Visual Fiction in 2195

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Visual Fiction in 2195

Despite all the advances in culture since the end of the twentieth century, there is still a market for passive (or indeed active) visual fiction entertainment shows. Rather than televisions, most programming is now supplied as software through planetary computer networks rather than through specialist devices like old style televisions.

Below are by no means exhaustive selection of drama, science fiction and comedy shows showing in 2195.

European Union Shows

Revolutions: Shown on EBC through out Europe, Revolutions is a lavish and high budget retelling of the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars, told from the perspective of both real historical figures and several fictional characters, both military and civilian. The story follows all sides of the war and is very historically accurate, generally giving a sense of the grandeur of 18th and 19th century Europe, but also reflecting themes of the terrible cost of nationalism.

The show has been a general critical success, though it’s depiction of action between Britain and American during the war of 1812 has attracted some negative reviews in America.

Special Unit Five: a police procedural drama set in contemporary Paris and following a French police unit and investigative judge attempting to solve a the murders of a series of young men, leading them into a tangle of intrigue involving a corrupt European MP and illegal biotechnology research. Unit 18 has been an international success across Europe, though some non-European audiences have found some points of the inquisitorial system hard to grasp.

South Street: a popular soap opera in England, centring around South Street, a small suburban street in London, and the tribulations in love and life of the families who live there. South Street is quiet popular across Europe and features several characters from other EU nations.

Excelsior: one of the few professional science fiction produced in the European Union, and one of the longest running, Excelsior follows the adventures of a European Union exploration craft more than a hundred years in the future. While initially heavily focused on education and teaching children the physics of space travel later seasons have moved more towards high adventure and drama, including the exploration of new worlds, and confrontations with hostile aliens.

The aliens, who resemble giant scorpions called the Tokomids, and are regarded by many as a thinly disguised stand in for ZOCU, with the hostile group the Excelsior encounters being separatists from a much larger and more civilised alien empire, and using extensive cybernetic modification.

Excelsior has gained a good following across earth and in the colonies, and now includes several characters not from the EU, including a charismatic American fighter ace and a Russian navigator.

The Guardian Force: Guardian Forces is an anime style show produced by one of Garun's largest entertainment networks/companies. Out of the very few anime style shows produced by Garunite networks it is the only to gain a significant out of system fan-base. Today it is a very popular show with a large audience across human space.

The show alternates between a special investigation unit of GEIB (Garun Enforcement and Investigation Bureau aka the federal police), as they combat crime within the Federation of Garun. Each episode of the show focuses on a particular pair or team of agents, though the other teams often make cameos. The fictional criminal cases used in the show are noted for being well thought out and put together, often with a number of surprising twists.

Despite it's anime style of art Guardian Force has won significant acclaim for it's realistic, fairly accurate, and well researched depiction of law enforcement work. They have law enforcement experts serving as consultants and advisers and they listen too them, as well as talking to the agencies they plan to use in the show. The actual director of GEIB has appeared on the show more then once and GEIB has also cooperated in other ways with the show's directors. The show's fourth season is scheduled to air this year.

It was never thought that the show would become popular beyond the Federation, but as it has the producers have begun adding in episodes with GEIB cooperating with law enforcement agencies from other powers. There was actually even a small arc involving a murder on an ARROWs ship which was filmed on an actual ARROWs vessel.

Colonists Marooned: Colonists Marooned is an interactive drama focusing on the survivors of the passenger liner Maria. During the first episode the Maria's power plant goes critical with only a small group of people making it on board the escape pods in time. The pods then landed on an Earth-like planet that is proving more mysterious with each episode. The show has focused on their exploits and adventures as they try to survive and discover the truth about the uncharted planet that they have found themselves, all the while facing obstacles designed by the viewers.

The show has become popular in the EU and PACT, and networks recently began to air it in ZOCU and China aligned space. Marooned has won acclaim for it's acting and plot, but has also been the subject of controversy over several very gory scenes including one where a fair number of the surviving children were killed. Colonist's Marooned is scheduled to start airing it's second season in February of 2195.

PACT Shows

The Crisis in August: A popular historical drama in Korea, the Crisis in August follows the events of leading up to the Reunification of Korea from the perspective of the various political figures involved. The drama contains a high degree of historical accuracy, but is more willing to fictionalise events than EU historical shows like Revolutions. The show is based on the book of the same name.

