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Vital Statistics

Alias: "Jay" F. Kurosawa
Player: NPC (Exhack)
Allegiance: Japan
Concept: The Shadow with a Hundred Eyes
Eruption: Artificially Induced
Nature Charmer/Expert
Virtue: Regain WP when you clearly provide comfort and good cheer to another.
Vice: Spend WP to resist showing your expertise off in a valid situation. Regain WP if doing so is taking an unreasonable risk.
Quantum: 3

  • Quantum Pool: 35 (Node 2)

Willpower: 8


• [ ]x1 Bruised: -0
• [ ]x1 Hurt: -1
• [ ]x2 Injured: -2
• [ ]x2 Crippled: -4
• [ ]x1 Incapacitated
• [ ]Dead


Physical (4)

Strength: 2

Brawl 3
Might 3

Dexterity: 5 (Flexible)

Athletics 5
Stealth 5 (Shadowing +4)
Martial Arts 3
Drive 1
Legerdemain 4

Stamina: 2

Endurance 3
Resistance 3

Social (6)

Charisma: 4 (Suave)
Manipulation: 5 (Devious)

Subterfuge 5
Streetwise 5

Appearance: 2

Mental (8)

Wits: 5 (Cunning)

Tactics 3
Rapport 3

Intelligence: 4 (Rational)

Science (Forensics) 3
Linguistics 1 (Japanese, English)
Intrusion 4

Perception: 5 (Patient)

Awareness 5
Investigation 5


10 Backgrounds

Dormancy 3
Resources 3
Mentor 1
Node 2
Contacts 5


Mega-Dexterity [1]

Catfooted: Catfooted adds 1 success to any contested Stealth roll, and all attempts to track the Nova's footprints without superhuman senses automatically fail as long as the Nova does not botch her stealth roll. This costs 1 Quantum and lasts for a scene.

Mega-Manipulation [1]

Trickster: +(Mega-Manipulation) to any roll made to create Sway that would convince a character of a fundamental untruth or otherwise deceive them. In especially fitting situations, a character may be able to add 1 success to the roll along with the bonus dice.

Mega Perception [1]

Ultraperipheral Vision: The Nova is able to see in a perfect 360 degree field around themselves by spending 1 Quantum point. This enhancement lasts one scene.

Bodymorph [Shadow and Eyes, 2] - Turns into a literal mass of inky shadows that can grow and absorb red-irised eyes (Using Ultraperipheral Vision).

Amorphous: Move through darkness at twice movement speed and has Flexibility Body Modification.
Abilities: Density Decrease 1, Hypermovement 1 (Ground)

Shroud [3] - Inky Shadows




Soak (Aggravated/Lethal/Bashing): 2A/1L/2B

w/+2A/4L/6B (Natural Soak)



Permanent Points: 0
Temporary Points: 0

Body Modifications


Bonus Points

15 BP

Willpower 8 (10)
Charisma 4 (5)

Nova Points

35 NP

Quantum 3 (10)
Backgrounds (1)
Bodymorph 2 (6)
Shroud 3 (6)
Mega Attributes (6)
Attributes (3)
Abilities (3)

Body Modifications


MJMecha Stufff

Orphan Robot Girl

Major: Your destiny is one in a billion. Your wikipedia page will suffer edit wars. +2 to all stats.
Silicon Being: This is a Mandatory Defining Event. You are not flesh and blood at all, but plesh and nanofluid. +4 Bod, +2 Rea, +1 Per, +1 Kno, +4 Psy
Plate Worlder: You grew up on and around the various megastructures that litter the Fomalhaut system. You get +1 to all rolls when fighting around megastructures or the like (cities count).
Urchin: Your family was the street. +2 Bod, +2 Rea, +2 Psy
Remade: +3 Psy
School of Hard Knocks: +1 Bod, +1 Per, +1 Psy
Military Pilot: +2 Rea, +1 Bod, +1 Psych, +2 Cha
Gundamjacker: This is a Defining Event. +2 Per, +2 Kno, +2 Psy. Go to Super Prototypes for the mecha.
The Undefined: -1 to All Stats, Second Defining Event. +6 Charisma


Body: 9
Reactions: 7
Perception: 5
Knowledge: 4
Psyche: 14
Charisma: 9
Synch Limit: 28

FYI: You're going to want less Psyche, and more Reactions and Perception. You don't need that much Synch unless you're making a tank or what have you.

