Knights of the Gold Ballet

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It is the Final Year of the Aeon of the Dance. The Silver Empress foresaw the end of days trillions of years ago and realized that the only way to prevent such a cataclysm was to unite and entrap the entire universe within impossibly vast mechanisms of flesh and metal. Now tens of quadrillions of souls perform eschatological dance within the baroque megastructure curvatures of the Proscenium that twists around stars and holds entire galaxies within the grip of its power.

Though nothing more than a name and a legend now, the Empress may see her final victory as the cosmos are locked into final stasis once the last steps of the danse are finished.

A single pocket of resistance remains, the machine-knights of a single star beading on the forehead of Andromeda. Once the loyal servants of the Gold Empress, their vision compels them to fight for a different future: with life escaping this failing universe by passing through to another.

Their opposition is impossible to defeat: billions of ships capable of boiling suns, trillions of posthuman soldiers of incredible physical power and the tendrils of the Proscenium that converge towards their singular star and threaten to quash their resistance and scatter all atoms of the lone star with a single pass.

The goal is simple: to survive.