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I am a Learned Nano who Wields Power With Precision

Player: Oseng
Tier: 1
Nano Origin: Forbidden Knowledge
Nano Connection: Allan worked in the gardens of a rather influential noble to help pay for his apprenticeship to a nano-sorcerer and is still quite close with the noble's young daughter.
Foci Origin: Allan's mentor and teacher is a member of a secret society which has mastered mysteries passed down by the ancients, and she in turn passed her knowledge onto Allan.
Foci Connection: Undecided
Appearance: TBA - young, tall/slender, scholarly, socially inept young man though.


Might: 9 (Edge 0)
Speed: 10 (Edge 0)
Intellect: 22(Edge 1)
Effort: 1
Recovery Bonus: 1


Practiced With Light Weapons
Expert Cypher User
Numenera Training
Trained in 3 Knowledge Areas

Inabilities and Drawbacks

Few Social Graces (charm, persuasion, etiquette +1 difficulty)


Onslaught (1 intellect)
Ward (+1 Armor)


3 Cyphers (Datasphere Siphon (crystal); Knowledge Enhancement (adhesive patch, Healing); Knowledge Enhancement (adhesive patch, sneaking))
1 Oddities (Amorphous black paper that adheres to and moves across skin of its own volition)
Light Weapon (Undecided)
2 Books on the Numenera
2 Additional Books (Topics Undecided)
Shins: 4