Amaranth Republic

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The Amaranth Republic is a populous and industrious republic in the near-system, circling the desolate planet Ardjet. Amaranth makes heavy use of advanced fortification technology and observer ships but lacks decent military of its own, having spent several decades loaning its naval yards and industrial facilities to nearby polities to finance reconstruction in other areas.





Maginot Line
Amaranth's civil engineering is peerless in the inner system, something which has carried over strongly to its military methodology, which favors strong fortifications.

The Alan Turing Project
Amaranth's constant push for military innovation and excellent consumer electronics have made their codebreakers enviable among the inner system nations.


Points: 160
Industry: 440
Upkeep: 240

  • Claria: 24
  • Sakuradite: 2
  • Adamant: 2
  • Sildron: 2


Mantegazzianus is a dense and populous planetoid sitting in a semi-habitable gas cloud which shares its name. Endless urban sprawl covers the planet and stretches far into the skies, the core hollowed out and filled with hundreds of miles of farmland. Despite the crowded nature of the cities, Mantegazzianian architecture has a practice of 'psychological insulation' that reduces the appearances of crowds and claustrophobia in public spaces with clever design, making them comfortable and attractive to live in in spite of this.

The impressive industrial facilities date back from the height of the old Corin dynasty, but have been continuously updated and upgraded with the passing of time.

  • 1 Gas Cloud + 1 Planetoid
    • 4 Metropolis


Acanthochiton is Mantegazzianus' sister city and rests opposite the Graecizans highlands in another similarly habitable zone. The cities of Acanthochiton are often called the 'terrace cities' or 'garden cities', owing to the vast expanse of floating and fixed terraces that span across the surface of the planetoid, covered in abundant green spaces that have been cultivated for decades and in many cases, centuries.

  • 1 Gas Cloud + 1 Planetoid
    • 4 Metropolis


Arenicola is an outlying city on the outer ring that bounds Amaranth territory and the gravitational pull of of Ardjet. Arenicola is prosperous port city and exists as a meeting point between Amaranth interests and foreign powers from beyond the planet's gravity.

  • 1 Ring
    • 1 Metropolis


Palmeri sits in the inner ring that seperates Amaranth territory from the inner orbit of Ardjet's' gravity well, and is consequently far less traveled by foreign ships. Its position on the shortest route around the Graecizans Highland makes it crucial for the exchange of goods within Amaranth space, and its sometimes used as a final resting point before those entering the highlands.

  • 1 Ring
    • 1 Metropolis


Graecizans is a dangerous sargasso region, sometimes called the 'tumbleweed highlands' for the strange metallic lattice bundles that roll swarm around in the region. The region dominates the view from the the twin moons of the Republic, as well as the imagination of the people, though Amaranth traders tend to see it as a nuissance to convenient trade than anything else. Enterprising merchants and prospectors sometimes visit Graecizans try and harvest the metallic bundles for use in scientific experiments. Many are never seen again.

  • 1 Sargasso


Points: 10 (150 IP)
Upkeep: 50/220

15 Andreu-class Light Cruiser (1 Claria)

  • (+0) S-class Interior Decorating

30 Sandoval III-class Transport Ship (1 Claria)

  • (+0) S-class Interior Decorating

30 Foot Brigade

  • (+0) Fashionable Militaria

200 Lore Villanueva IIa-type Bunker (1 Claria)

  • (+0) S-class Interior Decorating

8 Gaspar-type Cosmofortress (1 Claria)

  • (+0) S-class Interior Decorating