Heylel - The Zenith Empire

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Ascension Isle

Heylel Traits

Arete Draconic (D)
You are a devout follower of the religion of dragon-worship, closely tied with the origin myth of the Imperial Family. If you possess this trait you may recruit Ascendant religious characters.

The Arete Draconic comes with the following three tenets:

1.) Worship the divine dragons as the model for mortals to achieve enlightenment and agency
2.) The Draconic Virtues of courage, intelligence, patience, might, and charisma are worthy of emulation.
3.) Weilders of magic have a divine right to rule, and any ruler should pursue the study of magic.

Imperial Dragons (F)
You are a member of the Arete Draconic's imperial sect, which upholds literal dragon's blood as a birthright of rulership rather than simple adherence to Draconic virtues, and the Imperial Family as the mandated rulers of the nation. You may have Ascendent characters with the Dragon-blooded traits.

Dragon's Roost (D)
Your nation contains the Dragon's Roost, the great temple to the first Ascendent Dragon. If you possess the Arete Draconic, all of your Ascendant characters gain one level. Only one nation my possess this trait.

Army/Fleet/Flight Traits.
The military of the Zenith Empire is scattered and in a time of rapid change. After centuries of traditional doctrines, all that once was has been thrown into question. The successor states formed from the Imperial Dominions are now experimenting with new ways of war, represented in the doctrines below. A nation can only choose two of the Army/Fleet/Flight traits.

Doctrinally Advanced (E)
Your nation has put a great deal of thought into the military future of the Empire. You may select an extra military doctrine. This doctrine is not free. This trait merely allows you to select three Army/Fleet/Flight traits rather than just two.

Army of Steel (E)
Your nation has adopted the way of steel, seeking to bolster its forces with technology from Mikaela and Rafaela. The former Zones may be weak in magic, but still they resisted the Chosen for a thousand years. They must have much to teach.

A nation with this trait can recruit all regular Zone army units. Foreign Intervention or Zenith Imperialist are prerequisites for this trait.

Fleet of Steel (E)
Your nation seeks to build a regular navy for the Empire using the technology of Mikaela and Rafaela. For too long has the Empire ignored the seas.

A nation with this trait can recruit regular Zone naval units. Army of Steel and either a conquered Zone industrial port, or a completed military exchange treaty with a Zone nation are a prerequisite for this trait.

Flight of Smoke (E)
Your nation seeks to build an air force of zeppelins and biplanes for the Empire using the technology of Mikaela and Rafaela. Since the end of the Chosen, no one has soared further or higher. The Empire will not stand in their shadow forever.

A nation with this trait can recruit regular Zone aerial units. Army of Steel and either a conquered Zone industrial center, or a completed military exchange treaty with a Zone nation are a prerequisite for this trait.

Army of Spirit (E)
Your nation has adopted the path of spirit, teaching that through rigorous training the ingrained potential of common soldiers can be unlocked, granting them the powers of supernatural martial arts.

A nation with this trait can recruit Army of Spirit units. Monastic Tradition or Zenith Populist are prerequisites for this trait.

Army of Bone (E)
Your nation follows the way of bone, raising the dead of the past to fight for the future of the living. The world of Arth has so many dead, and war is sure to make more; this is only efficiency.

A nation with this trait can use Army of Bone abilities. Ancestral Tradition or Zenith Traditionalist are prerequisites for this trait.

Flight of Wind (E)
Your nation follows the flight of the Wind, using wings to carry its warriors to war. The Chosen ruled the sky, and this the world. By taming the beasts of the air the Empire will better them.

A nation with this trait can recruit Fleet of Wind units. A Flying Creatures trait is a prerequisite for this trait.

Fleet of Waves (E)
Your nation follows the whales as they roll through the waves. Why build artificial machines to sail above the waves, when there are creatures with a lifetime of experience swimming under it.

A nation with this trait can recruit Fleet of Wind units. An Aquatic Creatures trait is a prerequisite for this trait.

Army of Gold (E)
Your nation treads the path of Gold, seeking to elevate the magical devices and practices of the Empire to untold heights. Let the Jibrilites play with their Thaumatic toys; let the Zones cough in the smoke of their oily machines. You will seek a path above them all, one paved by the golden light of an ascendant magic.

A nation with this trait can recruit Army of Gold units. Note that many Army of Gold units have additional prerequisites for construction.

The Zenith Military

Traditional Units

Note: For unit cost, the first value is production, the second is upkeep. One unit of production is equivalent to 10 units of upkeep. So a nation with 100 production can pay 1,000 points of upkeep at maximum load.

Zenith Militia Division Although the Zenith Empire maintained no large standing army, the land itself is dangerous enough that the common folk of Heylel maintain some martial skill for self defense against monsters and bandits. Common equipment is light or medium armor enchanted with fare-thee-wells, and swords, spears, crossbows and the occasional ornately engraved musket, all enhanced with hexes.

Some of these weapons and armour have been passed down for generations going all the way back to the early days of the Empire when they were forged in vast quantities in expectation of imminent invasion by the Chosen. The oldest of these weapons have picked up many layers of enchantment over the years, and have become exceedingly potent.

The Division contains 20,000 Zenith Militia

Attack: 1 Defense: 2 Mobility: 4 Move: 1 Cost: 2/1 Traits: Close Assault, Enchanted (1) For an Extra 1 Cost the militia can be upgraded with ancient weapons to Enchanted (2) Bowcasters

Light Cannon Regiment These cannon are a collection of antiques acquired over the years and pressed into service to support the militia. Some are breechloaders, others even more obsolete muzzle loaders. Their utility is enhanced with a range of magical shot, but this can’t hide the dire need for replacement.

The Regiment contains 50 Light Cannon pulled by pack animals

Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Mobility: 3 Move: 1 Cost: 2/2

Heavy Cannon Regiment Just as antiquated as their lighter brothers, these are heavy seige cannon. They are relatively rare in the army but are sometimes seen aboard converted warships.

The Regiment contains 25 Heavy Cannon moved by teams to stationary sites. Attack: 4 Defense: 2 Mobility: 1 Move: 1 Cost: 5/5

Zenith Knights Regiment For more than a thousand years the Zenith Knights were the Empire’s first line of defense. They are without doubt the most deadly mortal warriors in the world - trained all their lives to fight not other men, but gods. Their specific form varied in each of the Empire’s semi-autonomous Dominions, but always they were an elite corps of knights, bound by strict codes.

The Zenith Knights wear lovingly crafted armour with layer upon layer of enchantment, along with the best arms that magical craft could provide. Weapons range from massive diaklave blades to great lances and powerbows. To use these weapons the knights are all trained mages, and battlemages of the iron circle at that. If a prospective candidate cannot rise above the stone circle then no matter his martial skill he will be summarily released. This rigorous ethos served to keep the knights a small and feared elite for many centuries, but not it makes it impossible to expand them into a true mass army.

The Regiment contains 1,000 Zenith Knights.

Attack: 10 Defense: 8 Mobility: 5 Move:1 Cost: 50/100 Traits: Close Assault, Enchanted (3), Mage (2), Armoured (6)