Talk:Faith Caldwell

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1: Why did you join the Technocracy? I was recruited at MIT, and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
2: What direction do you believe the world should be steered? Towards a better one. Which I think is one that blends man and machine more closer.
3: Are you patriotic towards any unenlightened nation? I'd think America is ace.
4: What do you do when not on duty? Research, visit with family and shop.
5: Do you have any important relations with other members of the Technocracy beyond GPT 4582? All technocrats are important to me.
6: Do you have any important relations with unenlightened people? I have close ties with my family....
7: Do you have any strong political opinions? What are they? I think that current Western "End of History" system is the most ideal and we should work to refine it.
8: What is your greatest ambition? To advance cybertechnology to the masses.
9: Are you happy with your present position? I'm doing pretty good for a person of my age and status.
10: If you could change one thing about your life what would it be? I'm not sure.