Ascend Milieus

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Each milieu is the general 'feel' for the nation/planet/area in question. In the same way that Power Themes help to define what individual characters can and cannot do, milieus do it for societies. They are grouped into three broad levels which (very roughly) represent how powerful and capable they are.



A merging of low technology with ubiquitous magic, commonly in the form of etheric martial arts. While often having little but masses of troops, monstrous cavalry and unsophisticated sailing ships to pit against more vehicular-oriented milieus, in an arms-length brawl there are few peers and none better.

LOE examples: Vale of Hesperi (turned up to 11)
Other examples: Almost any popular MMO


LOE examples: Ohmshire, Pendleton
Other examples: Girl Genius



World War II . . . in space. The crazy excesses, tropes and themes of the 20th century's greatest war made even greater. Grades into Heavy Metal (see below), with the distinguishing line often being if the guns fire bullets or energy bolts. Heavily biasted towards technology, with magic sidelined (assuming it exists at all) to a relatively niche role - often by black-clad 'psycops'.

LOE examples: Atesia, Kraznya Zvezda
Other examples: Gear Krieg, Many ahistorical WWII shooters, Fallout, Red Alert


A milieu that closely approximates real life, though normally with copious additions of cyberware and/or street level magic. The guns are a bit more tacticool, the shadows are a bit darker and the fantasy a lot more urban.

LOE examples: Vittrix Xenofront, Na-Speza Metropolis
Other examples: Deus Ex, Ghost in the Shell, Metal Gear Solid, Shadowrun, Real Life


Heavy Metal

Fairly conventional space opera running on WWII-to-Vietnam tropes, but complete with all the modern conveniences like antigravity, forcefields and beam cannons. Magical use tends to be atrophied, with this milieu being the typical end-state of nations that neglect or indeed refuse to use magic. Heavy Metal is the natural home of big stompy robots, big invincible tanks, dudes in power armor, and cosmo battleships.

LOE examples: Belmar, Sternreich, Franco, Gael Cygni
Other examples: Battletech, Space Battleship Yamato, Hammer's Slammers

Sword and Starship

An undisputably high-powered milieu, Sword and Starship can be defined by two things; brutal, straightforward power and a tendency towards close-range fighting. Computers and biotechnology tends to be relatively rudimentary, with sentient (but often chattel) androids/robots being the most common outlier. Starships are large, tough and thickly coated with guns while mecha - often armed with appropriately-scaled beam sabers and plasma muskets - dart between them. Magic tends to be common, often reinforcing the battlefield troops, and the line between what is 'built' and what is 'artificed' are often so blurred as to be irrelevant.

LOE examples: Kozun, Lost Ground, Royal Republic of Archangel
Other examples: Star Wars, Warhammer 40k, First Age Exalted


Cyberpunk that has left behind the crudities, further blurring the lines between both man and machine as well as mind and AI. Evasion, sneaky tricks and the judicious use of magic are the watchwords here.

LOE examples: Thetis, Xannis, Zanzibar (with a biotech twist), New Phoenicia (?)
Other examples: Pandora's Star, Hyperion

High Arcane

Outright high wizarding with no fucks given. specifics TBD