KotC Chargen and Lifepath
Chargen Summary
- 1. Follow the lifepaths and list stages.
- Each stage is primarily a suggestion, so players are free to define the precise nature of the stage for themselves.
- Any overlapping lifepath events will link the characters. Discuss the nature of such an event with the other involved players.
- 2. Assign 6 Attributes each in the Physical/Mental/Social sections (minimum 1 in any attribute).
- 3. Assign 3 Qualities, listed in the Qualities section.
- 4. Spend 10 Fortune, listed in the Fortune section.
- 5. Select 5 pieces of equipment, listed on the appropriate page.
- 6. Design your Hochritter.
All attributes are easily split into three categories: physical, mental and social, which defines their primarily uses. Physical combatants cannot parry words and money does not staunch wounds. Each of the categories has three types of attributes, a power, grace and endurance attributes which add nuance and flavor to the character's preferred style of combat, their thought process and how they connect to the world at large.
The relationship between these attributes is defined on the KotC Combat page.
- Physique: The physical power attribute. Obtains victory though great crushing blows and builds pressure through relentless attacks.
- Technique: The physical grace attribute. Obtains victory through precise strikes and builds pressure with weakening parries and swift ripostes.
- Mettle: The physical endurance attribute. Obtains victory by outlasting the opposition and builds pressure by tiring the enemy with their own attacks and avoiding damage.
- Spirit: The mental power attribute. A measure of a character's force of will and integrity.
- Cunning: The mental grace attribute. A measure of a character's quickness of wit and ability to put together plans.
- Wisdom: The mental endurance attribute. A measure of a character's harmony with their environment and ability to notice the little things.
- Honor: The social power attribute. The thickness of nobility in a person's blood, their merit by promotion and follow the codes of chivalry and piety.
- Wealth: The social grace attribute. The weight of a person's coffers, skill at making money and acumen when dealing with mercenaries, moneylenders and all those who live by the coin.
- Dignity: The social endurance attribute. The distance one is willing to suffer all manner of social hardships, found in the ranks of rulers, diplomats and clergy.
Derived Attributes
As a rule, all qualities add a simple +1 to any one attributes in appropriate settings and allow for dramatic actions outside the norm. The following are simply suggestions for attributes, with suggestions to the GM being possible.
Fighting Style
- Blackguard
- Fighting dirty isn't merely a skill for this character, but something of an exceptional talent. They use poisoned weapons, throw dirt, attack from above and gleefully make use of dishonorable weapons such as incendiary cannons mounted to their Hochritters.
- Cavalier
- It is not merely enough to charge into battle. One must internalize the concept of elan, to master the power of mobility and put their weight behind blows. A cavalier can do just that and more, being equally adept at direct charges and ride-by skirmishes.
- Commander
- With troops at his back, the commander excels at fighting as the leader of a large unit. He stands tall, leads from the front and can outlast the opposition while grinding them into dust with his stronger forces.
- Defender
- A skilled enough shieldbearer or pikeman excels at holding his ground and makes the prospect of him fighting on the defensive dangerous prospects for his enemies. So long as his enemies are forced to come at him, he has the advantage.
- Duelist
- Fighting a single enemy on equal terms and with his full attention given to battle, there is nothing more dangerous than a duelist. His swings are lethally accurate, his maneuvers precise, controlled and have an almost artistic quality to them.
- Vanguard
- The first to enter the fray and often outnumbered and surrounded as a consequence, the character wades through massed enemy troops, knocking them aside with power blows and cutting a swathe through their formation. Bereft of any advantage besides himself, he is at his best.
- Alchemy
- Alchemy is one of the primary scholarly traditions on the continent, its adherents seeking the refinement of earthly elements into higher and purer forms through repeatable processes. Although alchemists are conflated with the apothecary trade because of the alchemical production of distilled liquids of various medicinal benefits, alchemy is a versatile power with as many distinct and unique practices as thaumaturgy and hedge magic.
- Fortune Telling
- An extremely recent offshoot of thaumaturgy that was the result of mingling with the superstitions of the poor and uneducated, fortune telling is a tradition that involves the use of symbolic objects and images to predict the future. These items that act as framing devices for a prediction which later may come true, guiding the perceptions of the practitioner to faraway places or allowing them to bring their anxieties or desires to life by deceiving the flawed corpus of the physical world world. There exist many philosophical and theological interpretations of what fortune telling is and does- none particularly complete to date.
- Hedge Magic
- Hedge magic is the traditional (and even rather archaic) mystical tradition which predates the thaumaturgy of the clergy and is something of a predecessor to alchemy. Rather than focusing on the power of symbols or the properties of the elements, hedge magic offers a holistic but weak approach that combines gestures and emotion with preparations made from exotic plants and animals, creating minor illusions, and weak effects easily surpassed by thaumaturge and diluted curatives that alchemy has long since refined and improved upon.
- Thaumaturgy
- Thaumaturgy is a sacred art of symbols and the evocation of spirits through ritual and reverence, both those trapped within the matter of the world and now residing in distant realms. While alchemy creates permanent wonders, thaumaturgy's effects are brief but powerful- summoning gusts of fire or deafening phantasms of roaring beasts. Thaumaturges are the sole people still allowed to know the ancient language of the Atlanteans, as the spirits remember the long-dead language and the ancient pacts once made with that people.
- Armoring
- Armoring tends to not refer to makers of man-sized armor, but to the craftsmen of the hochritters, eight-meter tall suits of armor that have been the siege weapons and grand cavalry since time immemorial.
- Blacksmithing
- Blacksmithing remains a fashion as apprentice armorers must hone their skills on lesser works first and men-at-arms and unmounted knights remain necessary for most warfare. Armorers and blacksmiths are both capable of repairing mechanical devices of lesser complexity than hochritters, such as rifles and the various machines that keep airships afloat.
- Cleric
- The character has a working knowledge of religious etiquette, rites and iconography, and some measure of authority as a consequence. How they obtained this is a matter of choice, either as a member of the secular or religious clergy, or perhaps having been cast out or left for whatever reason.
- Medicine
- Either a barber-surgeon or apothecary, the character has sufficient knowledge of medicine to treat others of their wounds and diseases. The burdgeoning power of alchemy and thaumaturgy have enhanced medicine to make a number of once-dangerous diseases recoverable.
- Performance
- The arts of musical performance, acting or even street magic are something of a skill for the character, who can dazzle and entertain the people around him.
- Sailing
- The character has all the skills necessary to keep an airship or watercraft moving and operational, and is able to navigate over aerial lanes and waterwats. If others lack these, he is able to instruct them to do so and keep order.
- Scholar
- A more scholarly character has a knowledge of the land in general, including the lay of the land, the various cultures of the continent and languages spoken by them.
- Trade
- A character skilled in trade and finance is an asset to any group, but especially one engaging in mercenary activities or otherwise pressed into mercantile concerns.