Neo-Jovian Mecha Recognition Guide

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Solar Federation Space Force

Marida A2

Primary Operator: SFSF
Role: mass production orbital

Fixed Armament

  • 2 linear gun (head)
  • 1 beam saber (right hip)
  • 3-slot grenade rack (left hip)

The Marida is the Solar Federation's current front line mass production mobile suit and of all its myriad variants, the SFSF's orbital use Marida A2 and A3 variants are the most common. A well designed, well rounded and perhaps most importantly, technically mature unit, its performance in all key metrics is at least equal if not superior to any opposing force it is likely to encounter in significant numbers.

Solar Federation Army/Airforce

Marida B

Primary Operator: SFAA
Role: mass production terrestrial

Fixed Armament

  • 2 modular mission pod hardpoint (head)
  • 1 beam saber (right hip)
  • 3-slot grenade rack (left hip)
  • more hardpoints!

Long relegated to second fiddle when it came to its share of the military acquisitions budget, the planetary wing of the the SolFed military has been acquiring its own B and C variant Maridas for terrestrial and atmospheric operating environments. The B variant is equipped to handle a wide variety of terrain and gravitational conditions and is inherently a tougher suit than the A variants as it is almost never issued with a shield. Head mounted linear cannons are also replaced with modular mission pod hardpoints (usually direct-fire cannon armament on one side and something else in the other).

Solar Federation Navy/Marines

Marida D

Primary Operator: SFNM
Role: mass production amphibious/gas giant


Tenshi Corp

Verge Polities

White Rose Kingdom

Bharat Commonwealth

Republic of Cygnus

League of Outer Stars

Sagittan Union

Outremonde Republic



Red Dogs



Space Independence Alliance
