Princesses of Hope

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Princesses (and Princes) Of Hope

Note: This was heavily inspired by the Princess: The Hopeful fan game for World of Darkness. Some of the system has been borrowed from or inspired by other #lords games.

Players are brand new magical girls who attend the same school/live in the same area. The system is set up so that higher level powers are shunted aside and difficult to get as players are supposed to be fairly new to this game.

5 health


Champion – Defender of the weak and helpless
Grace – Diplomats and masters of the social scene
Mender – Healers of heart, mind, and body
Seeker – Those who seek truth and knowledge
Troubadour – Artists who seek to inspire others


Clubs: Harmony with the world, a life with tranquility
Diamonds: To educate all and discover knowledge
Hearts: Build and lead the world through social structure and organization
Spades: Think outside the box and spread humor
Swords: Follow your heart and your passions.


Legno – The magic of nature, harmony, and defense
Aria – The magic of air, speed, and change
Terra – The magic of earth, structure, and order
Acqua – The magic of water, ice, and knowledge
Fuoco – The magic of fire, passion, and devotion

Character Sheet Name:

Appearance: How to do you appear in everyday life?
Transformed Appearance: What do you look like in your magical girl state?

Stats (You have 18 points to spend)

Strength: Your physical power and resilience.
Dexterity: Your quickness and precision
Wits: Your intellect and cleverness
Willpower: Your force of will and integrity
Charisma: Your personal magnitude and ability to affect people

Light: The force of a princess' inner light, the source of her power. (Wisps = Mana) (Each dot of light costs 2 points) 1: 5 wisps
2: 8 wisps
3: 10 wisps

Fate: You get Fate = to your Light

Invocation: The archetype or theme of your magic – pick one from the list above.
Regalia: An artifact of your power – something that is part of your costume in your transformed state. Grants you one spell of no more then B rank that can be cast without spending wisps.

Charm/Spell Ranks: (note this generally applies to in combat magic)
C: Minor spells such basic attacks and effects (1 wisp)
B: Middling spells, required for AOE (3 wisps)
A: Powerful spells that are capable of single handily turning the tide of a battle (10 wisps)
S: Very powerful magic that is on the edge of what even the most powerful princesses posses (15 wisps)
SS: Extremely powerful magic that is almost on the level of the Queens themselves (20 wisps)

Ritual/Joint Spellcasting:
Larger scale magics, including those beyond a princesses' normal power, can be cast through ritual but this requires time, uninterrupted effort, and the use of props and reagents. Two or more princesses in the same nakama or team can also team up to cast magic, so long as it fits both their invocations, in which case they split the wisp cost between themselves.