Talk:Hisaki Ariadust

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Hisaki is born into a cadet branch of a powerful samurai clan. They have resided in old Hizen province (the vicinity of present-day Nagasaki) for centuries. The clan once produced Akashic mages but have been Hermetics since the early Edo era.

Name Format: <Craft Name chosen by mage.> <Birth name.> <Birth surname.> <Enochian word chosen by clan head.> <Magical lineage name - Ariadust> <bani Ex Miscellaneae>

Recent mages:

Shinobu Kaede Ogasawara Merfa Ariadust bani Ex Miscellaneae (Great Grandmother; 1906-)
The undisputed matriarch of the clan. May have been a baseball girl during the Taisho era. Rebuilt the family after WWII through sheer determination.

Saburo Ogasawara (Granduncle; 1955-)
A granduncle - Shinobu's eldest son - who fell out and eventually relearned to become an Akashic monk. Has been sharing time between Hokkaido and Central Asia since the Soviet collapse. Not on speaking terms.
' ()

An uncle. Boring research-oriented hermetic.

Hisaki Oda Mühlenberg Nanasy Ogasawara Ayulsa Ariadust
Asumi Akane Mühlenberg Ogasawara Faiy Ariadust (Cousin)


