
Resources: 3
Prestigious Mentor (1)
Luck (3)
Phobia (mild)(heights)


  • Gadgeteering / MacGyvering

Lessons Learned



Physical Description

Veronica is a cute and athletic brunette, though generally not very noticeable otherwise. Usually dresses either appropriately for the venue (when appearances matter), or in shorts / cargo trousers and jackets with tons of pockets (When they don't).


Julia Ryman, Physics Professor at Western Tech University. One of the more formidable, but also demanding etherite educators. A firm believer in the principle that the technocracy could be defeated if people would just stop and think properly. Some of the older alumni have compared her, not entirely flatteringly, to the Arisian elders.

Julia Ryman also administers the Ryman Foundation, which is a public front for the more accessible etherite projects. By way of the Ryman Foundation it is hoped that actual science and inspiration can be spread to the masses, right under the noses of the technocracy.


Veronica DeLacey was the stereotypical perfect kid: Straight As throughout school, athletic, straight-laced, and deeply interested in science. Her parents, well intentioned by somewhat distant California Liberals, certainly encouraged her to do whatever she wanted, especially if she could pitch it as breaking into traditionally male fields.

Her first real challenge was at Western Tech University, where she was taught by the already infamous Professor Ryman. "Pressure turns coal into diamonds, or crumbles it to dust. We shall see what happens to you!" Nor did the education disappoint, with what at times seemed an insanely diversified and harsh educational regime.

Though she did not know it she had already been pegged as a candidate for awakening and her education and the pressures on her were there to test and prod her. Which indeed they did.

Of course the revelation may have been a bit too much of a shock, with Veronica not quite grasping the impact of what she was told. Indeed to some degree she escaped into a world of heroism and daring do.

However in her current job for the Ryman Foundation she is working hard to bring the wonders of Real Science to the masses, and help them THINK instead of being spoonfed truths from on high. Or at least that is what she hopes she is doing, in between various fanciful adventures.


XP Expenditure

Character Generation

Physical Attributes (+4 BP XP)
Strength: *** 12 XP
Dexterity: **** 24 XP
Stamina: *** 12XP
Mental Attributes (+8 BP XP)
Perception: **** 24 XP
Intelligence: **** 24XP
Wits: **** 24 XP
Social Attributes (+4 BP XP)
Charisma: ** 4 XP
Manipulation: *** 12 XP
Appearance: *** 12 XP
Talents (+18 BP XP):
Alertness: 3 - 9 XP
Athletics: 3 - 9 XP
Awareness: 3 - 9 XP
Intuition: 3 - 9 XP
Subterfuge: 3 - 9 XP
Skills (+38 BP XP):
Drive: 3 - 9 XP
Etiquette: 3 - 9 XP
Martial Arts: 3 - 9 XP
Melee: 3 - 9 XP
Research: 3 - 9 XP
Stealth: 3 - 9 XP
Technology: 5 - 23 XP
Knowledges (+9 BP XP):
Computer: 1 - 3 XP
Enigmas: 1 - 3 XP
Investigation: 1 - 3 XP
Linguistics: 3 - 6 XP
Medicine: 1 - 3 XP
Occult: 1 - 3 XP
Science: 3 - 6 XP
Spheres: (+0 BP XP)
Matter: 3 – 31XP
Entropy: 3 – 34XP
Backgrounds (+12 BP XP):
Avatar: 5 – 15XP
Mentor: 3 – 9XP
Resources: 3 – 9XP
Merits (+12 BP XP):
Prestigious Mentor: 3 XP
Luck – 9XP
Flaws (-3 BP XP)
Phobia(Mild): 3XP