Echo Chamber Test Build

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Reaction Rolls

At the start of each combat each player makes a reaction roll. The one with the most successes declares their action last.

Actions are then taken in order of its speed.

A character may take multiple actions at a penalty of +2 difficulty number to all actions. All actions move at the speed of the slowest action.

Echo Chamber Action List

Listed Speeds maybe modified by equipment.

Move Forward (speed 1)
Facing Change (speed 1)
Go Prone (speed 2): Allows you to dodge fire when there's no cover
Move Sideways (Speed 2): Move sideways without changing your facing
Move Backwards (Speed 3): Move backwards without changing your facing
Sprint/Run (Speed 4): Let's you move at double speed
Take Cover (Speed 2): Adds cover to your defense roll depending on what's nearby
Fire Single Shot (Speed 3): Fires a single shot
Fire Burst (speed 4): Burst fire is less accurate but more damaging. It may hit multiple targets
Fire full auto (Speed 5): Even less accurate than burst but may attack several targets at once
Fire aimed shot (Speed 5): Used for long distance sniper fire with careful setup.
Fire Micromissile (speed 4): Launches a guided weapon from your weapons underslung launcher
Throw Grenade (speed 4): Throws a grenade
Melee Attack (speed 1): Attacks in melee range
Parry (speed 1): Defends in melee range
Operate Equipment (speed 6): Operates miscellaneous items
Plant Charge (speed 3): Plant a breaching charge
Covering Fire (Speed 5): Declare a targeted enemy or group of enemies and roll weapons skill + cover fire number. All targetted enemies gain + that difficulty to shoot. If they try, you may also make an unmodified attack against them.