Black Lions: A recent historical show, Black Lions follows the adventures of a US Marine armoured unit during the ZOCU war, fighting in several engagements across PACAM. The show is completely fictional, and follows entirely fictional engagements on Theia both against ZOCU tanks and mobile suits. The show is supported by the US Marine Corp. who provided the armoured vehicles used on the show. The program has spawned several spin offs including video games and a sister show dealing with marine infantry in the same conflict.

Izanagi X (Earth Defender Izanagi X): Produced in Japan in the old anime style, Izanagi X is a homage to the old super robot shows that were popular in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The show follows the adventures of a teenage boy named Ken who encounters an injured post human girl and upon saving her is recruited to fly the titular Robot, Izanagi X in battle against a race of mysterious aliens, the Mazids who are overrunning humanity in space, and launching terror raids against earth. The show also features a romance between Ken and his post human benefactor. It has seen substantial success in Japan and has been a surprise hit elsewhere and in the colonies.

The Shining Tower: A Brazilian soap opera following the adventures of the Brazilian elite in Rio’s glitzy financial district. The show includes quiet a large amount of plot for a soap opera, with episodes dealing with office politics, business dealings and frauds as well as the usual soap opera staples of relationships and family.

The Purple Heart Battalion: A historical documentary about the remobilized 442nd Infantry Regiment, an all-transhuman PACT unit which fought in several of the bloodiest infantry battles in the Pac-Am arm. Although somewhat less popular than "Black Lions", the show is historically accurate, with several of the veterans of the engagements reprising their roles in the engagements. One of the relatively few shows with Adharans featured semi-prominently, it has been praised by the Church of the Imminent Eschaton for portraying the religion and its tenets with accuracy and respect.

Into the Black: A wild west in space historical epic about the initial American colonisation to the stars. Notable for including three real starships (members of the UN stargazer triad) leased from the UN, and its rather uncompromising portrayal of early colony life. Into the Black has a generally pro-colonisation pro-exploration message however, and is popular, feel good television to many American households.

Subjugation A fantasy show produced by Adharan media (extremely unusual), Subjugation is set in a world where the rich are immortal and superior in every way to the poor by dint of ancient magics, surveying the suffering masses in their ivory towers as they toil in the fields or in the armies of these empires. Only a small sect of dissenters dares to claim otherwise, seeking to share the gift to whomever wishes it. The hero and his dying love journey to find these magicians, and possibly to rearrange the social order. Reactions are generally positive although critics say that the entire plot is Eschatonic propaganda, and an extended insult to every major power bloc.

Chinese shows

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Yeah, this again.

ZOCU media

Fire Knives: One of the first Harawayian shows to attract an off world following, Fire Knives follows the adventures, military and romantic of a group of Harawayian shock infantry in a near future conflict with a virulent strain of feral drones (recently revealed to be aliens) on the rim. Fire Knives is notable for it’s high level of interactivity, with some regarding it as more a game than a program, and the capacity for view choice to influence how the show goes for them. Fire Knives is also known for its extremely realistic portrayal of battle suit combat, and has attracted audiences of both sexes off world, it is also one of the first Harawayian interactive fictions to include options for heterosexual romance.

The show has seen some controversy at home however, due to several fairly sympathetic depictions of EU and PACT units, though this has only increased its viewing figures.

Zero-Hime: A popular Kanonian anime, Zero-Hime is set in an alternate universe with a larger similar level of technology to ours, but also including hidden magical and supernatural elements. The story follows a princess named Ayeko whose home planet has come under the control of the oppressive Empire of the Grand Wheel, which rules earth and the inner colonies. The show centres on Ayeko’s quest to raise an army and navy to liberate her home world from the Wheel Empire, and on the strange power she finds attached to her bloodline and that of the Empire’s royal family.

Zero-Hime is currently in its second season.

CONDOR: Kanonian anime drawing material from 20th century Chinese author Jinyong - primarily from the Condor trilogy. However, it liberally changes the setting to that of an epic dimensional opera as backdrop, featuring extreme levels of technology and magic with a plot only somewhat related to its sources. The show enjoyed moderate success but rekindled interest in fishing up old 20th and 21st century intellectual properties for transformative adaptation.

