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I am a Learned Nano who Wields Power With Precision

Player: Oseng
Tier: 1
Nano Origin: Forbidden Knowledge
Nano Connection: Allan worked in the gardens of a rather influential noble to help pay for his apprenticeship to a nano-sorcerer and is still quite close with the noble's young daughter.
Foci Origin: Allan's mentor and teacher is a member of a secret society which has mastered mysteries passed down by the ancients, and she in turn passed her knowledge onto Allan.
Foci Connection: One of Zeromanikos' cybernetic parts emits a frequency or field that disturbs/disrupts Allan's control over the nanites as well as his interface with the datasphere etc.
Appearance: James is a tall young man who tends to look rather withdrawn and nervous or shy. He has short, roughly cut, brown hair and blue eyes and wears glasses as his vision isn't the best after years of peering over ancient tomes and records. He tends to wear a simple, comfortable, outfit with a grey coat over it and he always has books, paper, pens, vials, and similar things on or near him.


Might: 9 (Edge 0)
Speed: 10 (Edge 0)
Intellect: 22(Edge 1)
Effort: 1
Recovery Bonus: 1


Practiced With Light Weapons
Expert Cypher User
Numenera Training
Trained in 3 Knowledge Areas: Botany, Chemistry, Medicine/Healing

Inabilities and Drawbacks

Few Social Graces (charm, persuasion, etiquette +1 difficulty)


Onslaught (1 intellect)
Ward (+1 Armor)


3 Cyphers (Datasphere Siphon (crystal); Knowledge Enhancement (adhesive patch, Healing); Knowledge Enhancement (adhesive patch, sneaking))
1 Oddities (Amorphous black paper that adheres to and moves across skin of its own volition)
Light Weapon (Knife)
2 Books on the Numenera
2 Additional Books (The Beyond, History)
Shins: 4