Xerxes Assault


Total Power Output: 60
Total Power Requirements: -75
Total Strain: 2
Armor: Standard (+2 Durability)
Thrusters: ( Agility, net)
Cost: 87 MBP
Lightweight Humanoid Core
Connectors: 5
Durability: 2
Component Space: 12/30
Criticals: Cockpit(4), Internal Structure (5)
Expansion Connector(Standard:
Expansion Connector(Standard:
Nanogauge Tap (Standard): Size 6, Durability 5, 60 Power
Advanced Barrier Shield: Size 5, Durability 1, Power -16, 20 MBP
Standard Head
Connectors: None
Durability: 7
Component Space: 6/6
Criticals: Sensors (2), Internal Structure (2)
Cost: 1 MBP
Submachine Gun(Energy): Size 4, Durability 1, Power -5, 4 MBP
Passive Sensor: Size 1, 1 Durability, +1 Electronics, 1 MBP
Passive Sensor: Size 1, 1 Durability, +1 Electronics, 1 MBP
Kinetic Ram Arm(LeftUpper)
Connectors: None
Durability: 9
Component Space: 7
Criticals: Hand (1), Accelerators (1), Musculature (3), Internal Structure (3))
Cost: 3 MBP
Beam Sword(Handheld: Size 4, Durability 1, Power -3, 2 MBP
Kinetic Ram Arm(RightUpper)
Connectors: None
Durability: 9
Component Space: 7
Criticals: Hand (1), Accelerators (1), Musculature (3), Internal Structure (3))
Cost: 3 MBP
Kinetic Ram Arm(LeftLower)
Connectors: None
Durability: 9
Component Space: 7
Criticals: Hand (1), Accelerators (1), Musculature (3), Internal Structure (3))
Cost: 3 MBP
Beam Sword(Handheld: Size 4, Durability 1, Power -3, 2 MBP
Kinetic Ram Arm(RightLower)
Connectors: None
Durability: 9
Component Space: 7
Criticals: Hand (1), Accelerators (1), Musculature (3), Internal Structure (3))
Cost: 3 MBP
Beam Sword(Handheld: Size 4, Durability 1, Power -3, 2 MBP
Standard Leg(Left)
Connectors: None
Durability: 11
Component Space: 3/12
Criticals: Musculature (4), Internal Structure (3)
Cost: 1 MBP
Expansion Connector(Standard:
Weapon Arm(Left Knee)
Connectors: None
Durability: 9
Component Space: 18/18
Criticals: Musculature (3), Internal Structure (3)
Cost: 1 MBP
Two Handed Beam Sword: Size 8, Durability 2, Power -9, 6 MBP
Plasma Ejector: Size 10, Durability 1, Power -12, 14 MBP
Standard Leg(Right)
Connectors: None
Durability: 11
Component Space: 3/12
Criticals: Musculature (4), Internal Structure (3)
Cost: 1 MBP
Expansion Connector(Standard:
Weapon Arm(Right Knee)
Connectors: None
Durability: 9
Component Space: 8/18
Criticals: Musculature (3), Internal Structure (3)
Cost: 1 MBP
Two Handed Beam Sword: Size 8, Durability 2, Power -9, 6 MBP
Plasma Ejector: Size 10, Durability 1, Power -12, 14 MBP

Radam Strigoi


Initiative +12
Armour 4
Head 42/42, Chest 42/42
L Arm 21/21, R Arm 21/21, L Leg 21/21, R Leg 21/21
XP 0/57 +1


Power 9 [21]
Grace 9 [21]
Smarts 3 [6]
Knowledge 3 [6]
Charisma 3 [6]
Rhetoric 3 [6]
Perception 3 [6]
Integrity 3 [6]


Sword [1]
Lift [1]


Fight 6 [21]
Vamp 6 [21]


Unusual Equipment - MechanoParasite Sword


Modular Frame [10]
Armour 3 [6]


Court Magician Sybille



  • Name: Sybille de Janvier
  • Academic Ability: Superb
  • Athletics Ability: Clumsy
  • Blood Type: O-
  • Favorite Food: Steamed Pudding
  • Associated Animal: Dog
  • Hair: Dark brown, just to the shoulders.
  • Build: Slender but not overly delicate. Good proportions.


