Soul Accel

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The time has come, and the long struggle of mankind is nearing its inevitable conclusion. The world fades away under the radiance of a crimson star, relentless and pitiless. The Last War, the final shout of mankind, a wild and frenzied attempt to give its end a meaning, is long since over, accomplishing nothing.

These are the last days of humanity, and ones when the conclusion to its story will be written.

You are the lost and the damned of Earth, wandering the wastelands, and yet while you feel hollow inside, that feeling is of different nature from those of other men, who are slowly being submerged within the madness and ennui of their species' final gasp.

Within you, there is still a sliver of craving.

You wandered the wastelands, until you found It - The City, the decaying monument to past glories, where the residents spend their last moments in nihilistic decadence and despair. This is the place ruled by the Devil, this world abandoned by God now well and truly within his grasp; his palace and his fortress.

This is the place where the last racetrack on Earth resides.

The legends spoken within the half-emtpy bars and by bleached skeletons left by the wayside of unused roads say that this world is damned - and tell of the last race, the final gasp of will and desire of humanity, where the victor will reclaim their soul from the grasp of the Devil, and attain salvation. The last chance, the last hope. Soul Accel.

A group has gathered who will race for the first place, for there is no second or third when chasing against the devil. A group who still has the desire to struggle, and attain the one prize left winning in the hollowed-out world.

Yet only one pair of hands can grasp victory - one, and no more. Who will triumph, and who will fall, left by the wayside like so many before?


At heart, the game is about a race - and as such, your statistics represent your vehicle, whatever it might be. Personal stats no longer matter - only what you can achieve with your power and ingenuity on the racetrack.

Conceptually, feel free to do as your heart pleases - this is the time of the end, where the lines between illusion and reality blur, and where neither magic or technology is out of place. All contenders can participate in the Devil's race, as long as they are willing. Their spirit will decide all else.

You have 9 points. The maximum you can have in any given stat is 6. The stats are following:

  • Speed
  • Weaponry
  • Special

Speed governs the velocity. You need to accumulate 66(.6) succeses first to win the race. Speed can also be used to dodge - you bleed successes in order to take off enemy damage points.

Weaponry governs raw power. For those who would rather end their opponents outright, rather than outrun then, it is also an option - Soul Accel has no rules bar that there can only be one winner. Each vehicle has 10 points of durability. Each point of the stat gives 2 points, which can be assigned to damage, precision or range - damage determines how much durability a hit takes off, precision lowers to-hit difficulty per 1, minimum being 3, and range determines how close you need to be to another racer to fire, each range point equaling 6 speed successes of difference between you and your target.

Special governs unique capabilities. Is your vehicle capable of unusual feats, be it temporary boosts or strange abilities? That goes here. Each special point gives you 2 boost points or 1 special ability. Boost points can be assigned to both power and duration - so 1 special point could give you +1 to a stat for 1 round, while 2 could give you +3 for 1 round, for instance. Special abilities are up to you - they allow you to do things other than ride and shoot, although they can't offer direct stat boosts to either.