Sam Shard
-Ran several major scams on Earth, encouraging wealthy businessmen to invest in reclamation efforts for Tainted regions that never paid off. Was discovered due to partners being discovered, and Erupted while attempting to escape the situation, manifesting powers. Is now in space, travelling about in search of new opportunities.
-Owns a ship, the Right Choice.
Vital Statistics
- Name// Samuel Shard
- Kit// Escapee
- Concept// White-collar Criminal With Claws
- Image Song// []
- Eruption// Greed = Downfall
- Nature// Opportunistic/Paranoid
- Virtue/ Conniver
- Vice/ Capitalist
Things to Track
- Quantum//1
- Quantum Pool//22
- Current Quantum/
- Current Quantum/
- Quantum Rate//
- Willpower// 9
- Temporary Willpower/
- Health// 3x -0 / 2x -1 / 2x -2 / 1x -4 / Incapacitated
- Current Damage/
- Taint// 0
- Temporary Taint/ 0
- Temporary Taint/ 0
- Initiative// d10 +[8]
- Dodge// +[3]
- Parry// +[3]
- Soak//
- Natural Soak/ 0A/2L/4B
- Power Soak/ 0A/3L/3B
- Equipment & Other/ A/L/B
General Statistics
- Total: 45 + 6
Physical 6
- Strength 3
- Dexterity 3
- Firearms 2
- Pilot 1
- Stealth 2
- Stamina 3
Mental 8
- Wits 5
- Rapport 3
- Discern Motivation 5
- Resistance
- Streetwise 3
- Intelligence 3
- Academics (law) 2
- Bureaucracy 5
- Computers 1
- Perception 3
- Awareness 3
Social 10
- Charisma 4
- Command 3
- Etiquette 4
- Performance 3
- Manipulation 5
- Interrogation 1
- Subterfuge Prodigy 6
- Appearance 4
- Intimidation 2
- Style 5
Body Modifications
Merits and Flaws
- 12
Cipher 5
- No Paper Trails.
Contacts 4
- Corporate, Space Police, Criminal Underworld, Colonial Law
Iron Will 1
- Mental Conditioning
Linguistics 4
- English, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi, Italian, Arabic, Spanish
Lucky 5
- I make my own Luck.
Resources 4
- I got away with quite a bit
Sanctum 8
- The Right Choice
- Amenities 2
- Concealment 3
- Defenses 1
- Size 2
Scarlet Letter 3
- A lot of people lost their pocketbooks.
Debt 2
- And so did I.
Expect WP rolls to trust people (unless you're tricking them)
- Every act of kindness is a favour meant to be repaid.
- Mega-Manipulation 1 - Persuader, Trickster
- Mega-Appearance 1 - Incognito
- Luck 5
- Armour 1 (Discreet)
- Disorient 1
Combat Gear
Bonus Points
- 15
- Cipher to 5 (1)
- Resources to 4 (1)
- Sanctum to 8 (8)
- Iron Will to 1 (1)
- Linguistics to 4 (4)
Nova Points
- 15
- Mega-Manip 1 (2)
- Mega-App 1 (2)
- Luck 5 (5)
- Disorient 1 (2)
- Armour 1 (2)
- Enhancement (Trickster) (1)
- Ability Points 6 (1)