Talk:Hisaki Ariadust

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Hisaki is born into a cadet branch of a powerful samurai clan. They have resided in old Hizen province (the vicinity of present-day Nagasaki) for centuries. The clan once produced Akashic mages but have been Hermetics since the early Edo era.

Name Format: <Craft Name chosen by mage.> <Birth name.> <Birth surname.> <Enochian word chosen by clan head.> <Magical lineage name - Ariadust> <bani Ex Miscellaneae>

Shinobu Kaede Ogasawara Merfa Ariadust (Great Grandmother; 1906-)
The undisputed matriarch of the clan. May have been a baseball girl during the Taisho era. Rebuilt the family after WWII through sheer determination.

Saburo Ogasawara (Granduncle; 1947-)
A granduncle - Shinobu's eldest son - who fell out and eventually relearned to become an Akashic monk. Has been sharing time between Hokkaido and Central Asia since the Soviet collapse. Not on speaking terms.
Shiro Ogasawara (Hisaki and Asumi's Grandfather; 1949-) // married to a Nanasy
An uncle (1971-) Boring research-oriented hermetic.
Hisaki's Father (1973-) //
Hisaki Oda Mühlenberg Nanasy Ogasawara Ayulsa Ariadust
Asumi's Father (1975-) //
Asumi Akane Nanasy Ogasawara Faiy Ariadust (Cousin; 2000-)
4 (198X-)
5 (198X-)
6 (198X-)
aunt (1990-)
Goko Nanasy née Ogasawara (1951-) // arrangedly married off


Prominent Continental European magical family that has produced hermetics and choristers.


Minor German-American magical family. Married in after WWII.