Sign of Asilis: Based on a once obscure manga, Sign of Asilis is about a fictional strategy game with mystical properties that enable biological humans to easily outplay cyborgs or computers regardless of the processing power or dust used in their construction. It features a contemporary high school setting with a largely female cast as well as an unexpectedly depressing ending. It was the most popular anime on Kanon for 2194 and propelled three members of its cast to great fame. A second series has been confirmed, rumored to start airing in early 2196 with "what should be a very surprising plot twist".

Lords of Ether: Written by a small Transbaal gaming company with art by Kanonian studio Eastern Wonder, LoE is by far the most popular MMORPG outside the core. However, its recent anime adaptation received negative reviews.

Tales of the Winter Court: a long running Londiniumsoap opera, Tales of the Winter Court centres around a young noble woman from the Londinium country side arriving at the royal court during the breakdown Londinium. Tales includes some heavy political elements but really centres on romance and glamor.

Secrets of the Rim: another ZOCU science fiction, created in Londinium, Secrets of the Rim follows the multinational crew of a fictional Ionia class starship, the Ares tasked with investigating strange alien ruins in the rim, and battling the Magnate super villains, feral drones and core forces. The show includes a considerable amount of science fiction technology, mostly created from the alien sites on the rim, and is generally designed more towards adventure and fun than more serious shows like Fire Knives.

Now in it’s third season, the crew of the Ares have recently confronted live variants of the aliens that created the sites, with hostile intent.

The Great House: a political drama about a fictional, recently married ambassador from Londinium to Kanon, and the affairs of the embassy; it’s great house and the like, notable for dealing with issues of the day, and produced jointly by teams from Kanon and Londinium.

Azure Skies: A Harawayian Soap opera set in the city of New Reykjavik’s immigrant district, and dealing with the culture shock between immigrants and native Harawayians. Filmed on location in New Reykjavik.

Many Worlds: a Harawayian science fiction show featuring a group of four Harawayian Sarissa pilots during the ZOCU war who are abducted by a mysterious post human entity and sent back to change the results of famous historical battles, sometimes using their suits, sometimes using period aircraft. Notable episodes include the team fighting destroying the Coalition fleet during the second gulf war, the team flying American interceptors over Pearl Habour, and the team flying PAK-FA’s during the Venezuela-American War of 2040. Many Worlds is notable for featuring period aircraft recreated in loving detail, and a very realistic depiction of contemporary mecha, and many mind screw elements.

League Shows

Horizon: Minkowskan science fiction. In AD 2222, Minkowskan scientists notice Mara's event horizon beginning to grow spines. Some weeks later Earth collapses in on itself, followed by the Sun and other bodies, spreading outwards. Minkowsky's relevant experience thrusts it into a leadership position in the fightback against the sinister, inhuman Horizon. The programme is criticised for dodgy special effects, ham acting, contrived plots and nonsensical science but is nevertheless popular domestically.

Saladin: Al-Rafigaynian historical fiction. Live Action retelling of the Third Crusade, from the side of the Saracens. Has an all star cast, and a massively large budget.

Peshmerga, Fight for Freedom: Al-Rafigaynian animated fake-documentary, telling of a What-If alternate timeline where Bilad Al-Rafigayn joined ZOCU and fought on it's side during the war. Follows a unit of the Peshmerga, the Semi-Autonomous Region of Korduene's elite infantry unit. Somewhat popular on Bilad Al-Rafigayn, the show is also shown on some ZOCU Planets. A nasty rumor has been spread throught the League which states that citizens from ZOCU helped produce the show. Currently, two new spinoffs are being produced, this time as an opposite of the original proposition. One of these has Al-Rafigayn join the EU, and follows the Mujahadeen elite infantry unit through the war. The other spinoff, a major motion picture, has Al-Rafigayn leading the League into the war, this time following the elite Fedayeen all-volunteer force.

The Caliphate: Extremely long running cartoon, a retelling of the rise and fall of the great islamic empires of Earth History and the time period up until the launch of the colonisation effort of a new home for the people of the middle east, Bilad Al-Rafigayn. Praised as a work of art throughout the Expanse, the cartoon also manages to avoid offending any religious or transgene groups, while at the same time staying historically accurate.