Talk:Nanri Misaka

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Misaka Note

1 January, 2014

It is the New Year. I guess there wouldn't be anywhere for hatsumode in England.

Ever since arriving in this country, almost the first thing that happened was a strange blonde girl grabbed me and... That did not happen even in Akiba(True)! How improper! And she left me a gold coin?! Do I look like a- *obscured by splotches of ink*

The Miss's manor is quite small for the amount of things inside. I guess I could practice on the balcony but wouldn't I be seen?

It seems there are youkai and half youkai hoodlums in this country too. They are dangerous to be caught unawares by so it's important to be prepared.

She seemed to find my cooking alright but I'm just going through the cafe recipes. If she gets bored of those, would it be safe to switch to Yamato-style cooking? This isn't simple work. I don't care what Master says, living in Mayohiga would definitely make one weak!

It's been raining without end for days in England. Even on Earth, there are times when some places are like home.

Master says most people don't read the Classics anymore but the Miss sure seems well educated. I can't really understand it sometimes when she and her AI talk.

Something changed a section of the city here. It seemed like how it is in Akiba in some ways. If that's true, we should be cautious.

Inside the underlevels of a magical book shop, we encountered a very quick youkai. After it threatened the Miss, I was forced to use Immeasurable Crescent Moon on it. Hidden techniques cannot be used often or they will lose the effectiveness inherent in their secrecy. It's not a good sign to be forced to use such a technique so soon.

It is verily much greater to be a bodyguard than a warrior. I will need to cultivate the Way deeply to keep the Miss safe. Not like today.

At the Miss's insistence, we have collected the remains of the youkai for her study. It seems dangerous and a little unsettling but it seems like it is quite unusual as there is no blood or anything. Its spear is especially interesting because it seems to change its weight and try to flow out of the hand like water depending on how it is held. I'd ask to send it to Master...well she'd probably just use it for a drying pole... -_-;

I wonder if its behaviour could be adapted...

21 December, 2014