VEVAK Ilium File

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Ilium is a private military company with global reach and at least several hundred men under arms. Their first recorded activity was in 1991, and since then they have built up a reputation for ruthless and fearsome effectiveness. They have little in the way of known moral scruples and are known to have worked for most major awakened and supernatural factions, but are nevertheless picky about which jobs they take, sometimes turning down better pay offers in order to fight on the poorer side of a conflict.

Ilium's forces are highly trained and possess modern equipment, recently including some Union-grade 'hypertech' equipment. They lack heavy conventional firepower, but make free use of supernatural aid. They are extremely mobile globally and difficult to trace. The location of their home base, if they have one, is unknown.

Membership is on the classical French Legionnaire principle: you join for a new life, and to forget. Recruits abandon their name and identity in favour of a martial codename and membership in a brotherhood of soldiers. It is remarkably difficult to trace anything about the prior or current careers of Ilium employees, and there are no known retirees or traitors. For this reason, VEVAK and our sources have had difficulty assembling a comprehensive dossier.

The Sacred Band

The commander and the six closest to him are referred to as the 'Sacred Band' in intercepted internal communications. All should be considered extremely dangerous. Their codenames and profiles are as follows:


The commander. An obscure figure, but one who commands great loyalty. He has also been called 'Agamemnon' and 'Alexander'. His real identity is unknown.


The most prominent fixer and negotiator. 'Tsushima' is a japanese man of unknown age but archaic mannerisms, and a polite but forceful negotiating style. Most sources present evidence consistent with or outright claim that he is a vampire, but there are confirmed incidents of his being seen in sunlight.


An egyptian woman. One of three senior field commanders. Heathen (egyptian pagan), worships the Sun. Communicates with and commands djinn. Accounts of personal involvement in combat fragmentary due to memory loss, extreme emotional trauma and small number of survivors. Physically, besides gunshot wounds, severe burns and mauling are common in survivors.

Red Cliff

A chinese woman. Senior field commander. Avoids direct combat, however, those who have forced the issue report extreme speed and loss of control over their equipment.


A french-accented man never seen outside his NBC gear. Senior field commander. A necromancer who transgresses the boundary of death. Makes free use of biological, chemical and incendiary weapons.


A relatively recent (2009?) recruit that appeared in communications at the same time as Death Highway. Little is known, however, since her appearance Ilium has deployed more sophisticated technology, so it is speculated she is an etherite or former technocrat.

Death Highway

A relatively recent (2009?) recruit that appeared in communications at the same time as Atlantic. Believed to have been deployed to combat on two occasions (Congo 2010, Afghanistan 2012), but VEVAK and sources have been unable to find survivors from either supposed event.