  • Confidence -1: "I, kn-know I can do it!"
  • Hedge Magic 1: Somewhat poor at this basic magic, and dependent on the Grimoire's power to achieve things besides basic forms and simple charms.
  • Shine 3: Despite appearances, actually fairly magnetic and good at moving people once able to muster some courage.
  • Soul Sorcery 4: A once-in-a-generation talent at a forbidden art that is easily mistaken for a divine one.
  • Hedge Magic: A lesser magecraft based on using charms and ritual, working with the natural mechanisms of the world. Considered to be overly complicated and not very effective by more urbane practitioners of magic, and weaker than the high theurgy popular in the imperial court.
    • Obstacle 0: Sense details from nature, such as weather, the locations of edible plants or the migration patterns and habits of regional animals.
    • Obstacle 0: Create pretty baubles, charms and other things that are pleasant and/or smell nice.
    • Obstacle 1: Use charms for an offensive attack, like turning preserved feathers or roses into missiles.
  • Soul Sorcery: The stored magic of the Future Grimoire, based on principles of theurgy but working by actualizing the divine potential within the caster and their environment rather than by emulating sacred god-forms. It is considered profane by those who understand the mechanisms.
    • Obstacle 0: Create and control a mundane natural force like fire, light, water or wind, as long as it's unnaturally blue.
    • Obstacle 1: Peer into the nature of a mortal soul.
    • Obstacle 1: Give a minor blessing to a soul, like cheering them up, taking away pain or granting minor good luck (so minor accidents don't happen).
    • Obstacle 1: Mend a physical body by making it remember the shape of its soul.
    • Obstacle 2: Peer into the nature of a grandiose, divine or otherwise immortal soul.
    • Obstacle 2: Harm a physical body by twisting the connection it has with the soul.
    • Obstacle 3: Affect a soul with a temporary curse or a blessing of noticeable effect, like ensuring that a specific mundane task will absolutely succeed or fail.
    • Obstacle 4: Remove or displace a soul from a location and shift it elsewhere (the body accompanying it is optional).


  • Accessory: the Future Grimoire: A grimoire written by a future version of herself who became selfish and covetous due to dependance on borrowed power, eventually waging war on the world and despoiling it. The contents seemingly change with each reading, making it ambiguous if her future self's intention was to prevent the disastrous future from happening or lock her past self into that fate.
  • Connection 1: The Queen, My Friend: Was best friends with the then-princess, before being sent away by her father.

Bonds and Afflictions

  • Affliction: "I might not be able to much, but I can always sacrifice myself for the people I care about." 3

Arc Traits

  • Wounded Angel 3
    • Dramatic: Appears strikingly in scenes of intense blue, such as under the moonlight or in the absence of strong direct light.
    • Devices: Enhances both Hedge Magic and Soul Sorcery, as appropriate.
    • Divine Health: The inevitability of a terrible fate denies her death.
    • (Cage for a) Blasphemy: The blasphemer who discovered the nature of the soul and became covetous and selfish.
    • Empowered Wounds: Unleash incredible power at a terrible price.
    • Recover: Relinquish borrowed power and deny the terrible fate its privilege.
    • Salvation: Sacrifice much to preserve a life, once.
    • Supreme Invocation: A wish to change the world using power born of a terrible sacrifice.
    • Union: Unbreakable bonds with those saved.

XP and Quests

  • XP Emotion: Embarrassed Frustration/Exhaustion
  • Floating XP: 0
  • Recharge Tokens: 0
  • BASIC QUEST: Workplace Training (0/10): (Work and Study) Reframe a scene as being part of learning the ins and outs of being court magician.
    • Use an exclamation or whine like "I'm trying!" or "I'm learning, alright?!"
  • Improve on Hedge Magic (0/25): (Mental Training) Learn the principles of hedge magic in order to better serve as court magician, given the risks involved in using Soul Sorcery to excess.
    • Have an accident or mishap involving misuse of magic, or struggle to accomplish something difficult. [5]
    • Discuss the concepts involving hedge magic with someone more experienced. [5]
    • Have a personal, monologued breakthrough involving concepts underlying magic. [5]
  • Reconnect with the Queen (0/25): (Connecting) Reforge a withered friendship with the Queen and become close again.
    • Have a misunderstanding that ends poorly and requires later reconciliation.[5]
    • Talk with advisers and others surrounding the Queen to discover how she's changed. [5]
    • Have a close personal moment that ends well. [5]
  • Master the Grimoire (0/40): (Bind) Take control of the Future Grimoire's power in order to gain some understanding of the terrible future that might come to pass and hopefully avoid it.
    • Discover uncomfortable truths that unsettle you. [5]
    • While left alone, have a tangible moment of dread over the coming future. [5]
    • Consider the implications of the Grimoire's existence and compose your own theories about the nature of the artifact and how the timelines might play against one another. [5]
    • Sacrifice something or put yourself at risk in order to use the Grimoire's power. [5]
    • Make peace with the artifact (although not necessarily your future self). [5]


  • Accessory: the Future Grimoire
  • Affliction: "I might not be able to much, but I can always sacrifice myself for the people I care about." (tied to Broken Angel)

Changing Stats

  • MP 5/5
  • Will 8/8
  • Health
    • 2/2 Normal Health Levels
    • 1/1 Tough Health Level
    • 5/5 Divine Health Levels